Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi
Youm-e-Inhidam Jannatul Baqee 8 Shawal Al-Mukarram 1429 Hijra
With the name of Allah Who is Most Beneficent and
Ahle Bait Rasool (SAAW) Allah desires to keep you away from all type of Rijs and
keep you purified of every thing (Surah Ahzab Ayah 33). This Ayah is called
Ayah-e-Tatheer. Ummul Momineen Hazrat Umm-e-Salma who has the honour of being
the Sahabia-e-Rasool states that the Rasool Allah (SAAW) gathered Fatima (S.A.)
Ali (A.S.), Hassan (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.) under the Kisa and said
Allah! These are my Ahle Bait (A.S.). Keep away all types of Rijs from them.
Hazrat Umm-e-Salma asked
Rasool Allah (SAAW), am I from amongst them? The reply was
are good at your place (Sunan Tirmizi, Edition 5, Page 663). That is why Allah
has declared devotion with Ahle Bait (A.S.) as Ajr-e-Risalat
Rasool (SAAW), tell them that I do not ask for any return of it (preaching
Risalat) except devotion with my near ones (Ahle Bait) (Surah Shurah Ayah 23).
Therefore, devotion with Allah has been declared as a condition for Iman
according to Quran. He (SAAW) said no doubt, there are three Hurmats for Allah,
if any one gave relaxation with them and protected them then Allah would protect
his affairs here and the Hereafter and if anyone does not protect His Hurmat
then He would not give any relaxation.

of Islam is my Hurmat and that of mine is that of Ahle Bait (Al-Mojam Al-Kabeer,
Edition 3). On the basis of it, Rasool (SAAW) and Ahle Bait Rasool were declared
Waseela (source) and it is crystal clear that without any Waseela no one can
reach Allah. Like worships and good deeds are Waseela likewise Aulia and
Swaleheen are also Waseela. Allah Says: Oh, people in Iman! Fear from Allah
and find out Waseela for reaching Me, perform jehad in His way so that you
become successful. It is revealed that everything that keeps us near to Allah
and creates Taqwah in our hearts has the ability to be respected and that is Waseela.
When articles could become Waseela then Anbia and Aulia are also enjoy the
status of Waseela. Bait Allah, Hajr-e-Aswad and Kalam Allah are Waseela.
Then why Anbia, Mursaleen, Shuhada, Siddiqeen, and Ahle Bait Athaar (A.S.) could
not be Waseela? The Paighambar-e-Akram (SAAW) when asked, said:
are the personalities then when we look at them Allah comes to our mind (Tafseer-e-Tibri,
Edition 7). Allah Has given commandment to His men that
Aal-e-Imran Ayah 103)
has not been given to hold Allah but to hold
that Habal Allah are definitely Quran and Ahle Bait (A.S.) that has been proved
correct from Hadees-e-Saqlain that goes:
I am leaving two valuable things amongst you i.e. Quran and Ahle Bait (A.S.),
keep yourself stuck to these and you will not be misled, these two will never
separate from one another unless they reach me at Hoz-e-Kausar. The clear-cut
indicators of Habal Allah are Quran and Ahle Bait (A.S.) commandment for
sticking to them has been given. Becoming near to them is like becoming near to
Allah. Worship is for Allah
people in Iman! Worship your Allah Who created you and those who were before
you, there is a possibility that you become pious (Surah Baqarah Ayah 22). And
Quran and Ahle Bait (A.S.) are declared Habal Allah while Shaair Allah are
respectable. On this basis, people seek their Hajaat through Anbia and Swaleheen
since the era of Hazoor-e-Akram (SAAW) to-date because these are the holy
personalities that are most near to Allah and Hajaat are sought through them.
When after Wafaat-e-Rasool, Ahle Madinah faced drought, they lodged their
complaint with Ummul Momineen Hazrat Aisha. She said, look towards the grave of
the Rasool (SAAW) and consider it the Dareechah of the sky and nothing should
come between the grave of the Rasool (SAAW) and the sky, therefore people did
the same and Baraan-e-Rehmat came down (Sunan Al-Darmi, Edition 1, Page 47).
Hazrat Imam Shafaaee making Ahle Bait Paighambar as Waseela is crystal clear.
Aal-e-Nabi (SAAW) are my Waseela in Bargah-e-Khudawandi and through their
Waseela I hope that my Aimal Nama
be given in my right hand on the Day of Judgement (Sawaeq-e-Mohriqa, Page 178).
Hassan Ibrahim Abu Ali Khilal who was from amongst the Shaikhs of
Maktab-e-Hanabilah says that whenever some important issue comes to me, I go
straightaway for the Ziarat of the grave of Hazrat Musa Ibne Jaffar (A.S.),
declare him Waseela and achieve whatever I seek from Allah (Tareekh-e-Baghdad,
Edition 1, Page 120).
A few Ayah-e-Qurani and Ahadees-e-Nabawi
mentioned above indicate that Sahaba Kubaar, Tabaeen-e-Azzam, Fuqaha-e-Karaam
used to declare them as Waseela for fulfilment of Hajaat and Mushkil-Kushaee
but when Khanwada-e-Saud took over, they destructed the historic and most
respectable graveyards of Jannatul Moallah and Jannatul Baqee. These are the
holiest places that carry the graves of forefathers of the Khatmi Martabat (SAAW),
Aal-e-Athaar (A.S.), Ummahaatul Momineen (R.A.) Sahaba Kubaar (R.A.), Tabaeen (R.A.).
The tragic news of this incident was given to the Indian news agencies by a
British Press reporter through a telegram and when this news was published in
newspapers the whole India turned topsy-turvy with pain because it was a great
tragedy for the Islamic World against which the whole Islamic World rose in
protest. Farzandan-e-Tauheed not only observed mourning rather they also lodged
strong protest against it. At that time i.e. 1925 a delegation of Khilafat
Committee comprising Hazrat Maulana Suleman Nadvi, Maulana Muhammad Irfan,
Maulana Abdul Majid Badayunvi, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, and others reached Hejaz
so as to talk to the Saudi rulers on this issue. The rulers assured them that no
further action will be taken in this connection (Report Khilafat Committee, Page
23). The said delegation delivered back information to India that mazars in
Jannatul Moallah had been destructed before they reached there, so much so that
even the place of Holy Prophets birth was not spared. Later, another delegation
from the Khilafat Committee visited Saudi Arabia and sent feedback to India that
when our delegation reached Hejaz on May 23 the first shattering news we heard
was that Jannatul Baqee has also been destructed. When Saudi rulers were asked,
they replied that we consider exploitation of Badit and Kufr our duty and would
not care for any consideration of the Islamic World in this connection whether
they like it or not (Excerpts from the Report of the Khilafat Committee, Page
85). Afterwards this delegation delivered another tragic news that whatever the
situation is all Qubbaas of Madina Munawwarah were razed to ground despite
promises made by Sultan Abdel Aziz Bin Saud (Report Khilafat Committee, Page
They did not stop here and also destructed
all those places and mosques with whom some holy personalities were related in
one way or the other. Like Makkah, some mosques in Madina could not remain
protected. The mosques razed to ground at that time include: Masjid-e-Fatima
(adjacent to Masjid-e-Qaba), Masjid-e-Sanaia (where the Dandaan-e-Mubarik of the
Holy Prophet SAAW were separated), Masjid-e-Minar Teen, Masjid-e-Maida (place
where Surah Maida was sent), Masjid-e-Ajabah (a place where an important Dua of
the Holy Prophet SAAW was accepted) (Report Khilafat Committee, Page 88).
The personalities whose mazars were
destructed included: Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Syeda Fatima Zahra (S.A.), Hazrat
Fatima Sughra Binte Imam Hussain, Shahzada Sulah-o-Aman Hazrat Imam Hassan
Mujtaba (A.S.), Beemar-e-Karbala Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.), Hazrat
Ibrahim Farzand-e-Rasool, Hazrat Abbas Ibne Abdul Muttalib (to whom Abbasi
family belongs), Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.), Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S.).
The nine Ummahaatul Momineen whose mazars were destructed included: Hazrat Aisha
(R.A.), Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (R.A.) Hazrat Zainab, Hazrat Hafza (R.A.). In
addition the mazars of Hazoors (SAAW) aunts, Sahaba Karaam, Tabaeen, Hazrat
Usman Bin Affan, Hazrat Usman Bin Mazoon, Hazrat Jafar-e-Tayyar, Hazrat Abdul
Rehman Ibne Auf, Hazrat Imam Malik, and Hazrat Imam Nafeh were also included in
those which were destructed (Report Khilafat Committee, Page 89).
Therefore, a leader of the Khilafat
Committee Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar delivered an address at Jamia Masjid Delhi
keeping these incidents in view some excerpts of which are: I am sitting in
Allahs home and consider Him before me and say that I have no personal enmity
with the Ibne Saud. Neither my opposition to him is based on personal interest.
I would say whatever I have seen and would say clearly whether any party becomes
happy or unhappy. Sultan Ibne Saud repeatedly talks about Kitaab Allah and
Sunnat-e-Rasool. I found out that they have made the Kitaab Allah and
Sunnat-e-Rasool a tool to earn worldly gains (Maqalaat-e-Muhammad Ali Jauhar,
Pages 95-96). The oppressed world could not keep her silence on this tragic
incident while the great son of the world of journalism i.e. Agha Shorish
Kashmiri wrote a Nohah on this tragic incident:

The Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya
considers it its faithful duty to attract the attention of the so-called
champions of human rights i.e. Arab League, OIC, ICC, the United Nations,
Security Council and others towards the destruction of holy mazars in Jannatul
Baqee and Jannatul Moallah by observing Universal Youm-e-Inhidam Jannatul Baqee
on 8th Shawal every year as a part of their demands included in the May 21, 1985
Junejo-Moosavi agreement. Therefore, even today we would like to make it a point
that it is necessary to restore the dignity of the holy mazars in Jannatul Baqee
and Jannatul Moallah if they desire to root out terrorism, seek independence of
the oppressed nations, seek independence of Kashmir and Palestine, seek
annexation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, seek pullout of allied forces from Iraq and
Afghanistan, seek reconstruction of Babri Masjid rather seek protection of place
of worship belonging to minorities in line with their ideologies, and seek an
end to humiliation of Muslim graves in Britain. If these graves were not
reconstructed and decorated with dignity again and if silence was kept on the
humiliation and desecration of Shaair Allah, holy graves and signs, then our
story would not be there in the world stories.
Our peaceful protest is not against any
faith, party, country, fiqh or Maktab but against oppression, brutality and
suppression. This protest which is our right would continue till the flag of
justice and fair-play flutters high all over the world and the oppression dies
its own death because the oppressions when increased is wiped out.
Khakpai Muslimeen
Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi Al-Najafi
