TNFJ Chief Allama Muqaddesi announces Code of Azadari for Muharram
ISLAMABAD, JULY 06, 2024: Following the footsteps of Quaid e Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, the Chief of Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqh e Jafariya Allama Agha Syed Hussain Muqaddasi has announced 14-points Code of Azadari for Ayyam e Aza e Hussaini through a press conference at Headquarter Maktab e Tashayyo Ali Masjid to ensure respect, dignity and harmony during Muharram ul Haram.
Addressing to the representatives of media on this occasion, Agha Hussain Muqaddasi highlighted the importance of unfadeable sacrifice of holy Prophet’s grandson Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) and propagated the eternal lessons of Hussainiyat and importance of Azadari. He said that Karbala is the way to peace and humanity while Hussainiyat nurtures provides the spirit of freedom in the movements of Kashmiris, Palestinians and other oppressed nations.
Matami processions across Pakistan will be brought out in accordance with the Moosavi-Junejo agreement of 21st May 1985. Karbala is the name of an ideology and faith. We will not refrain from adopting the path of Hussainiyat to protect fundamental rights, religion and motherland. He said that every conscious human being is obliged to Hussain Ibn-e-Ali (A.S). There exists no Sunni-Shia conflict in Pakistan rather proscribed groups are involved in spreading hatred on social media.
Central Muharram Committee Azadari Cell under the headship of Allama Bisharat Hussain Imami has been set up by Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqh e Jafariya (TNFJ) to facilitate Azadars across Pakistan. Allama Muqadassi stressed that no restriction will be accepted on Majalis and Azadari inside four-walls and new Imambargahs. Announcement of setting up Sabeels of drinking water and distribution of Niaz by the Chief Minister Punjab is appreciable, government must refrain from imposing unjust restrictions on Azadari and restrict lower-level administration to stop harassing the organizers of Majalis. Gagging of peaceful scholars and Zakireen is tantamount to strengthening miscreants. When new settlements can be developed then why not new Imambargahs? Federal interior ministry, home departments must set up Muharram Control Rooms in all districts and connect them with TNFJ’s Muharram Azadari Cell for better coordination and results.

The Chief of TNFJ declared operation Azm e Istehkam as necessary for Pakistan’s safety and security and hoped that Azm e Istehkam will result in obliteration of Yazeedi ideology. He said that Pakistan’s security must be the top priority. Our best military and nuclear capabilities irritate the enemies of Pakistan. Operation has become mandatory to remove facilitators and agents of colonial powers.
He said that all political forces must also remember that their existence is bound with the existence of Pakistan. We reject all those thoughts that undermine the security of the motherland. If the government really wants to establish lasting peace, then it must stop encouraging members of proscribed organizations and expel them from state institutions and peace committees as otherwise, so called peace committees will only produce unrest and conflicts instead of peace.
Agha Muqaddais said that Maktab e Tashayyo is the Maktab who produced the miracle of Pakistan’s creation and therefore, must not be alienated and marginalized. He demanded that foolproof security arrangements must be ensured for pilgrims of sacred places in Iran and Iraq. Interior ministry, foreign ministry, and ministry of religious affairs must set up special relief desks for pilgrims while make special arrangements of food, security, and medical assistance on border areas.

Expressing serious concerns of deteriorating situation of economy, Agha Muqaddasi appealed to the relevant institutions to formulate an Economic Action Plan to stabilize the economic condition and avoid any agreement that could hurt Pakistan’s economy while existing agreements must be scrutinize and amended in accordance with the national interest. On this occasion, the TNFJ Chief issued a 14-points Code of Azadari which goes as under:
- All 20-points of the National Action Plan must be implemented as foreign funding is still flowing in for the proscribed groups that are freely operating using new names. Scope of operation Azm e Istehkam must be spread across Pakistan including the federal capital Islamabad.
- Declaring any of the established sects i.e. Sunni and Shia as non-believer must be declared as a crime worth punishment. Snap checking must be ensured in Majalis and Jaloos e Aza and both private as well as government vehicles must be checked. Participants of the mourning processions and Jaloos must be facilitated. Ladies must be checked using Ladies Police. Close Circuit cameras, walk through gates must be installed at entry and exit points. Blockades must be installed at different distances and nearby buildings and vacant places must be kept under check. Video film must be made for Azadari programs.
- Ensure the patrolling of police mobile squads for the protection of gatherings and processions. Help of Ibrahim Scouts and Mukhtar Force volunteers in security matters should be taken alongside the police and administration.
- The caretakers of the Imambargahs, procession organizers, and administrators should also make security arrangements by themselves. Mourners of Imam Hussain (AS) should prefer Azadari over everything else.
- Federal and provincial governments should not issue any orders that infringe on the rights of mourners. Mourning processions across the country will be carried out in accordance with the Moosavi-Junejo agreement of May 21, 1985, and no interference in Azadari will be tolerated.
- Authorities should instruct the lower level administration to avoid creating fear and anxiety among the organizers of Majalis and mourning processions so that Azadari programs can be held smoothly.
- No one should be allowed to take the law into their own hands. Remain peaceful under all circumstances and refer any issues to the central control room.
- Everyone Should Prioritize tolerance and condemn all forms of prejudice. People should remain vigilant and closely monitor their surroundings and individuals. Report any suspicious objects or persons to the administration and police officials to prevent any unpleasant event.
- Speakers should promote unity and spirit of harmony and security in their addresses and avoid inflammatory and hate speeches while propagating the sacrifices of the martyrs of Karbala in a positive manner.
- During the Muharram, music, dramas, and entertainment programs on electronic media must not be aired. Controversial figures and banned groups should not be invited to media forums.
- Promote virtues, avoid vices, and do not give coverage to proscribed groups in the media. Newspapers should publish special editions to highlight the sacrifices of the martyrs of Karbala to keep the spirit of sacrifice alive.
- Political parties should avoid political activities during the Muharram decade. Women should follow the example of the chaste and pure, elders should emulate the pious Companions (A.S), and youth should follow the path of Prince Qasim (AS), Akbar (AS), and Aun (AS) and Muhammad (AS). Ensure punctuality and discipline in the organization of mourning gatherings and processions.
- Load shedding of electricity and gas during Majalis and processions must not be applied. Keep the routes clean. The organizers of the gatherings should themselves adhere to the code of conduct and enforce it on others as well.
- Government must instruct its Muharram control rooms to remain connected with TNFJ’s Muharram Committee Azadari Cell’s central and regional control rooms to thwart any conspiracies and mischief.
Allama Hussain Muqaddasi said that we have faced great tyrants and oppressors. We were imprisoned, killed, and buried alive in walls. He said our bodies were desecrated, but everyone must remember that from every drop of our blood and every particle of our dust, the call of “Ya Sarat Al-Hussain (AS)” “Labbaik Ya Hussain (AS)” echoed and will continue to echo in future.
We have never compromised our religious rights, nor will we ever let anyone confiscate them. We are neither subservient nor for sale. This head bows only before Allah, the Prophet (PBUH), and the Imams (AS). Therefore, let it be known that no interference in Azadari of Imam e Hussain (AS) will be tolerated.