Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr execution is a murder of justice, Moosavi announces 3-day mourning – Tehreek Round Up (December 03, 2015 ~ January 31, 2016)
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January 31, 2016 January 28, 2016 January 25, 2016 January 22, 2016 January 21, 2016 January 20, 2016 January 19, 2016 January 17, 2016 January 15, 2016 January 14, 2016 January 13, 2016 January 12, 2016 January 10, 2016 January 09, 2016 January 08, 2016 January 05, 2016 January 04, 2016 January 03, 2016 January 02, 2016 December 24, 2015: December 22, 2015: December 20, 2015: December 19, 2015: December 18, 2015: December 17, 2015: December 15, 2015: December 12, 2015: December 11, 2015: December 10, 2015: December 7, 2015: December 6, 2015: December 3, 2015:
ISLAMABAD, January 31: Chief patron of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e FiqahJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that bomb blasts near the holy shrine of the holy Prophets (PBUH&HHP) granddaughter Syeda Zainab bint-e- Ali (A.S) is an attack on Islamic honour and inhuman act of terrorism. The day of peaceful Protest will be commemorated on Monday to raise voice for the protection of Islamic signs. Brutal terrorists are afraid of the teachings of Islam advocating peace and tolerance for the whole humanity. He said that the shrines of the holy Prophets, sacred Ahl e Bait (A.S), and pious companions of the holy Prophet (PBUH&HHP) are the common heritage of Muslim Ummah, those funding for the destruction of the shrines are playing stooges in the hands of anti-Islamic forces. United Nations must fulfill its responsibilitiestowards the protection of signs attributed to all religions including Islam. He said this while addressing to a central delegation of Mukhtar Students Organization led by ZulnoorainHaider while chairman Mukhtar Students Organization Syed Bu Ali Mehdi was also present on the occasion. Agha Moosavi further said that Obamas last address to the State of Union is meaningful while recent acts of terrorism are closely related with Obamas predictions. General RaheelShareef is from the family of Nishan e Haider, he will not accept the blame of extension therefore, in accordance with the National aspirations, the constitutional period of Army chiefs tenure must be extended to four years. Despite continued Indian accusations against Pakistan, the desire for talks with India seems to be a funny desire. Pakistan must demand from India to share findings of the Samjhota Express case. Successes achieved in Karachi operation are worth appreciating however; the concerns and questions raised against National Action Plan cannot be stopped unless a similar operation is performed in Punjab and federal Capital Islamabad also. Promoting literacy rate is the most effective and long lasting solution of the menace of terrorism while the terrorist attacks on educational institutions starting from APS Peshawar to Bacha Khan University are the proofs of their hatred against Education.
Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that had the collation of US-India not used Afghan soil against Pakistan and terrorists were not supported through funding and arms, the menace of terrorism would have been eradicated. In order to stop infiltration from Afghanistan, Pak-Afghan border must be fenced. Keeping Pakistan indulged in its internal disturbances is the common agenda of the chief of the colonial powers United States and its stooges as they want to make Pakistan a battlefield and to serve this purpose they targeted the pro Pakistan tribes thrice to destroy peace efforts. The collation of India, America and Afghanistan and ineffective implementation of National Naction Plan is strengthening the terrorists. Two dozen Indian consulates in Afghanistan are working against Pakistan while the proofs of the recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan are also leading towards India through Afghanistan. Agha Moosavi said that Indian tricks to strengthen her roots in Afghanistan are shameless as India was a supporter of Russian invasion of Afghanistan but as the Russia got defeated, India changed her side towards America and at the end of Taliban government, India established her relationships with the puppet government of Afghanistan and reaping its fruit event today. He said that India is conspiring against Pakistan and China and therefore, supporting terrorists in Sankyang province of China and Balouchistan, FATA, Sindh and especially in the city of Karachi in Pakistan. Pakistan must join hands with China to formulate a comprehensive strategy against the Indian conspiracies while Pakistan must also demand for handover of the terrorists involved in attacks against Pakistan during four-state meeting of America, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the rulers and security agencies of Pakistan must stay alert towards the international conspiracies against nuclear capable Islamic welfare state of Pakistan while they must also remember to keep the activities of US embassy under monitoring which is acting as an arsenal where the amount of arms and ammunition can cause a large scale destruction. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Pakistan must utilize its all diplomatic resources to confront Indian propaganda while the oppression and brutal aggression against the minorities in India must also be exposed to the world. Meanwhile , a committee has been constituted to organize the nation-wide protest day demonstrations and programs , Allam Mohsin Ali Hamdani will be the convener while Allama Muhammad Abbas Zaini and Syed Samar ul Hassan Naqvi will be the secretary and deputy secretary of the committee.
ISLAMABAD, January 28:The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi that demand to do more will continue in the presence of banned groups. If the war-mongering forces will stage press conferences about attack on Pathankot by sitting on the Pakistan soil then how can the world forces will accept that Pakistan is serious in rooting out terrorism. Not only American, France, India and Afghanistan president but also the Pakistani Senate and assemblies are also demand more action against terrorists. This was stated by him while talking to a representative delegation that called on him at the head of Tehreek Tahaffuz Wila and Aza and Hurmat-e-Sadaats Chief Organiser Makhdoom Syed Nazakat Hussain Shah Naqvi and its Central Spokesman Zakir Ali Khokhar Advocate. Agha Moosavi said that Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif is utilising all his energies in rooting out terrorism. In Karachi, situation has gone better owing to Rangers operation but the government is fully supporting them as a result of which there is a question mark on the operation in other provinces including Punjab on the pattern of Karachi and FATA. He said the Army Chiefs announcement not to seek extension in his tenure that is going to end after 10 months is laudable. By doing so, he has not only increased in his honour but also doubled the dignity of the Pakistans Armed Forces. The TNFJ chief lamented that Muslim States are busy in confrontation with each other. Iran, Saudia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and many other States are the ones that have been pushed towards disaster by the international colonial powers. He said the highest leadership of Pakistan has played an important role in reducing the Saudi-Iran tension but Saudi policy of non-acceptance is benefiting the international colonial powers. On the other hand, he added, the role of OIC is not understandable as it had to make peace between the two countries so as to thwart the international conspiracy against the Muslim World. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi termed the demand of Pakistans Adviser for Foreign Affairs from India to give date for parleys as funny. He said this should be kept in mind that you make engage how many dialogues but this region cannot become the hub of peace until the Kashmir issue is resolved in the light of the United Nations Resolutions keeping to the desires of the Kashmiris.
ISLAMABAD , January 25: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that increasing tension among Muslim states is not only suspicious for the region but it can be highly dangerous for the entire world. The main reason of these tensions is increasing terrorism, which has now become a worldwide problem. Sons of this soil and soldiers of this country are presenting their lives to destroy the hubs of terrorism in the country. After all these efforts, attack on Bacha Khan University Charsada is a question mark, yet the real cause on the incident of terrorism even after Operation is the procrastination in the implementation of all the Articles of National Action Plan. If NAP were implemented in its true sense, the slaughtering of innocent young man Syed Muzammil Hussain Shah at Bhal Syedan Tehsil Fateh Jang, would have never happened. Government must arrest immediately and give exemplary punishments to the assassins of Syed Muzzamil Shah and military Operation should be carried out throughout the country, including Fatah e Jhung against terrorists. These thoughts were expressed by him while addressing to a religious assembly held in connection to Youm e Qayam Mukhtar e Aal e Muhammad on Monday 25th of January, which is observed with religious zeal and enthusiasm throughout the country. He said Terrorists belong to no religion, nationality or creed, all those Madrassas which have become nurseries for terrorists are defaming the real Madrassas should immediately be closed. Rulers and politicians have engulfed themselves in the shell of personal interests. To crush the terrorism and Yazidiat, we will have to adopt the character of Mukhtar e Aal e Muhammad (SAWW).
Aqa e Moosavi iterated that Pakistan is facing the curse of terrorism since 1980s. After 16th December, 2014 APS Peshawar incident, National Action Plan was set up with the mutual consensus of all the parties and then Operation Zarb e Azb started, which is still continued with a great success. On the other hand, the responsibility of Pathankot incident was not only put on Pakistan, but also even after so much cooperation with India, Indian Ministers and French President also blamed Pakistan. AmericanPresident Obamas prediction, that for decades Pakistan will remain in crisis, represents that Pakistan is on the hit list of imperialist powers just because Pakistan is the fort of Islam and only nuclear power in the entire Islamic world. Aqa e Moosavi iterated that we a just a single question from American President Obama and French president that why are they so hesitant to expose who are responsible for all the terrorism acts in Pakistan before and after APS incidents? This is transparently clear that all the terrorism incidents in Pakistan are channelized by India. More than two dozen Indian consulates in Afghanistan are the nurseries of terrorists and terrorism. Afghanistan is acting as Team B of India. This proves that entire infidel world is acting against Pakistan. Aqa e Moosavi asserted that to compete with the infidel world we will have to follow the character of Hazrat Mukhtar e Thaqafi. Meanwhile, solidarity expressed with Pakistan Army in nationwide programes of Youm e Qayam Mukhtar e Aal e Muhammad.
ISLAMABAD, January 22: On the call of the chief patron of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e FiqahJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi peaceful Youm e Ehtajaj (the day of protest) held across the country to express solidarity with the bereaved families of the victims of Charsadda incident and raise voice against the terrorism through peaceful gatherings and rallies. A similar protest rally was staged in the federal capital Islamabad under the auspices of TNFJs Youm e Ehtajaj Committee at the National Press Club Islamabad which was led by the Ulama, scholars and other dignitaries of the Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah e Jafariya. While addressing to the gathering on this occasion, Allama Basharat Hussain Imami read the special message of Quaid e Millat-e- Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi in which he said that the grief of the APS Peshawr incident had not vanished yet when another incident in Charsadda has shook the nation. He stressed upon the government to condole and pay consolations to the victims of the Charsadda incident, arrange security related trainings and orientations for educational institutions at local levels while the citizens must be provided with the licensed weapons. He said that our enemy is aiming to destroy our future due to the hypocrisy and dual faced policies of our rulers and politicians. Action on most of the postulates of the National Action Plan is still awaited while the Army chief has declared 2016 as the end of terrorism. He said that Pathankots responsibility is being put on Pakistan as since the threat given by the Indian defense minister, more than six incidents of terrorism have taken place which also include attack on Pakistani consulate in Afghanistan.
Agha Moosavi said that Prime Ministers upcoming meeting on 25th January will only be fruitful if action is taken as per all the postulates of the National Action Plan, Operation Zarb e Azab is supported, and express separation from the terrorists and any relation with them is declared as a crime. In this connection, more than seven dozen banned/proscribed organizations must be clutched and the scope of the rangers operation is expanded to all the provinces including the federal capital Islamabad. He reminded that the whole Muslim Ummah is facing great challenges while dangerous paths are being adopted to come out of them which can cause more damage. He said that the result of intervention in Afghanistan using Jahadis during the 80s is now being faced by the whole nation. Pakistan lost more than sixty thousand precious lives after the 9/11 drama while billions and trillions have lost.
Agha Moosavi said that the 34-state alliance has been declared as a Sunni alliance by Obama while other members of the alliance are also using the same terminology which means that sectarian divide is being promoted to break Muslim Ummah as the remaining 23 states have not been included in this alliance. He said that Mufti e Azam of Saudi Arabia has declared ISIS as a part of the Israeli armed forces and called its members as unfaithful and khwaarij which stood against the Islamic states and declared them Kaafir and declared the killings of Muslims as legitimate. Agha Moosavi said that instead of fighting against terrorism, Muslims are being indulged in wars against each other which in fact are the proxy wars of the international powers. Hence, it is mandatory to revive OIC and thwart the conspiracies against Muslim states.
Naeem Kazmi, Zulfiqar Ali Raja, AllamaGuftarSadqi and AllamaWaqarQumi also addressed the gathering. Meanwhile, as per reports received by the central Youm e Ehtaja Committee of TNFJ, protests and Majalis e Tarheem were held at Lahore Press Club, Kohat Press Club, Larkana Press Club, Quetta, Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan, QadamgahMaula Ali (A.S) Haiderabad, Hazara Town barori Quetta, Drug Road Shah Faisal Karachi and other cities and towns of Pakistan to express solidarity with the martyrs of Charsadda and protest against terrorism.
ISLAMABAD, January 21: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that to keep the Indian supremacy sustained in the region, international imperialist powers want Pakistan to be in different crisis and destabilized. Charsadda incident is the continuity of the same evil plan, but enemy must keep in mind that COAS Gen. Raheel Shareef has given the great tiding that 2016 terrorism will completely be annihilated from Pakistan. Those who received martyrdom by the hands of terrorists in Bacha Khan University added a new golden chapter in the book of martyrdom with their blood. Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (AS) faced the worse oppressors and dictators of his time yet he countered them bravely and never bowed down to them. With his character, he practically proved that the forces of Islam are the soldiers of Allah who cannot be defeated. No oppressor of any time can let them down; because its a promise of Allah that Righteousness will always be successful and falsehood always face defeat. These thoughts were expressed by him while addressing to the concluding holy ceremony of Ayyam e Askarian in connection to the birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Askari (AS). Aqa e Moosavi iterated that Pak-Army and Operation Zarb e Azb has broken the backbone of terrorists who, just like wounded foxes are attacking of schools, universities, and on security forces and targeting innocent citizens and just to please their foreign lords, they are buying hell for themselves. He said that the speech of President Obama to the session of Congress represent thought of imperialist ring leader and gives a picture of New World Order 2, in which he clearly said that America will remain a super power for centuries and other countries will look up to America for help and assistance. He said that Pakistan, Afghanistan Central America, Africa and some other countries of South East Asia will remain in crisis for few coming decades where terrorist will establish their hubs. Such types of predictions represent the intentions of America for the world, where she want to establish Indian dominancy in South East Asia and Jews dominancy in the Gulf region. Aqa e Moosavi said that condemning the burning of Saudi Embassy in Iran by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatull Khamina represents his magnanimity. Hamid Moosavi also appreciated the visit of COAS Gen. Raheel Shareef and Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Shareef to Iran and asserted that the purpose of Pakistan is to perform the role of mediator in the region. Thus it is a humble request to both the countries, specially to Saudi Arabia to show same magnanimity and restore former good diplomatic relations with Iran and immediately stop the war in Yamen and other countries. OIC should be promoted so that all the anti-Islamic conspiracies could be failed. Agha Hamid Moosavi asserted that to establish peace and stability in the country, it is necessarily important to implement all the articles of National Action Plan in its true sense and action should be taken against all the banned organizations and terrorists without any discrimination. He also said that to condemn the continued terrorist incidents in the country, Friday will be observed as Youm e Ehtajaj and peaceful protests will be carried out throughout the country.
ISLAMABAD, January 20:The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi while declaring the coward activity of terrorist attack on Bach Khan University, Charsadda a result of threats hurled by Indian defence minister has said that the Hindu Banya has done what they had said. Government should break her silence and raise the issue of massacre of innocent people in Pakistan at the United Nations and get India declared a terrorist State. The nation shares the grief of the bereaved families of the Shuhada of the attack. He said all religious institutions being run under the Tanzeem Al-Madaras Jafariya will remain closed for three days to mourn the tragic terrorist incident while a peaceful Protest Day will be observed on Friday. Agha Moosavi giving his reaction in a statement on the Chasadda incident said that India staged a new drama in the garb of Pathankot Air Base attack on January 2 and was blaming Pakistan despite Pakistans cooperation. He said the Indian defence minister has not only refused entry to the Pakistans investigators rather threatened of dire consequences after which blasts at Pakistani Consulate in Afghanistan, immunization centre and FC vehicle in Quetta, private TV channel office in Islamabad, suicide attack on Khasadar post in Peshawar were carried out therefore the Wednesdays attack on Bacha Khan University in Charsadda is an attack by our perpetual enemy. The TNFJ chief said that our enemy desires to sabotage Operation Zarb-e-Azb, China Pakistan Economic Corridor, and 4-nation alliance. He said the Wednesdays attack in which bloodbath was given to students and teachers revived the Army Public School incident that is an attack on the nation and the country. He lamented that complete implementation on the National Action Plan was not carried out because our rulers keep friendship and self-interest viz terrorists and their facilitators and a picture of a provincial minister with a chief of a banned group published in newspapers stands witness to it. He said the governments attention was invited to this issue but it seems that rulers and politicians consider terrorists their requirement because had they been sincere in rooting out terrorism then they would not have allowed them to sit along with them rather would have tightened noose around them. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi called upon the government to ensure implementation of all provisions of the National Action Plan and expand the Operation Zarb-e-Azb against terrorists in all provinces fulfilling the norms of justice and fair-play while national interests and dignity and honour of the country should be given priority over all other matters.
ISLAMABAD, January 19:The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of TehreekNafazFiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that making reconciliation efforts between the two countries by Prime Minister of Pakistan and Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif are commendable. Pakistan, despite its engagement with internal and external enemies has given priority for the unity of its brothers. If friendship can be made with atheist forces, agreements can be signed with America, hands can be shaken with Russia, promises can be made with India then why Iran and Saudi Arabia cannot make peace with each other? An emergent session of the OIC may have been summoned by playing an active role to make peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The atheist forces are united while Muslims are spread, entangling with each other, cutting each others throat and shedding blood. These views were expressed by him while addressing the TNFJ elite from Mansehra and Hazara Region. Agha Moosavi said Islam is commensurate with peace and tranquillity, condemns war and all types of aggression and declares Muslims as brother to each other. He said if any conflict is created amongst them then following the Godly commandment in Surah Al-Hijraat, peace should be made between them. If they both commit excess with each other then you may all fight with the onewho commits excess till the time he gives up oppression. And if he comes back then make peace between them with justice and do justice as Allah loves whose who perform justice. The TNFJ chief said that the international colonial powers always desired to cause harm to the Islamic World and to make Muslim States a battlefield. That is why, he added, after 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, Yemen rather most of the Muslim States are suffering with anarchy and instability. He said in this situation, giving death to 47 persons including Ayatollah Baqir Al-Nimr by the brotherly country Saudi Arabia added fuel to the fire making the whole world a symbol of protest. As a result, he added, the Saudi embassy in Iran was set on fire which was the violation of international law and it was condemned by all. He said both sides are enraged at present on which the evil forces are adding fuel. Agha Moosavi made it clear that we have relations with Saudi Arabia and besides political, cultural and diplomatic relations, our financial and economic interests are also attached with them. He said more than 3 million labourers are employed there who are an immense source of foreign exchange for the country. Similarly, he added, Iran is our brotherly neighbourly country that has supported us in wars against India. Our war-planes remained safe at the Iranian airports in the 1965 war and it was Iran that recognised Pakistan before everyone else. Iran also supported Pakistan in getting the United Nations membership and there exists not tension with Iran. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that our perpetual enemy India spares no opportunity to cause harm to us. She tried her utmost to put the blame of Pathankot incident on Pakistan but it is proving to be an international lie. That is why, he added, despite Pakistans offer to cooperate in investigations into it, the threatening statement of Indian defence minister unveiled the Indian designs otherwise. But, he said, the question arises that who is responsible for attack on Pakistani Consulate in Afghanistan, suicide attack near the immunization centre in Quetta, remote control bomb attack on FC vehicle and terrorist incident in Peshawar Tuesday? He lamented and asked that why Pakistani rulers are hesitating inunveiling Indian designs on the international fora despite having concrete proof of terrorism against Pakistan?
ISLAMABAD, January 18: The Chief patron of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that right according to our demand, the visit of Prime Minister and Army Chief to Iran and Saudi Arabia is the need of the hour as de-escalation of the situation between the two countries is the symbol of the unity of Islamic world. The proxy war of Iran and Saudi Arabia has supported Israel and anti-Islamic forces therefore; both countries must unite against the common enemy of Islam and must stop fighting for conquering Muslim world. King Salman must learn lesson from the end of Saddam and stop intervention in Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria, give rights to the people of Eastern Saudi Arabia, similarly, the nuclear agreement of Iran and its friendship with India are a deviation from the path of Imam Khomeini as acquiring nuclear technology for defense purpose is the fundamental right of every country. Iran-Saudi conflict has served Israeli objectives. Agha Moosavi said the last state address of President Obama has exposed the American designs behind creation of ISIS to destabilize Muslim countries for a long period of time. Death penalty of human rights activists like Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr is part of the American plan to create destabilization in the region. Had the National Action Plan fully implemented, Pakistan would not be blamed for Pathankot attacks. In order to curb the terrorism in 2016, all rulers and politicians must support Pakistans armed forces. Economic corridor is Pakistans key to development and must be completed at any cost while maintaining national consensus, all promises made with all provinces on 28th May 2015 must be fulfilled while the western part of the economic corridor must be completed on priority. He said this while talking to a delegation of TFNJ Chakwal led by Syed Saghir Kamil and Khabeer Adil Moosavi. Agha Moosavi said that in 1979, Imam Khomeini demolished a twenty five hundred year old imperialism and clarified to the world that there is no value for the dictators and kings but the security and strength of the states exist in democracy. He said that on one hand the Iranian revolution caused disturbance to the world of evil while on the other hand, it was also a warning to the states where dictators and kings are ruling through oppression. In order to fail the Iranian revolution, Iraq was used to attack Iran while American foreign minister Kassenger said that we succeeded in making the two Muslim countries fight against each other as they will now finish each other however, under the leadership of Iranian leader Agha Khumeni, Iran successfully defended itself for a long period of 8 years and international powers and their stooges failed. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the history stands witness on the fact that Saddam attacked Kuwait on the advice of American lady ambassador and then in order to regain Kuwait, the western powers entered the middle-eastern states and built their military bases. Since then the Muslim states are continuously getting weaker and weaker while Israel is peacefully enjoying the fighting amongst Muslim states. After this, the drama of 9/11 was also staged to crush Muslim states and secure Israel. Agha Moosavi said that Saudi Arab was engaged to attack Yemen and kill the peace loving Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr by the colonial powers. He said that Iran and Saudi conflict is a test for Islamic world, and Pakistans Prime Minister and Army chiefs decision to play their role for de-escalation of the situation is right according to our demand which is a wise decision. This will highlight Pakistans positive role in Muslim world while our relations with other Muslim states will also flourish. He said that as the army chief General Raheel Shareef has said that 2016 will be the last year of terrorism and therefore, Pakistans armed forces are fighting against this menace with extraordinary spirit, courage and valor while offering countless sacrifices on this course; it is extremely important that all politicians and rulers extend full support to our armed forces to make their operation Zarb e Azab a success. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that may it be the 34-state alliance of resumption of relations between India and Pakistan, both are driven by America. He said that the government must address concerns of all provinces and politicians and pursue the project of Pakistan-China Economic corridor which is causing great disturbance among the anti-Pakistan forces. Agha Moosavi reminded that the banned/proscribed organizations are openly operating using their old as well as new names, their leaders are addressing the public gatherings, conferences, and seminars without any hesitation. All banned organizations have returned to the screen under the garb of Iran-Saudia conflict therefore, must be curbed without any delay. If we have to save the whole Islamic world from the conspiracies of the anti-Muslim colonial conspiracies then we will have to give preference to the national and religious interests while keeping personal and political interests at a side.
ISLAMABAD, January 15: The Youm-e-Tarheem to express solidarity with the Pakistans Armed Forces, to pay homage to Martyrs, for implementation on the National Action Plan, and against terrorism was observed throughout the country Friday on the call of Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya PakistanAgha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi. According to information reaching the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashayyo protest demonstrations in this connection were staged at National Press Club Islamabad, Abid Majeed Road, Darbar Shah Chan Chiragh, Darbar Shah Piyara Peshawar Road, Press Club Peshawar, Press Club Larkana, AzaKhana Zehra Lahore, DarbarAal-e-Muhammad Dera Ghazi Khan, Darbar Shah Shams Multan, QadamgahMaula Ali Hyderabad, Hazara Town Brewery Quetta, Drigh Road Shah Faisal Karachi whileMajalis-e-Tarheem were held in all small and big cities of the country. Agha Moosavi while addressing the Majlis Shuhada-e-Deen and Watan, on the occasion of country-wide Youm-e-Tarheem said the defence of the Harmain Sharifain is the duty in faith of the whole Islamic World and even the life can be sacrificed for this cause. He said at present the biggest threat posed to the Harmain Sharifain and the Saudi government is their thinking and ideology of razing to ground the holy shrines of Anbia, Sahaba and Ahle Bait which is being carried out even today. He said a comprehensive strategy may be devised in the oncoming OIC session to overcome the Iran-Saudi conflict which is the most important need of the hour.
The TNFJ chief saidMuslims are like a one body and the Shahadat of Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nmir is a conspiracy aimed at shattering the Islamic unity. He said raising voice against oppression is the norm of Shariat-e-Muhammadi and commandment of Holy Quran and those who deprive the right to protest on illegal punishments in other countries are unaware of Shariat-e-Muhammadi, and are following the colonial line the purpose of which is to suppress the voice of protest against Afia Siddiqui, punishment of Morsi, and giving open hand to Israel, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh to carry out atrocities. He said giving open permission to stage seminars to those banned groups who support oppression besides giving them media coverage is tantamount to negation of the National Action Plan.
The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said why the agreements that Sartaj Aziz is trying to justify for inclusion in the 34-nation alliance, were not implemented in Yemen war? He said people should not be misled, because if Pakistan becomes a party in the war of Arab and Ajam then how can it play the arbitrary role in overpowering Saudi-Iran tension? He said Pakistans offer for cooperation in probe against Pathankot Airbase attack is alright but what about not inviting the attention of international organisations to the proofs of Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan? He advised the government not to let the successes of Pakistans Armed Forces go waste by tearing apart the National Action Plan.
ISLAMABAD, January 15: The Youm-e-Tarheem to express solidarity with the Pakistans Armed Forces, to pay homage to Martyrs, for implementation on the National Action Plan, and against terrorism was observed throughout the country Friday on the call of Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya PakistanAgha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi. According to information reaching the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashayyo protest demonstrations in this connection were staged at National Press Club Islamabad, Abid Majeed Road, Darbar Shah Chan Chiragh, Darbar Shah Piyara Peshawar Road, Press Club Peshawar, Press Club Larkana, AzaKhana Zehra Lahore, DarbarAal-e-Muhammad Dera Ghazi Khan, Darbar Shah Shams Multan, QadamgahMaula Ali Hyderabad, Hazara Town Brewery Quetta, Drigh Road Shah Faisal Karachi whileMajalis-e-Tarheem were held in all small and big cities of the country. Agha Moosavi while addressing the Majlis Shuhada-e-Deen and Watan, on the occasion of country-wide Youm-e-Tarheem said the defence of the Harmain Sharifain is the duty in faith of the whole Islamic World and even the life can be sacrificed for this cause. He said at present the biggest threat posed to the Harmain Sharifain and the Saudi government is their thinking and ideology of razing to ground the holy shrines of Anbia, Sahaba and Ahle Bait which is being carried out even today. He said a comprehensive strategy may be devised in the oncoming OIC session to overcome the Iran-Saudi conflict which is the most important need of the hour. The TNFJ chief saidMuslims are like a one body and the Shahadat of Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nmir is a conspiracy aimed at shattering the Islamic unity. He said raising voice against oppression is the norm of Shariat-e-Muhammadi and commandment of Holy Quran and those who deprive the right to protest on illegal punishments in other countries are unaware of Shariat-e-Muhammadi, and are following the colonial line the purpose of which is to suppress the voice of protest against Afia Siddiqui, punishment of Morsi, and giving open hand to Israel, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh to carry out atrocities. He said giving open permission to stage seminars to those banned groups who support oppression besides giving them media coverage is tantamount to negation of the National Action Plan. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said why the agreements that Sartaj Aziz is trying to justify for inclusion in the 34-nation alliance, were not implemented in Yemen war? He said people should not be misled, because if Pakistan becomes a party in the war of Arab and Ajam then how can it play the arbitrary role in overpowering Saudi-Iran tension? He said Pakistans offer for cooperation in probe against Pathankot Airbase attack is alright but what about not inviting the attention of international organisations to the proofs of Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan? He advised the government not to let the successes of Pakistans Armed Forces go waste by tearing apart the National Action Plan.
ISLAMABAD, January 13: While strongly condemning the suicide attacks in Quetta and Jalalabad Afghanistan on Wednesday, the chief patron of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has declared the incidents as heinous conspiracy against the project of Economic Corridor, Zarb e Azab Operation, and 4-state alliance. In a statement issued from the head quarter of Maktab e Tashayyo he expressed heartfelt condolences on the martyrdoms of the members of Police, FC and innocent civilians and announced to observe Youm e Tarheem on Friday. Agha Moosavi reminded that after the tragic incident of APS Peshawar on 16th December 2014 in which more than 150 innocent children were brutally murdered while the whole nation mourned it, all national political parties under the leadership of the Prime Minister formulated the National Action Plan to support concrete action against the terrorism and decided to keep Zarb e Azab Operation continued with full spirit so that the fight against terrorism could be taken to its logical conclusion. He said that the evil forces have started operating again against the formulation of Economic Corridor plan and 4-state alliance while lack of action on all postulates of the National Action Plan is the fundamental reason behind it. The inaction on National Action Plan is the reason that the terrorist organizations have been operating openly and are free to hold gatherings, processions and rallies while media also give full coverage to such organizations which indicates the dual faced policies of the government. Agha Moosavi stressed that in order to curb the menace of terrorism, the leaders and politicians will have to abandon hypocrisy, align their actions with their statements while comprehensive implementation of National Action Plan and preference to the national interests are also mandatory. Agha Moosavi further stressed upon the government to extend the scope of Karachi rangers operation and operation Zarb e Azab to internal Sindh, Balouchistan, KPK, Punjab and the federal capital. Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that our beloved homeland is the victim of terrorism for the last three decades, we have lost more than 70 thousand lives which included the sacrifices of more than 10 thousand officials of our security agencies. Agha Moosavi said that Youm e Tarheem will be observed on Friday to commemorate their sacrifices and pay tributes to the martyrs that involved the martyrs of Armed forces, police, protectors of sacred places, and the souls of Momineen o Muslimeen includng Shaheed Ayatullah Baqir al Namr, and Ayatullah Jawad Shirazi. On this occasion, Quran Khwani, Majalis e Tarheem and special prayers will be offered to elevate the status of these martyrs while peaceful protests will also be made against the menace of terrorism. Meanwhile, TNFJs Youm e Tarheem Committee was formed, Dr S. Zaman has been nominated as convener while Syed Samar ul Hassan as the secretary of the committee.
ISLAMABAD, January 12: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that we will have to get rid of satanic forces so as to get rid of terrorism completely who are out to shatter the peace of Muslim States and the Istanbul suicide blast is a continuation of the same conspiracy. Implementation of all provisions of the National Action Plan should be ensured for restoration of durable peace in Pakistan while the electronic and print media are giving full coverage to the banned groups working by changing their names in violation of the National Action Plan. These groups are wandering about freely and have open permission to stage public meetings and rallies which is tantamount to Hippocratic attitude and a violation of the National Action Plan therefore the rulers and politicians would have to give up duplication in their words and deeds otherwise the conspiracies of the enemies would prevail. These views were expressed by him while talking to the elite of TNFJ Kohat Region who called on him at the head of Sharbat Ali Bangash and Siraj Hussain Bangash. Agha Moosavi said the satanic forces considered the successful 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran a threat for them and imposed an 8-year long war over Iran by patting the back of Iraq in which lakhs of people died and more than that were injured. But when the world powers were disappointed they pushed Iraq into Kuwait through colonial powers and their agents and shattered Iraq in the garb of that by Bush and his allies. Later when they considered the Islamic World a threat they created many new terrorist organisations. They shattered Afghanistan in the garb of 9/11 and then to save themselves from disappointment created a 4-nation alliance for dialogue with Taliban. The TNFJ chief said that the allied western countries are not terming the 34-nation alliance as an alliance of Muslim States but that of Sunni alliance to create an impression that the Muslim States are divided on sectarian basis. It has also proved that 23 Muslim States are not part of this alliance. He said those who have formed this 34-nation alliance they cannot even think that how repulsive game they are playing that has put the whole world of humanity to the brink of disaster. He said the biggest targets of Daesh are Iraq and Syria where they have formed their government. Both these countries are not included in the 34-nation alliance while the Saudi Mufti-e-Azam has termed Daesh a part of Israeli army and a type of Khawarij who first staged mutiny against the Khalifate of Ali IbneAbiTalib (A.S.) and not only declared Muslims but also (God forbid) Hazrat Ali (A.S.) non-Muslim. He said the international powers are using the Sunni-Shia differences for their objectives and agent Muslim rulers are playing in their hands while there is no need of any new Muslim alliance in the presence of OIC. Agha Moosavi lamented that the Saudi Arabia has martyred ShaikhBaqir Al-Nimralong with dozens of others as a reaction of which Saudi embassy in Iran was attack which Iran has also regretted while Saudi Arabia and in her support many other countries have severed their relations with Iran. He lamented that although the Arab League had also condemned Iran for putting the Saudi embassy on fire but surprising they could not hid their bias by not condemning the martyrdom of ShaikhBaqir Al-Nimr. He said Pakistan should play the role of arbitrator between Saudi Arabia and Iran while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should take the National Assembly and Senate into confidence on the visits of Saudi Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Defence. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has advised the Pakistani leadership to promote mutual contacts to clear the differences on the CPEC so as to disallow the opponent countries reaping the benefit of these differences and to thwart the internal and external conspiracies on this issue. Meanwhile the elite from the Bangash Area reiterated their resolve to support any line of action given by the Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi.
ISLAMABAD, January 10: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has called upon the United Nations to save the Middle East from American bloody game otherwise the world peace would be shattered. There is no Shia-Sunni war anywhere in the world and America and her agents desire to crush Islamic World by giving the Iran-Saudi tension the colour of Maslaki conflict. The Shahadat of AyatollahhBaqir Al-Nimr and destruction of holy shrines may not be overlooked by terming the same as Iran-Saudi conflict. The shrine of Ummahatul Momineen, Ahle Bait Athaar and pious Sahaba Kubaar are the heritage of the whole Islamic World including Shia and Sunni. The people of Qatif and Ahsaa are suffering the worst type of State coercion. The people of Eastern Saudi Arabia and Bahrain should be given their right while Shaikh Ali Salman and ShaikhZakzaki should be got released and case may be filed in the court of war crimes on massacre in Nigeria. These views were expressed by him in a letter he has written to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. Agha Moosavi said Iran has went back from the path of Imam Khomeini. The shrines of Muslims and other faiths all over the world are in danger owing to Saudi funding. He claimed that Saudi policies and the steps being taken by the western countries are a source of giving air to terrorism. He said the centre of AhleTashih after Madinah is the Najaf-e-Ashraf. Impression of AhleTashih the world over to be bound to Iranian policies is wrong neither Saudi steps have any concern with AhleSunnat. Shias and Sunnis both are a symbol of protest on the destruction of Jannatul Baqee and Jannatul Moallah and for deprivation of kissing the grill of Shrine of Holy Prophet(PBUH). He said Saudi Arabia that imposes ban on the books of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi and AbulAalaMaudoodi and funds to trample Akhwanies cannot be termed the representatives of Sunnis. The diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia should be restored and impression about the United Nations playing the role of American B team should be done away with while Kashmir and Palestine issues may be resolved. According to the details about the letter issued from the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashih, Agha Moosavi said that keeping the destruction of Second World War in view some political leaders had formed the United Nations on 24th October, 1945 so as to save the humanity from war and conflict in future. He lamented that the United Nations could not get its charter implemented for the poor and particularly for the Muslim States and now the general impression is that the United Nations takes all its decisions on the behest of American desire. He lamented that Zionists are occupying Bait Al-Maqdas, lakhs of Rohangia Muslims have been displaced in Burma who are wandering here and there in the open sea. In the Muslim World, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi and many others are not only facing anarchy but are also committing interference in other countries. The TNFJ chief said war flames are being given air in the Middle East. A renowned Shia scholar Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nimr has given death which will increase tension in many Muslim States while you (Secretary General United Nations) have also expressed concern on the Shahadat of Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nimr. The trial for death sentence of Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nimr was vogue in which the norms of justice and fair-play were not fulfilled. The death sentence of Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nimr will increase discrimination in the Muslim World and would create negative effects on the law and order. We support the statements given by Human Rights Commission, Russian Committee for Foreign Affair and many other countries of the world who have termed the punishment of Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nimr as unjustifiable that has further worsened the record of human rights in Saudi Arabia. He said Ayatollah Baqar Al-Nimr was the leader who used to criticise murder of opponents in Saudi Arabia and injustices done by them. He said the similar situation prevails in Nigeria. The United Nations should get the majority of Bahraini people rid of dictatorship and get the opposition leader Shaikh Ali Salman and Ayatollah Zakzaki released before they are given death sentence reaping the benefit of silence on the part of international organisations. He also asked him to get the Kashmir and Palestine issues resolved in line with the United Nations Resolutions; if the right of self-determination can be exercised inMashriqiTaimoor and Sudan then why delaying tactics are being used in case of Kashmir and Palestine, he asked. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that at present the issue of terrorism tops the list. He said a terrorist keeps no country or Maslak therefore the United Nations should exercise its full force in rooting it out. But, he added, the causes of terrorism would also have to be checked. He said it is condemnable that desecration of images of Anbia andShaair is going on in some countries while holy signs are continuously being wiped out in Hijaz. Therefore, he added, there is need to carry out legislation on the international level to stop holy places to be razed to ground and humiliation of Mashaheer and leaders of different faiths and doing so should be declared a cognizable offence.
ISLAMABAD, January 09: The Patron-in-Chief Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said the unity of the Islamic World, peace and tranquility in the Muslim States is fatal for colonial powers therefore they desire to see Muslims fighting with each other so that tension prevails amongst them and they continue buying their arms. In Pakistan that is a victim of terrorism for the last 35 years, the Operation Zarb-e-Azb has made the life of terrorists difficult. However, he said, delay in complete implementation of National Action Plan and a free hand to the banned groups along with media everywhere, permission to stage rallies openly are the hurdles in restoration of law and order and in final success in the operation. These views were expressed by him while talking to a representative delegation from TNFJ Peshawar that called on him here Saturday. Agha Moosavi said that banned elements have become active again in the old business of dead bodies in the garb of Iranian-Saudi tension. The statement given by Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman about not allowing war with Iran and terming the war a source of destruction would be effective only when both the countries would exercise seriousness and wisdom because mutual clash of Muslim States is dangerous for Muslims. In this situation, Pakistan that is the only Islamic atomic power and that has guided the Islamic World in the past eras, should play the role of arbitration with Saudi Arabia and Iran so as to reap equal benefits. For this purpose, he added, the Prime Minister himself or his representative should visit both the brotherly countries and bring them to the dialogue table so as to restore the Saudi-Iranian diplomatic ties forthwith. The TNFJ chief said that at present the issue faced by the whole world is terrorism the biggest target of which is Islam. He said Saudi Arabia killed 47 citizens including four belonging to the Maktab-e-Tashih as punishment for raising the righteous voice as a result of which a conflict has cropped up between Iran and Saudi Arabia that has advanced towards a new direction after attack on Saudi embassy in Iran. He said earlier Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, and Bahrain were confronting anarchy as a result of dangers for a Third World War becoming imminent. He said Pakistan had adopted a principled stand on issues of Syria and Yemen likewise the norms of justice and fair-play should be fulfilled instead of tagging with any alliance. He said that OIC may be awakened in the backdrop of current situation, its session should be summoned forthwith and the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran should be restored so as to thwart the satanic forces who are giving air to biases and sectarianism so as to sell out their weapons in plenty. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that some powers desire to make the China Pakistan Economic Corridor an issue like that of Kalabagh Dam, therefore justice should prevail in all provinces by implementing the norms of justice and fair-play and operation against terrorism and corruption may be carried out in all provinces on the pattern of Karachi. He said that our perpetual enemy desires to put the blame of Pathankot incident on Pakistan like every other incident because it was also an episode of Indian dramas like in the past the purpose of which is to sabotage the Pakistan-India relations in which the Akhand Bharat slogan mongering elements are involved.
ISLAMABAD, January 08: The Patron-in-Chief Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that benefit of Iran-Saudi tension will only be reaped by the anti-Islam forces. He advised the Prime Minister to visit Iran and Saudi Arabia to remove the tension between the two countries and said Pakistan should summon the OIC session for the solidarity of the Islamic World. Whereas we condemn putting the Saudi embassy in Iran on fire, we will also continue raising voice against razing to ground the holy shrines of Sahaba, Ahle Bait and Ummahatul Momineen in Saudi Arabia. He expressed these views while addressing the Matmi Azadaran and media representatives at the Central procession he was leading on the concluding day of Universal Ayyam Al-Huzn taken out from Imambargah Zainul Abideen. Agha Moosavi said the 34-nation alliance is the American production and terming it Sunni alliance by John Kerry is a reflection of colonial plan to create Shia-Sunni divide. He said Saudi Arabia does not represent Sunnis and had it been so then there would not have any restriction on the Tafaseer and translations of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi and Maulana Abul Aala Maudoodi. He said all Ahle Sunnat love Rasool (SAAW) and Ahle Bait (A.S.) and do not even think of razing the holy shrines to ground. He said the Aal-e-Saud after coming in to power razed the holy shrines of Ummahatul Momineen, Sahaba and Ahle Bait on the British pat on their back. Had there no movements like Khalifate Movement and had voice not been raised then they may have razed the Roza-e-Rasool (SAAW) to ground also. He said the punishment given to Ayatollah Baqir Al-Nimr is contrary to the Islamic Shariat and it should not be considered Shia-Sunni or Iran-Saudi conflict. He said Ayatollah Baqir Al-Nimr had raised the voice for human rights for which he will remain alive as a voice of righteousness. We are not stooge of Iran or Saudi Arabia rather we are the followers of Allah, Rasool (SAAW), Ahle Bait Athaar (A.S.) and the pious Sahaba Kubaar and will continue saying the Kalma-e-Haq at the point of spear. He said Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) was the protector and Nikah Khwan of the Khatmi Martabat (SAAW) on who all devotees of Rasool send Salam.
Answering a question, the TNFJ chief said that there is nothing wrong in Saudi ministers meeting with Chief of the Pakistans Army Staff. Today Saudi minister has come, and tomorrow Iranian minister can also visit Pakistan. If Iran and Saudi Arabia are real champions of Muslims then they should save Muslims from colonial conspiracy, he added. He said after the World War-I, the British colonial powers under a conspiracy broke the Sultanate of Usmania into pieces and inducted their agents in Islamic States and on the soil of Hijaz the holy shrines of Rasool-e-Khudas (SAAW) forefathers Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (A.S.), Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.), First Lady of Islam Hazrat Khadija and Ummahatul Momineen Hazrat Aisha, Hazrat Hafza, Ahle Bait Athaar Imam Hassan (A.S.), Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.), Imam Baqar (A.S.), Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S.), and Rasools (SAAW) beloved daughter Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Fatima Zehra (S.A.) were razed to ground in Jannatul Moallah and Jannatul Baqee through the Aal-e-Saud so much so that the holy shrine of Rasools (SAAW) mother Hazrat Amna (S.A.) was not spared as a result of which the hearts of devotees of the Rasools are heavy. Agha Moosavi said that we are raising voice against financial aid being given by foreign countries to our religious and political parties since 1984. We extend our hand for help to Allah, Nabi (SAAW) and Ali (A.S.) always and kept even huge financial offers on the point of our shoes, we will always talk about the interest of Islam and Pakistan. He said dissemination of literature against Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) is tantamount to annoy Allah and Rasool (SAAW) as Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) protected the Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW) throughout his life. He said Allah has termed Kifalat-e-Nabavi as His own Kifalat in Quran. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW) had termed the year of Wisal of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) and Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.) as the Aam Al-Huzn (the year of mourning). The Rasool (SAAW) had to leave Makkah owing to the Wisal of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.). He said the religion of Islam will always be thankful for Hazrat Abu Talibs blessings. Meanwhile, dozens of Matmi Dastas, a large number of ulema, elite from religious organisations and thousands of Azadaran participated in the procession and paid pursa to the Hazoor-e-Akram (SAAW).
ISLAMABAD, January 05: The chief patron of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqhe Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that 5th January 1949 was the day when the resolution of the right of self-determination for Kashmiris was accepted by the Security Council of the United Nations, which is yet to be implemented despite passing seven decades. After the agreement to resume dialogs for the resolution of all pending issues including the issue of occupied Kashmir during the Heart of Asia conference, sudden visit of Indian Prime Minister Moodi to Pakistan and demonstration of subsequent hospitality from the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef; the statement of joint India from the Indian leaders exposed their heinous plans. Since the announcement of 34-states alliance and subsequent murder of Saudi religious scholar Ayatullah Sheikh Baqir al Namr has pushed the Islamic world into very complex problems. The helpless Muslim rulers must follow the pious footsteps of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) to give a befitting response to the conspiracies of the evil powers. He said this while addressing to the Majlis e Nasir e Shariatheld as part of the AlamgeerAyyamulHuzn (Global Days of Mourning) in connection with the death anniversary of the savior of Islam Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S). Agha Moosavi said that in order to retain its practice of blaming Pakistan, Indian media made a lot of propaganda on the issue of attacks on Pathankot Air Base however, Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef thwarted it wisely by making a phone call to Indian Prime Minister Moodi while the security advisor of Pakistan Nasir Janjua also called his counterpart in India which the India has also welcomed. Agha Moosavi stressed that the dream of peace in South Asia cannot come true unless the issue of Kashmir is not resolved in accordance with the desires of Kashmiris. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the Muslim world is faced with a grave situation appeared right after the murder of innocent Sheikh Baqir al Namr and its subsequent fallout during which Saudi Arabia severed its diplomatic relations with Iran due to the public protests while Bahrain and Kuwait called back their ambassadors from Iran. In this situation, Pakistan must immediately play its positive role while OIC must call an urgent meeting to deescalate the tension between the two states. He also appealed to the government of Saudi Arabia to facilitate its people, ensure their fundamental human rights such as Freedom of speech, and stop cutting throats of the innocent people. Agha Moosavi said that there is no concept of geographical boundaries in Islam therefore raising voice of protest against the oppression and political revenge is right according to the Shariat as according to the Hadees of the holy Prophet (PBUH&HHP), one who spends his day without caring for ones Muslim brother does not deserve to be called as Muslim. He said that Islam allows for the constructive criticism therefore, beheadings for the personal revenge of Kings, and princes is a part of dictatorship which is not permitted by Shariat. Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that dividing the Muslim world has started by creating a 34-state alliance and killing Sheikh Baqir al Namr in Saudi Arabia. He said that the rulers of the states offering resumption of diplomatic relations on condition of not intervening in internal affairs must understand the trap of anti-Islamic forces. He said that what went wrong with Sudan, Bahrain and Kuwait that they also called back their ambassadors from Iran? This actionproves that these states are being used to serve the colonial agenda. Agha Moosavi appealed to the Muslim rulers that they must prefer the collective interests of the Muslim Ummah over their personal interests and gains and take practical steps to resolve the issues of Muslim world through formulation of a joint strategy. Agha Moosavi said that if we want to protect the Muslim world from todays Abraha and its agents and want to confront the enemies of Islam; we must follow the pious character of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) and get ready to bear hardships for the protection of Islam. He said that the refuge provided to the holy Prophet (PBUH&HHP) by Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) has been declared by as Allahs refuge in the Surah e Wazzuhaa of the holy Quran. He said that only the Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadeeja (S.A) and Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) enjoys the esteemed status of scarifying their life, dignity and children for the protection of the holy Prophet(PBUH&HHP).
ISLAMABAD, January 04: The supreme head of the Shia Ulema Board and Tehreek Nifaz Fiqa Jaffria Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosvi Monday urged both Saudi Arabia and Iran to hold talks, restore diplomatic ties, cautioning the imperialist forces could exploit the current tense situation between the two. He made it clear that they were neither stooges of Saudi Arabia nor of Iran, but wanted unity in the ranks of Ummah and more dignity and respect for Pakistan, as a leading Islamic nation. Moosvi called on the United Nations bodies and leading human right institutions to take notice of trampling of basic human rights and dignity, and oppression, being unleashed, to silence the voice of dissent. About the execution of around 47 persons in Saudi Arabia, including Ayatullah Nimr, he said that their bodies should be handed over to their family members. He contended that Nimr and his supporters became victim the Saudi royal familys wrath for raising their voice for political and economic rights of the oppressed, including Shia community in Saudi Arabia. Moosvi maintained that it was incumbent upon the Saudi government to also set free political opponents and allow the freedom of expression.
The Saudi government, which believed itself to be the Muslim nations leader, should focus on the welfare of its people and let them exercise their political rights and civil liberties. Peeping into history, Moosvi recalled that after the first World War, the foreign ministers of Britain and France thrashed out a ploy to divide the Middle East and for its realisation, installed rulers of their choice. He pointed out that the publication of world maps after 1980, clearly indicated the same and conspiracies were under way to further divide the Muslim countries in terms of their geography. Under the same conspiracy, he continued, Indonesia and Sudan stand partitioned today and now these imperialist forces wanted division of Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Libya, Iran, Yemen and some other countries.
ISLAMABAD, January 03: In connection with the 3-days mourning announced by the Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi to commemorate the martyrdom of Ayatullah Sheikh Baqir al Nimr in Saudi Arabia, peaceful protests and rallies were held all across Pakistan including the federal capital Islamabad under the auspices of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah Jafariya and its sub-organizations that participated by a large number of Ulama and scholars from all schools of thought besides common people who expressed tributes to the respectable personality of Ayatullah Sheikh Baqir al Nimr and termed his martyrdom as a great loss for Islam. A protest rally was held in front of National Press Club Islamabad under the auspices of Youm e Sog committee of TNFJ federal capital Islamabad that was led by Allama Bisharat Hussain Imami, Allama Syed Hussain Muqadassi, Allama Syed Mohsin Ali Hamdani, Allama Zahid Abbas Kazmi, Allama Syed Kazim Sabzwari, Mufti Basim Abbas Zahiri, Allama Sajjad Hussain Gardezi, Allama Abbas Khurasani, Meesam Tammar, Syed Qasim al Hussaini, Ali Ajwad Naqvi, M.H. Jafri, Professor Ghulam Abbas Haidery, Malik e Ashter, Syed Samar ul Hassan Naqvi, Qazi Mazhar Hussain Karbalai, Naseer Hussain Sabzwari, Raja Khaleel Haider, Tibyan Abbas Zaidi, Matami Salar Syed Abbas besides other leaders and members of the organization.
In his address to the protest rally Allama Bisharat Imami read the special message of the chief of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi in which he declared the martyrdom of Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr as the preface of completing the colonial agenda and said that whatever the international evil wanted to do, she is getting it done through Muslims. Muslim rulers are serving the American interests. Instead of resolving the problems faced by the people, terrorists are being supported to promote international agenda. Beheading Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr is an attempt to suppress the voice of peace and promote the terrorism while the punishment given to him is a clear violation of Islamic Shariat. He said that the intervention of Muslim rulers in other states is a big question mark who on one hand are staging the drama of punishing terrorists while on the other hand terrorists are being nurtured through continuous funding which is the conspiracy of repeating the plan of Lawrence of Arabia which is aimed at changing the geographical borders of Muslim countries and make them furious over each other.
Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that this is the time to deescalate the situation and the teachings of Ayatullah Nimr demand that the bullets must be defeated through the voice of truth. He said that groups that are serving the foreign agendas must remember that those who work for others to fullfil their greed are eventually left in dismay. On this occasion the resolutions passed condemned the attack against Security forces in Peshawar, and declared the enforcement of National Action Plan and curbing the banned organizations as paramount to achieve peace and harmony. While strongly condemning the martyrdom of Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr the resolution appealed to the Muslims of the world to demonstrate restraint and hold peaceful protest to keep the mission of Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr as peaceful. Another resolution demanded from the champions of human rights, United Nations to take notice of the countries which are investing and promoting terrorism and unrest throughout the world. A resolution on this occasion demanded to take notice of the continued destruction of the historic heritage of the Muslims in Saudi Arabia and demanded to reconstruct Jannat ul Baqi and Jannat ul Mualla. Meanwhile, according to the reports received in the head quarter Maktab e Tashayo, protest rallies were held at Saidpur Road and Murree Road Rawalpind, Shah Faisal Colony in Karachi, Qissakhwani Bazar and Press Club in Peshawar, Hazara Town Quetta, Azakhana Zahra Islampura Lahore, Darbar Shah Shams in Multan, Haideriya Imambargah 45 Block in Dera Ghazi Khan, G.T. Road KHairpur, G.T. Road Gujrat, Imambargah Adda Pasrooriyan Sialkot, Pakistani Chowk Larkana, Athara Hazari Chowk Jhang, Dars e Aal e Muhammad Faisalabad, Hangu Road in Kohat, Sherkot, Pindi Bypass in Gujranwala and other big and small towns across the country while Majalis e Tarheem to commemorate the martyrdom of Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr were held.
ISLAMABAD, January 2: The chief patron of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e FiqahJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has strongly condemned the execution of senior religious scholar Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr in Saudi Arabia and termed it as the murder of justice and Islamic unity while also announced a three days mourning. Agha Moosavi has appealed to the Muslims across the globe to demonstrate restraint on this sad occasion and hold peaceful protests to continue the mission of Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr. He said that the oppressors will certainly get defeated. In his reaction issued from the Head Quarter of Maktab e Tashayyo he said that Baqir al Nimr who declared the truth as stronger than the gun bullets and aggression and terrorism as opposite to Islam has become immortal after scarifying his life and therefore his voice will always remain alive. Ayatullah Nimr always wanted to get martyrdom; Almighty Allah accepted his prayers and granted him what he wanted. Ayatullah Nimr has been made as the first target of 34 states alliance, countries that are imposing their ideologies and policies on the Muslims of the whole world and consequently producing hatred and unrest must be declared as terrorists. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that martyrdom is our inheritance while expressing truth even at the peak of the spear is our tradition and neither did our forefathers nor weget frightened from this Godly responsibility while our next generations will also follow the same path of righteousness. By hanging AyatullahNimr; King Salman has included himself in the list of the worst dictators and oppressors of the world while one day the oppressors will be held accountable. He said that in every era, the dictators and oppressors considered the righteous people as hindrances and exerted all their efforts in removing them from their way. The oppressors like Saddam, Zia ul Haq, King of Iran, Mujeebur Rehman, Husni Mubarak who killed Bhutto in Pakistan, Ayatullah Baqir al Sadar and thousands of scholars in Iraq and Iran, Akhwan al Muslimeen in Egypt, Pro Pakistanis in Bangladesh; followers of Ahl e Bait (A.S) in Nigeria and Bahrain, and freedom lovers in Palestine and Kashmir;eventually became a sign of lesson by themselves and therefore, those acting and pursuing American agenda must not forget the endings of all these oppressors. He questioned that why are the champions of peace maintaining criminal silence over these atrocities, why the rules of economic sanctions still quiet on these evil deeds by the American stooges? Why the United Nations, OIC and International Court of Justice still silent? Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the leaders of Saudi Arabia have been disrespecting and destroying the Islamic sites and the holy signs attributed to the holy Prophet (PBUH&HHP) for the last ten decades who did not avoid destroying the holy graves and shrines of the holy Prophets pious companions, sacred Ahl e Bait (A.S) and Umhatul Momineen hence; what importance will they give to the religious scholars? These rulers can go to any extreme. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that in accordance with the rulings of the holy Quran and Islam, it is mandatory to protest against oppression. Ayatullah Baqir al Nimr was guilty of raising voice against creating divide amongst Muslims and speaking for the rights of the oppressed people; while he was also not allowed to hire a lawyer to defend against the false accusations made against him which is a clear violation of the Islamic ideology. Agha Moosavi said in a situation when the Muslim world is under siege by the evil powers, their intervention continues in the Muslim states; these colonial powers are trying to divide and then obliterate the Muslims from the face of the earth. Hence, in such a grave situation, Muslims of the whole world will have to thwart their conspiracies through unity and solidarity.
ISLAMABAD, Dcember 24: The Patron-in-Chief Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya PakistanAgha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has demanded from the Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari to order investigations into his incident by forming a tribunal, release Allama Zakzaky and his companions forthwith, give exemplary punishment to those who have committed this crime as giving punishment before committing the crime is contrary to the principles of the Khalifate Rashid, restore the glory of Masjid and Imambargah Baqiatullah by reconstructing it afresh. This demand was made in a letter addressed to the Nigerian President. Agha Moosavi made it clear that 1437 years ago from this day when someone raised a slogan on the occasion of Makkah Victory that it is Youm Al-Malhamah (the day to cut into pieces), the Rehmatul Lil AlimeenPaighambar-e-Akram (SAAW) said no it is Youm Al-Marhamah (the day of mercy and affection) therefore he told the Makkah people that you are free, and can go. The Khutaba that he (SAAW) delivered on the occasion of HujjatulWidah is the charter of basic rights and is the best manifesto for todays rulers and politicians. The United Nations Charter for Human Rights actually is actually the reflection of the Islamic Charter in the following in addition to other rights protection of life, protection of honour, protection of belief, freedom of expression, and right to get justice are also included. That is why the Ayah No. 93 of the SuraNisa of the Holy Quran says that punishment of killing any Momin purposely is hell in which he will remain forever, Allahs wrath and scourge is on him and Allah Has provided the strictest wrath for him. A Hadees-e-Nabavi says that Muslim is the once from whose hand and tongue the other Muslim remains safe that is why to highlight the importance of tolerance in Islam it announced in SuraBaqarah that لا اکراہ فی دین i.e. there is no coercion in religion. The enlightened example of tolerance in Islam was set by Hazrat Omar IbneKhattab whose slave states that Hazrat Omar asked me to become Muslim but I did not accept Islam. He said there is no coercion in religion, therefore, Hazrat Omar at the time of his death set me free and said go away wherever do you want. Similarly, he said, example of not giving punishment before the crime is committed was set by another Khalifate Rashid when a person was brought before him and he was told that he wanted to kill you. But he ordered that he may be allowed to leave because punishment cannot be awarded before the crime is committed. In the population spread over 180 million in Nigeria, Muslims also live there along with other religions including the followers of Sunni Maslak and Maktab-e-Tashih which are being led by the Quaid of Nigeria Islamic Movement AllamaShaikh Ibrahim YaqubZakzaki and never supported torture rather he is guilty of opposing oppression and brutality in Palestine and opposing Israel. On this basis he was arrested in 1980 and 1990 but the court had set him free for lack of evidence because the government had failed to provide any evidence of treachery against him which was considered the biggest failure of the government. Agha Moosavi said that as an outcome of this situation he should have been treated justifiably because freedom of expression is the basic right but the Nigerian army martyred his three dozen companions including three sons of Zakzaki by firing on the Al-Quds rally on Friday 25 July, 2014 which was strongly condemned by the human rights organisations. The government would have punished those responsible keeping the norms of justice but unfortunately when a human being sits on the chair of power he starts thinking that he is the Pharaoh. The TNFJ chief said that later, on 12 December 2015, the Nigerian army martyred hundreds of people including his remaining sons by attacking the Zakzakis Masjid and ImambargahBaqiatullah during the Arbaeen-e-Hussaini. They did not stop here but buried their bodies by torching them without giving them bath and without giving them coffin and burial. They were accused that the Islamic Movement wanted to kill the Nigerian Army Chief the accusation that was rejected by the Islamic Movement and the organisations of human rights. In the said attack, Ibrahim Zakzaki was seriously injured, was arrested and shifted to some unknown place. Agha Moosavi said that according to newspaper reports, the Masjid and ImambargahBaqiatullah was set on fire and razed to ground along with invaluable copies of Quran, books Saha-e-Sitta, KutabArbaa, Tafaseer-e-Quran and other religious books. The Nigerian Parliament has also expressed shock on this high-handed treatment. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah said that at present the whole world has become the symbol of protest on these atrocities committed in Nigeria. Being a Muslim President and being your name after the name of Rasool (SAAW) and Allah, you are requested to order investigations into his incident by forming a tribunal, release AllamaZakzaki and his companions forthwith, give exemplary punishment to those who have committed this crime as giving punishment before committing the crime is contrary to the principles of the Khalifate Rashid, restore the glory of Masjid and ImambargahBaqiatullah by reconstructing it afresh and pay all the damages. He prayed that may Almighty Allah give courage to the Muslim rulers so that they can exercise justice and avoid committing oppression and keep the Islamic World protected from all problems and difficulties.
ISLAMABAD, December 22: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that the Iblees-e-Azam and its agents desire to destabilise Pakistan the real objective of which is to divert the attention from real issues and to entangle it in more problems, therefore, the rulers and politicians should behave, come out of their personal and party shackles and give priority to the collective interest of the country and the nation. This was stated by him while addressing the office-bearers of the TNFJ Universal Hafta Wahdat-o-Akhuwwat Committee. The Committee presented its report on programmes to be organised during the Hafta Wahdat-o-Akhuwwat from 12 to 18 Rabiul Awwal. Agha Moosavi said the Hafta Wahdat-o-Akhuwwat is observed every year in such circumstances when the terrorism is rife all around. In such circumstances, observing the Aamad-e-Rasool (SAAW) and Imam Sadiq (A.S.), Wiladat of Hazrat Eisa Roohullah and Youm-e-Wiladat of Founder of the Nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah are the best occasions for promoting inter-religion coordination. The TNFJ chief said that it should be kept in mind that since creation of this country whereas prime ministers, ministers, and general offered sacrifices, the wars of 1965 and 1971 were also faced. He said the resolution adopted by the Sindh Assembly for extension of Rangers powers in Karachi within minutes have been rejected and Rangers have taken over this issue to the High Court. He said the circumstances suggest that now international chief of terrorists and her agents desire to pitch the Pakistans Armed Forces, its supporting nation and rulers against each other so as to fulfill the nefarious designs of the colonial powers. He said it is simple that Rangers are under the Federation and no one can reduce their powers. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi made it clear that this region cannot become the hub of peace unless the dialogue is initiated on conflict issues like Jammu and Kashmir, and Kashmir issue is resolve in line with the United Nations Resolutions keeping to the desires of the Kashmiris. He said Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ensured the creation of Pakistan for disseminating the Paigham-e-Muhammadi and enforcement of Islam. He provided guarantee for protection of minorities, therefore, giving rights to everyone on the basis of equality is must for making the motherland welfare Islamic State, he concluded.
ISLAMABAD, December 20: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that Islam is the target of enemies owing to desecration of Shaair-e-Islami and violation of sayings of the Mashaheer-e-Islam. Muslim rulers and leaders are deprived of Allahs blessings for their oppressive attitude against the have-nots the fresh example of which is Shahadat of hundreds of innocent people in Nigeria and putting the renowned religious scholar BrahimZakzakai in gaol against which even the international organisations and human rights organisations are keeping a silence that speaks of their Hippocratic attitude against Muslims. The seerat of the 11th inheritor of the Rasool i.e. Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) is the beacon of light for the ignorant humanity. These views were expressed by him while addressing a Majlis-e-Aza in Baab-e-Fizza on the conclusion of HaftaEhad-o-Paiman (Ayyam-e-Aza) in connection with the Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) Sunday. Agha Moosavi said that the South Asian region is suffering with war for about three decades. He said since the China Pakistan Economic Corridor signing, new plannings are by considered by Russia, China, Iran and some other countries at international level which are considered fatal by America and she is not ready to bear it. He said after the terrorist incident in France, many countries are joining Russian military alliance against Daesh as a result of which any conflict that takes place in Middle East can directly affect our region. He said the colonial powers desire to shift the battlefield from Middle East to South Asia so as to fail the Russian point of view. The TNFJ chief made it clear that after the 9/11, Pakistan played the role of front-line ally and we are undergoing the punishment for the same to-date. He said despite Operation Zarb-e-Azb, some Democrat and Republican MPs in America are still raising hue and cry accusing the Government of Pakistan of supporting terrorists and claiming that tribal areas in Pakistan are still the source of producing terrorists, which is a fake propaganda against Pakistan. He lamented that while Pakistan is asked to do more our perpetual enemy India is purchasing arms from American and other countries in plenty and now besides purchasing Russian missiles is also making hydrogen bomb but still no demand for do more was put to them viz. reduction in arms which are the dual standards of their part and Hippocratic action. Agha Moosavi said that Pakistan bore loss of billions and trillions in war against terrorism, more than 75,000 lives were lost. Therefore in these conditions when the enemy is not ready to spare us, the responsibility of the rulers and the politicians increases manifold but they are even avoiding investing complete powers and permission to carry out their operation because they keep their personal and party interests supreme. He lamented that the Rangers have to approach the High Court for restoration of their powers. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavimade it clear that the whole nation pays tributes to the Pakistans Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif and the Rangers Commander who have expressed their commitment not to rest till the terrorists meet their fate. Meanwhile, Taboot and ChuppTazia processions were taken out throughout the country Sunday marking the Youm-e-Shahadat of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) and the conclusion of the Ayyam-e-Aza that were terminated at their destinations after marching through their respective designated routes. Special Duas were made in the concluding programmes of Ayyam-e-Aza for the supremacy of the Islamic World, integrity and solidarity of the motherland and for the success of the Operation Zarb-e-Azb of the Pakistans Armed Forces.
ISLAMABAD, December 19: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that the Muslim Ummah should be got united instead of dividing. Pakistan is the hope of the Islamic World and should remain away from the conspiracy of dividing Muslims. Pakistan Army is busy in Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The whole nation is bleeding in plucking the thorns of becoming a front-line State and Afghan war. The 34-nation alliance is American agenda and for God sake we should avoid putting the nation into new trials. The whole world is facing threats owing to wrong policies of the colonial chief America and her allies as their only objective is to rule the world over on the basis of power. America is the creator of all terrorist organisations with the objective to defame Islam and create justification to interfere in Muslim World. This was stated by him in a message delivered on the occasion of Youm-e-Shahadat of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) that is being observed throughout the country today (Sunday) 8th Rabiul Awwal with devotion and respect. Rangers may be given full-fledged powers to save Karachi further. The Alwidah Matmi procession of AyyamAza-i-Hussaini and Taboots of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) will be taken out on this occasion. Agha Moosavi said the teachings of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) are the beacon of light for the Muslims the world over who kissed Shahadat to save the Shariat-e-Mustafvi from the arbitrary actions of rules and powerful but did not allow them to cause harm to religion of Muhammad (SAAW). Whereas Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) thwarted the efforts of rulers to give Islamic colour to their all black deeds, there he also earned good name for Islam by replying the barge of attacks and questions posed on Islam by Christians, atheists and other religions. The name of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) inscribed in the Masjid-e-Nabavi speaks of his greatness. The TNFJ chief said that from the creation of Pakistan to-date the real rule and political monopoly is ruled by a few families, waderas, chaudhries, sardars and bureaucrats who are continuous strengthening their grip on power and use the poor people for grabbing power and for their protection. In the present system, financial scandals, corruption, nepotism, political appointments, extortion, family monopolies and efforts to take the supremacy in their own hands has polluted the country as a result of which our country, despite loaded with national resources, is confronted with anarchy and instability. The life in Karachi, which is the hub of economic activity, has been made difficult as a result of which Rangers that were called in ultimately restoring almost 80 per cent peace in Karachi through their all-out efforts. But when their hand started reaching their collars, the rulers became upset because their attitude had crippled the national institutions and now they are using one tactic or the other to save their own lives and to cover up their corruption rather they limited the powers of the Rangers by approving a resolution within minutes. He said it is now the responsibility of the Federation to fulfill the constitutional norms and save Karachi rather help Karachi regain peace and lights. If this is not done then claims of national institutions being on page would be a laughing stock. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) made it clear on the evil forces that we can be kept in gaol, can be murdered but cannot be stopped from following the right path or forced to bow down. He confronted about half a dozen Abbasid Khalifates in his short era spread over 28 years but no one could overcome him. He said Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) was kept in all types of problems and difficulties but the rulers of his era could not make him bow down before or divert him from the right path. The Imam (A.S.) also denied rulers even in the era of oppression and brutality and his seerat is a lesson for the world of mankind even today, he concluded.
ISLAMABAD, December 18: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that the 34-State alliance is the replication of international Satan that is playing the role of B team for America and it is the preface of the Third World War in which keeping 23 countries at a distance raises a question mark. No new alliance is required against the international terrorism rather the forum of the United Nations should be used for this purpose. Muslim States should arouse the honour of OIC to make it active. Shia-Sunni divide like the divide of Arab and Ajam is a conspiracy and the issue of Pakistans participation in the same may be presented in the Parliament. The Pakistan Army will not be allowed to be used army as army on rent or to be used in the sectarian war. The groups officially banned are working with new names contrary to the National Action Plan. The affected of the Parachinar have been left high and dry and the government is advised to look after them. Why the international organisations are silent on the barbarism against the renowned religious scholar in Nigeria Ibrahim Zakzakai? These views were expressed by him while addressing the media representatives during the Matmi procession taken out from the Baab-e-Fizza, Central Imambargah Jamiatul Murtaza, G-9/4 Islamabad Friday in connection with the Universal Hafta Ehad-o-Paiman marking the Martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). Agha Moosavi said that by observing the Youm-e-Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) on 8th Rabiul Awwal, Youm-e-Mukhtar Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.) on 9th Rabiul Awwal, Universal Hafta Wahdat-o-Akhuwwat in connection with the Milad-un-Nabi from 12 to 18 Rabiul Awwal, and Youm-e-Wafat of Hazrat Abu Talib on 26th Rabiul Awwal as Universal Youm Al-Huzn through the unity of Sunni-Shia brethren has proved that Muslim Ummah is united and no power in the world can create rift amongst them. Answering a question, he declared the announcement of Federal Interior Minister Ch. Nisar Ali Khan presenting himself for accountability to the Parliament a good omen. He said Ch. Nisar is the first interior minister who presented his report in the Parliament that is a lesson for the other ministers to follow. Answering another question that why Pakistan not joined the alliance when Saudi Arabia had attacked Yemen, he said the role of Pakistan in the new 34-State alliance is not yet clear therefore inclusion in it has no meaning so far. Moreover what type of alliance it is that none of heads of State or ambassador of any country participated in its formation. He said the international colonial power will use the alliance States as ground forces therefore the Muslims will have to ponder whether they are suffering with anarchy while there is peace in the western countries.
The TNFJ chief announced in unequivocal terms that Azadari is not against any Maktab or group rather is a universal protest of the oppressed against Yazidi ideology which will continue till the Zahoor of Imam Mehdi (A.S.) and revival of justice and fair-play and blackening the face of oppression. He said the Parcham-e-Hussainiyyat will remain fluttering high and Yazidiyyat will have to face its fate the world over. Earlier, the Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi on his arrival at Jamiatul Murtaza performed the Parcham-Kushai of the Alam Mubarik of Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (A.S.) and led the Dua. Dozens of Matmi parties performed Matamdari and Noha Khwani. The procession terminated back in Baab-e-Rasool of Jamiatul Murtaza after marching through its designated route. A Majlis-e-Aza was held prior to the procession. Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, Mufti Syed Basim Zahiri, Ahmed Kazim Shiraz, Syed Nazir Hussain Shah, Syed Ali Haider Zaidi, Jarrar Kazmi and others addressed.
ISLAMABAD, December 17: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that Shahadat is inheritance of the Momin. The children of Army Public School Peshawar provided the nation chance to unite against terrorists by kissing martyrdom and the whole nation is thankful to them and pays homage to them. Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) accepted Shahadat by confronting with the forces that were misguiding the people about real Islam but refused to bow down before the oppression and brutality. The teachings of the Imam (A.S.) are the beacon of light for Muslims the world over. This was stated by him while addressing the Majlis-e-Shuhada in connection with the HaftaEhad-o-Paiman. Agha Moosavi said that Shahadat is the last and greatest weapon for achieving an objective. He said the terrorists have besieged the Muslim States and their biggest target is Pakistan. He lamented that terrorism was still going on despite National Action Plan and Operation Zarb-e-Azb after the Army Public School incident. He said Pakistan is being punished for following Nazria-e-Asaasi and being the only Islamic atomic power because Muslims States are entangled with each other. Forming an alliance comprising 34 countries keeping 23 Muslim States aside provides food for thought and surprisingly chief of the colonial powers i.e. America was first to welcome this alliance. It smells that this alliance has been formed to create more differences between the Arab and Ajam, he added. The TNFJ chief said that Pakistan played the role of a front-line ally after the 9/11 incident and is still facing the brunt of doing this. He said when Saudi Arabia in alliance with some countries attacked Yemen, the Pakistans National Assembly then had decided not to join in it, therefore now the issue of inclusion of Pakistan in the alliance of 34 countries may also be presented in the National Assembly because Pakistan is fighting the lonely battle against terrorists and no one helps it rather the enemy agencies have spread their networks here. He said Pakistan and Afghanistan both are heavily affected by terrorism and peace in one of these nations is linked with peace in the other nation. Had Afghanistan cooperated for peace then the Operation Zarb-e-Azb would have succeeded till now, he added. He said if Afghanistan and India desire peace then the key to peace in this region lies with them. Agha Moosavi said that if Muslim States really love peace then they should stop interference in Syria and Yemen forthwith, pull out their forces from there, ensure the basic rights of their people, Nigerian government may stop atrocities against the Maktab-e-Tashih, release the renowned religious scholar and chief of Tehreek-e-Islami Nigeria Ibraim Yaqoob Zakzaky, and pay compensation to the bereaved families and should stop carrying out oppression and brutality against them. He said Pakistan is the greatest blessing therefore there is need to implement all the provisions of the National Action Plan to save its honour and dignity so that the Operation Zarb-e-Azb and the Rangers operation can succeed. The Quaid-i-Millat Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said everyone should keep in mind that the whole nation is standing behind the Pakistans Armed Forces the dignity of whom is linked with the integrity of the nation and the country.
ISLAMABAD, December 15: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has demanded to expand the targeted search operation to the whole country including Parachinar to ensure restoration of peace. Talking to a representative delegation from Kurram Agency that called on him at the head of Shabbir Hussain Toori, he said that last year the terrorists had martyred innocent children of the Army Public School Peshawar on 16 December. As death of a Shaheed is the life-line of the nation, therefore Operation Zarb-e-Azb was started after formulating the National Action Plan that heavily punished the terrorists. Agha Moosavi said the wounded enemy is pouncing one attack or the other on us therefore soon after the Heart of Asia Conference the main agenda of which was restoration of peace, the Parachinar incident was manipulated by the enemy in which more than two dozen innocent persons were martyred and dozens were injured while two terrorists were also nabbed. He lamented that some people included in the government institutions were supporting the terrorists that is why some parties are raising hue and cry on Rangers operation in Karachi. Therefore, he added, the government should give attention towards this issue and targeted operation may be carried out against all without any discrimination if we desire success of the National Action Plan. The TNFJ chief said some countries have made Pakistan their battlefield, people are being recruited and are sent in other counties but the law enforcing agencies are keeping a mum. The enemy is targeting Muslim States and labeling the Muslims as terrorists. He said he had stated about 30 years ago that a terrorist keeps no Maktab or a country, he is only a terrorist and should be seen and tackled in that context. He lamented that chief of the Tehreek-e-Islami Nigeria Muhammad Ibrahim Yaqub Zakazkawis followers were attacked, wife and four sons were martyred while Ibrahim Zakazkawi was arrested which is unfair. He demanded from the Nigerian government to release Ibrahim Zakazkawi forthwith and pay the compensation of the losses incurred in the attack. He called upon the world organisations to get stopped trampling of rights of the Maktab-e-Tashih in Bahrain and oppression going on against them in Muslim States. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that East Pakistan was separated from us on 16 December 44 years ago but Indian designs were affected that another Muslim State was created along with their borders although it was not good for Pakistan. He said the RAW played an important role in bringing the Mujeebs daughter into the saddle of power and even today those who love Pakistan are being hanged in Bangladesh. Such activities, he added, are a sheer violation of the April 1974 agreement but our rulers are playing the role of a silent spectator.
ISLAMABAD, December 12: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid-e-Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Americas friendship is more deadly and worse than her enmity, those Muslim leaders who are considering themselves safe and protected had better come out from the fools paradise and do not forget the end of Saddam Hussain and Husan e Mubarak, even Col. Qadafi was killed in the same trap of friendship. The entire world is facing the curse of terrorism just because of the evil tricks played by America. Government must not become fool by Indian hideous plans, Hindu Banya never make such deal in which he has to face lose. Imam Hassan (PBUH) and Imam Hussain (PBUH) are the sons of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), for whom even Quran is certified. Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) would love them very much. By neglecting the martyrdom anniversary of the grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH); Hazrat Imam Hassan (PBUH), media exposed their aversion for the Holy Prophet (PBUH). These thoughts were expressed by him while addressing to the concluding mourning assembly of Hafta e Azmat e Mustafa o Mujta. On this occasion he announced the observance of Hafta e Ehdo Paimaan from 2nd to 8th of Rabi ul Awal, in connection to the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) and the conclusion of Ayyam e Aza e Hussaini. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Moosavi said that wherever America stepped in, that country completely annihilated. Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laban are still afraid of the wounds given by America. It did not stop here, international imperialist powers then took over, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria on its hit target. When America saw its failure when Russia attacked in Syria, she created France Drama. Then, by instigating Turkey, destroyed the Russian Plan to distract Russia. Its all becoming a preamble for the World War III. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Moosavi said that humans can never be able to count the blessings of Allah upon them. And one of all these blessings is knowledge and Guidance, for which he sent prophets and apostles. For this task, prophets and apostles faced many difficulties and the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) faced more than all others. In his fifty-three years Mecca life and ten years life in Madina he faced all types of aggression yet in all critical situations he dilevered the message of Allah to the entire Humanity.
ISLAMABAD, December 11: The Martyrdom anniversary of Holy Prophet (SAAW) and Hazrat Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) was observed throughout the country with religious spirit, devotion and respect on the call of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Tehreek Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosaviin connection with the Universal Hafta-e-Azmat-e-Mustafa and Mujtaba. Ulema Karaam, Waizeen and Zakireen addressing the Majalis declared the usswah-e-Muhammad and Aal-e-Muhammad as best and complete code of life that overshadows all sections of human life and can make us succeed here and the Hereafter if followed. In the Federal Capital Islamabad, a Majlis-e-Aza was held followed by taking out of Shabih-e-Taboot Hazrat Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW) at Markazi Imambargah Jamia Al-Murtaza G-9/4 Islamabad under the auspices of Aman Dukhtran-e-Islam, Ummul Baneen WF, and Sakina Generation. In Rawalpindi, the central procession of Taboot and Zuljinah and Alam Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (A.S.) was taken out from the Azakhana Bawa Syed Karam Hussain Shah Kazmi (Late). The mourners performed heavy zanjeer-zani to pay the pursa in the Bargah-e-Risalat and Imamat. The processions taken out from the residences of Syed Anwar Hussain Kazmi, Syed Inayat Hussain Kazmi, Haji Tanvir Hussain Kazmi, Allama Zahid Abbas Kazmi, Syed Mazhar Hussain Kazmi, and Syed Fazal Hussain Kazmi merged into the main procession when it reached Chaur Chowk.
Later, a Majlis-e-Aza was organised at Malik House in which thousands of mourners participated. Central TNFJ Secretary Azadari Aala Hadier addressing the mourners on this occasion presenting the special message of the Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Pakistan is the thorn in way of Ablees-e-Azam and its atomic capability is ideology is an asset. He said the Pakistans Armed Forces have made the life of their enemies difficult with expertise and bravery. He advised the countrymen to become an advanced force for them and keep an eye on the international satans who are throwing a bad eye on Pakistans nuclear programme which is the proud and support of the Islamic World but, he added, the Muslim rulers are playing in the hands of Iblees for their personal gains; by sometimes presenting mujahideen and extremists in gift to them and thus becoming equally responsible for the inhuman plight of the Iblees-e-Azam against humanity. He made it clear that Azadari will be given priority over all other matters till 8th Rabiul Awwal in accordance with the policy of the Markaz-e-Tashih and the Code of Conduct announced by the Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi.
Meanwhile, a resolution adopted on the occasion, demanded from the government to tighten noose around the terrorist banned groups and their supporters while the scope of the operation against terrorists may be extended to the whole country. It also demanded that terrorists should not be provided with media coverage. The resolution reiterated resolved to offer any sacrifice demanded from them for achievement of the mission of Wila, Aza and religious rights on the call of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi. Later, the procession concluded at Darbar Shah Piyara Kazmi Al-Mashadi after marching through it designated route where Dua and Ziarat was recited. In Islamabad, a Majlis-e-Aza was organised at Darbar Alia Sakhi Syed Karreem Haider Naqvi Al-Bokhari Islamabad under the auspices of Bawa Syed Dilbar Shah. The Majlis was addressed by Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, Allama Basharat Hussain Imami, Zakir Nisar Kazmi, and Maulana Syed Mustansir Naqvi.
ISLAMABAD, December 10: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid-e-Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has demanded from the OIC to summon its meeting immediately so as to root out problems and difficulties of the leaderless Islamic World and ensure the exit of big powers from their countries to save Muslim States from the world terrorism. Not uttering even a word of concern and condemnation on the biggest terrorism incidents in Muslim State by the colonial powers and raising a hue and cry on such incidents of their agent countries and targeting Muslims provides food for thought. The Holy Prophet (SAAW) did not commit aggression despite 104 wars were imposed on him during his life span spread over 63 years and considering the values of human dignity declared murder of a single person as the murder of whole humanity. The Peace treaty of Imam Hassan (A.S.) following the Hudaibia treaty gives an eternal practical lesson to give priority to peace over war which if followed can get from the evil of terrorism by turning the world in a hub of peace. These views were expressed by him while addressing the Majlis Azmat-e-Mustafa (SAAW) and Mujtaba (A.S.). Agha Moosavi said India herself took the Kashmir issue to the United Nations 68 years ago, more than half a dozen resolutions were adopted, right of self-determination of Kashmiris was accepted but the United Nations always applies dual standards viz. Muslim because they arranged plebiscite in Mashriqi Taimoor and Sudan but Kashmiris are being deprived of this right being Muslims. He said the world powers desire to pitch the Pakistans Armed Forces against the government to fulfill their nefarious designs. He said the a few minutes meeting of Nawaz and Modi in Paris became the preface of Indian External Affairs Ministers participation in Heart of Asia Conference in Pakistan that proves that all visits, meetings, parleys and good or bad relations are arranged on the signals they get from world powers. The TNFJ chief said Rangers in Karachi and Operation Zarb-e-Azb in South Waziristan are breaking the back of terrorists but the rulers and politicians are applying delaying tactics to notify their powers further because the law has reached to their necks. The terrorism has been overcome to a large extent through operation and Pakistan has also made the restoration of economy possible. He said rocket attacks are being launched on Pakistan from the neighbouring countries where American troops are in control and enjoying influence so they should get these attacks stopped because Pakistan has always given priority to good relations with neighbours. He said it seems that chief of the colonial powers desires to promote civil war in Afghanistan to strengthen terrorists so as to destabilise Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Russia and Iran. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Daesh is the most fatal weapon of international chief of terrorists and their agents that is why colonial powers and their agents are not ready to send their ground forces to Syria. He said as many as 35 incidents of terrorism took place in America this year but signals are being given to target the Islamic World and Pakistan under the garb of incidents that took place in California which is unfair because Islam condemns all types of aggression and terrorism and is itself target of aggression. There is need to make Asswah-e-Mustafvi (SAAW) and Jada-e-Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) as beacon of light to get rid of this aggression, he added.
ISLAMABAD, December 07: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid-e-Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that Third World War trumpets are being sounded in the Middle East and the peace-loving forces are under the obligation to save humanity from the colonial madness. The atheist world desires to prove Islam as a violent religion, all terrorists are pets of the colonial powers and terrorism has nothing to do with Islam as it progressed as oppressed religion from Sheb-e-Abi Talib to Karbala. These views were expressed by him while addressing the office-bearers of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Rawalpindi and Federal Council Islamabad. Agha Moosavi said any hurdle in extension of Rangers powers in Karachi can be harmful for the nation and the country, therefore the Karachi peace may not be sacrificed to blackmailing. He said the rulers and politicians should exercise wisdom. He said America and western countries used the incidents of terrorism for approval of laws of their choice that is a black scar on the face of those countries who claim their belonging to independence-loving society. He said posting American forces in Iraq despite opposition from the Iraqi government is an open act of aggression. He said inclusion of banned parties in the election process for local bodies is failure of the government and the Election Commission. He said oppression is touching its heights, the Zahoor of Mehdi Maaood (A.S.) is near, the atheist world may test all her power but it is Islam that has to rein supreme come what may. The TNFJ chief said that interests of colonial powers are attached with organisations like Daesh. The Afghanistan history is being repeated in Middle East. The real colonial agenda is to bring Daesh by removing and then entering their forces by making Daesh exit. He said the real objective of the colonial powers is to sell their arms and to occupy the national resources of Muslims. He said the claims to root out these terrorist organisations are mere an eyewash. He said all Muslim States have been entangled under a well-hatched plan so as to provide protection to Israel in the region. He said Russian plane was shot down in Egypt, worst nature of terrorist incidents took place in Lebanon, Baghdad, Iraq and 150 children were martyred in an incident of terrorism in Peshawar but no one raised any eye-brow on these but terrorist attacks in France put all colonial powers in action that proves that world powers follow dual standards and the whole game is being played under the well-hatched plan. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said every part of Pakistan is bleeding and people are dying of hunger. He said this is the time for Dua therefore the whole nation should pray for the success of Operation Zarb-e-Azb and the Pakistans Armed Forces as in it lays the countrys development and stability and the welfare of its people. He said the centre of all struggles and movements for freedom the world over is Karbala. He said the gathering of millions of people in Iraq, parched by terrorism, on the occasion of Arbaeen-e-Hussaini proves love of Muslims the world over with the Hussaini (A.S.) ideology. He called upon all Muslim rulers to express hatred with the anti-Islam forces and present Islam in a manner in which it was presented by the Nawasa-e-Rasool Imam Hussain (A.S.).
ISLAMABAD, December 06: The Patron-in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulema Board and Quaid-e-Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has paid tributes to the Iraqi government and the nation for making best arrangements for the Zaireen of Nawasa-e-Rasool Imam Hussain (A.S.) on the occasion of Arbaeen-e-Hussaini (A.S.). In a letter addressed to the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Jawwad Kazim Al-Abadi he said from the diplomatic services for Zaireen coming from all over the world to the arrangement for Journey on Foot that continues for weeks in a peaceful and excellent manner that remains intact from every nook and corner of Iraq to Karbala on many routes amicably is not less than a miracle. Agha Moosavi said that despite surrounded by worst type of terrorists from all around the excellent manner in which you have hosted the biggest gathering of the world speaks of your God-given abilities and the nod from the God and Masoomin. Whereas these arrangements are the source of surprise, these should be followed by others also. The TNFJ chief said that scenes of warm welcome of the Zaireen of Farzand-e-Rasool (A.S.) by all Iraqi people including Shia, Sunni, Kurd, Zartash, Aizdees without any discrimination on the basis of Maslak and religion, without an iota of doubt made the eyes of countless people wet. The spirits and the sacrifices of the Iraqi people have proved that no power on earth can defeat this nation that carries such an excellent character. Agha Moosavi expressed the hope that he would also become successful in keeping the Iraqi integrity intact, achieving unity of all Masalak and religions and meeting the challenge of gory terrorists like Daesh created by the colonial powers. May Allah Almighty keep the shadow of MarajaAzzamintact. Amen. He said, We pray for you and we also hope that you would also not forget us in your prayers. The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi prayed that Allah Almighty make the Islamic Republic of Iraq strong and stable and shower Ajr-e-Kaseer on the Iraqi Prime Minister.
RAWALPINDI, December 3: The Chehlum of Nawasa-e-Rasool Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) and other Shuhada-e-Karbala (Arbaeen-e-Hussaini) was observed with traditional religious spirit, devotion and respect throughout the country including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Thursday. In Rawalpindi, main Chehlum procession was taken out from Imambargah Ashiq Hussain Teli Mohallah, Imambargah Col. Maqbool Hussain and ImambargahHifazat Ali Shah Bohar Bazar. Mourners of Imam Hussain (A.S.) performed Zanjeer-Zani to express their devotion to the Imam Aali Muqaam (A.S.). Zuljinah, AlamMubarik, Taazia, Mehndi Shahzada Qasim (A.S.), GehwaraMasoom Ali Asghar (A.S.), Taboot Imam Aali Muqaam (A.S.) and other Taburrakaat were included in the Chehlum procession. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya, Pakistan, Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi participated in the procession, offered Ziarat of the taburrakaat and performed Matamdari. Talking to media and Azadars on this occasion, Agha Moosavi said that Nawasa-e-Rasool Imam Hussain (A.S.) provided protection to religion, Shariat and humanity by decorating the Maidan-e-Karbala while Sharikatul Hussain Hazrat ZainulAbideen (A.S.) and Hazrat Zainab (S.A.) gave a new lease of life to Hussainiyyat, provided protection to the objectives of Hussain (A.S.). The Azadari established by Zainab (S.A.) and ZainulAbideen (A.S.) is an eternal protest against Yazidiyyat, tyranny, oppression and brutality and is the basic right of the oppressed. He said Azadari Syed-us-Shuhada is the universal protest of the oppressed for which there is no need of any licence, it is the most effective protest that has no decline, Azadari will continue till the time oppression and brutality are rooted out for ever and justice and fair-play are enforced in real terms. He said the New York, London and Paris attacks are the branches of the same conspiracy the objective of which is to find an excuse for the supremacy of Zionists and Hindus and further interference in the Muslim States.
Answering a question, the TNFJ chief said that Turkey is being entangled with Russia while Tayyip Erdogan is following the path of Gen. Zia. Russian has indicated to submit proofs of helping jehadis and trade relations with Daesh from Turkey in the United Nations. The result of putting Turkey in American lap and promoting terrorists will only culminate in destruction. Turkey is being pushed in the swamp and she needs to exercise wisdom. Answering another question, Agha Moosavi said Nawaz Sharif should not boast on his meeting with Moodi as keeps a dubious character. He said Pakistan should exercise wisdom and avoid being in a hurry. He said the Operation Zarb-e-Azb is on top of list in international efforts against terrorism on which the neighbouring countries should also support us. In Afghanistan treatment is provided to injured terrorists who run away from Pakistan rather Afghanistan has become a second India for Pakistan. He said the world should keep in mind that the sword of the Zarb-e-Azb will click with more power and would ultimately wipe out the enemies of humanity. He said the whole nation is behind the Pakistans Armed Forces therefore the politicians should also give up their reservations. Replying a question on supporting N League in the local bodies elections, he said the Maktab-e-Tashayyo is confronted with a sense of deprivation. N League has assured in writing for the implementation of Junejo-Moosavi Agreement for Shia demands. It was Muslim League whose head Muhammad Khan Junejo has signed an agreement with us after the 8-month long TNFJ agitation. He said promise for implementation is the reason for cooperation in local bodies elections which can lead to cooperation in the next general elections if these are fulfilled. Agha Moosavi said that the importance of Chehlum is not less than Ashoora of Shuhada-e-Karbala. Allama Syed QamarHaider Zaidi, in his address to the mourners at FawwaraChowk highlighted the invaluable sacrifice of the Imam AaliMuqaam (A.S.) and stated the Masaib of the Aseeran-e-Karbala on their return to Madinah. Ch. Abu Baidar Ali and Wajihul Hassan Kazmi also addressed the gathering.
The spokesman of Muharram Committee Azadari Cell Abu NaseemBokhari presented resolutions in which it reiterated to continue Azadari Syed-us-Shuhada till 8thRabiulAwwal by displaying the Sunni-Shia unity. The resolution reiterated their support for the National Action Plan and the Operation Zarb-e-Azab and demanded the release of Ayatollah Baqir Al-Nimr. Later, after performing Zanjeer-Zani at FawwaraChowk, the participants of the main Chehlum procession reached Raja Bazar and PuranaQila where Zuljinah processions taken out from ImambargahKashmirianTyre Bazar and Darbar Shah Chan Chiragh also merged into the main procession. The main Chehlum procession terminated at ImambargahQadeem after passing through Jamia Masjid Road and ImambaraChowk. Mukhtar Students Organisation District Rawalpindi had set up Azadari Camp at FawwaraChowk while Ibrahim Scouts had set up Medical Camps at Habib Bank Chowk, Raja Bazar and Jamia Masjid Road to facilitate the Matmis. Office-bearers of Divisional and District Committees of the TehreekNafazFiqh-e-Jafariya and MFP jawans remained along with the procession throughout.