doubt, those who are Sahib-e-Imaan and who have pious
deeds to their credit, Allah, the Rahman will create
love for them
Allah would inculcate love in the hearts of the people
for those who are pious. A Hadis goes: When Almighty
Allah adopts some pious person as His Mehboob, then
Allah tells Gabriel (A.S.) that I love so and so person,
you also love him! Thus Gabriel (A.S.) also starts
loving that person, then Gabriel (A.S.) spreads the word
that Allah loves that person. Thus all those who live in
the sky (heavens) also start loving that person. Then
recognition and honour has been put for him on earth (Sahih
Bokhari Kitab Al-Adab Baab Al-Maqt Min Allah Taalah)
Quran along with Urdu translation and Tafseer Shah Fahd
Quran Kareem Printing Complex)
Wa Imaani Wa Roohaani!
It has been
found out that love and Mawaddat have been termed the
fruits of Qurb-e-Illahi. It has been a decent and good
practice to be a devotee of pious persons of Rahman and
Raheem just because they are the beloved and pious
persons of God. Almighty Allah has promised His pious
persons that He will create love for them in the hearts
of people. Love and devotion is commensurate with heart,
inner and spiritual soul and there are some particular
methods being practised by those who are wise to express
those sentiments. But the Muslim Ummah that has the
honour of being the Ummat-e-Wasat has adopted a method
that is commensurate to religion and Shariat because
considering the marks of Aulia-e-Allah a blessing from
amongst the marks of servitude is a clear-cut prove of
heartily and spiritual love. Then come those holy
personalities whose love and Mawaddat has been termed
Ajr-e-Risalat by the Creator making their love binding
and respect to their marks the foremost. These are the
personalities for whom Almighty Allah says in

Rasool, tell them that I do not ask for any Ajr but
those who are close to me should be loved. Therefore,
it has been said: This ayah was revealed for Qurba of
Rasool(S.A.W) and they are Ali,Fatima, Hasan and
Hussain(A.S)(Hawala mushtay az kharwaray
shawahid-ut-Tanzeel lil Hakim Al-Hasqani Al-Hanfi, Vol:2
p:130, Hadith 822)
personalities are respected and like them are respected
their marks, graves and mausoleums. Respect and
adoration are not pasanism (shirk) but the worship other
than Allah is so. The worship is only for Allah while
respect and adoration is for Shaair Allah.
As Almighty Allah says:
respect to Shaair Allah has been termed a part of
Taqwa, and Taqwa is the height of Qurb-e-Illahi.
Shaair is plural to Shaeerah, which means mark and
sign, therefore, the marks of the religion are termed
Shaair Allah that help restore singularity and
distinction of a Muslim. Like Safa and Marwah
(hill-tops) are also called Shaair Allah and Muslims
perform Saaee in between these two hill-tops, the
sacrificial animals are also called Shaair Allah and
their respect is termed Taqwa at heart. Another Quranic
Aayah says:
who will respect the Hurumaat-Allah, there are blessings
of Allah for him.
That means that
respect of Hurumaat-Allah and Shaair Allah is Taqawa
and the blessing at the same time. Imam Fakharuddin
Raazi says that Hurmat means a thing disrespect for
which is not Halaal and all those things disrespect for
which is Haraam is Aayah, sign and mark with the marfat
of Allah. Therefore, Anbia-e-Karaam (A.S.), Ahle Bait
Athaar, pious Sahaba Kubaar are the highest Hurumaat.
The respect of their marks is similarly obligatory as it
was when they were alive. Sahaba-e-Kubaar used to
respect every thing, which had a link with the
personality of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Hazrat Yaqubs
eye-sight was restored when he touched the clothes of
Hazrat Yousaf(A.S) to his eyes. A saying of Hazrat Ali
ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) goes: When the
Paighambar-e-Akram was buried, Fatima Zahra came near
the holy grave, picked up a handful of earth from the
grave, touched it to her eyes and wept (Wafa Al-Wafa:
Vol 4)
Fatima Zahra used to
visit the holy grave of her uncle Hazrat Hamza every
Friday, offer prayers and wept (Mustadrak Hakim: Vol 1)
It indicates that giving respect to Shaair Allah and
Hurumaat-Allah is actually Taqawa, to rate the values as
great and to promote and disseminate those pious
qualities that were commensurate with Khasaan-e-Khuda.
Muslims would have been enjoying a great deal in the
universe if they had followed that practice. The other
nations were not only keeping the marks of their elders
intact yet they were busy day and night for the survival
of their respect and sanctity. But unfortunately, the
Muslims the world over could not keep the sanctity and
honour of the holy places, and holy graves intact the
biggest example of which is Jannatul Mualla and Jannatul
Baqee (where the Khanwada-e-Risalat, Ahle Bait Athaar,
Ummahatul Momineen and Sahaba Kubaar are buried) that
were bulldozed on Shawal 8, 1926 committing the great
desecration which is equal to desecration of Quran and
Sunnah. These destructed holy graves are posing an open
challenge to the Ghairat-o-Hamiyyat of the Muslims at
large. The Muslims should keep in mind that if we are
justified in seeking independence of the oppressed
nations, achievement of Al-Quds, reconstruction of Babri
Masjid, restoration of Dargah Hazrat Bal and Shah
Hamadan then the Muslims at large should get the
sanctity of Jannatul Mualla and Jannatul Baqee restored
by getting the holy graves therein reconstructed, and
declare upon the world by synchronising their words and
deeds that Muslims inside and outside is same and the
issue of Jannatul Baqee and Jannatul Mualla does not
belong to any particular Maktab, country or Maslak but
it is an issue of the whole Islamic world as well as of
Hurmat-e-Insaniyyat. The United Nations that boasts to
be the champion of human rights and representative of
all worldly nations should initiate some steps in this
connection while the OIC, being the representative body
of the Muslims at large, should force the Saudi rulers
to reconstruct these holy graves.
Moreover, we demand
from the Government of Pakistan to exert diplomatic
pressure on the Saudi government, under the May 21, 1985
Junejo-Moosavi agreement for the reconstruction of the
holy graves in Jannatul Mualla and Jannatul Baqee
because our main objective is Islam, promotion of Islam,
and supremacy of the Islamic World.
Wassalam Maal Ikraam,

Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan