Tehreek Round Up


Compiled by: Syeda Bint-e-Zahra,President

the one of those four months which are called Hurmat walay maheenay
(the months in which jidal-o-Qital (fighting) was prohibited and
they are Muharram, Rajab, Zeeqa’ad and Zilhajj) is the beginning
of Islamic calendar. It is the month in which Imam Hussain (A.S),
the greatest  membpersonality of Khanwada-e-Rasool P.b.U.H and
his Aal) along with 72members of his (A.S) Ashaab (companions), holy
children and relatives offered such great sacrifice in the burning
plain of Karabala for the eminence of Islam, which is matchless in
the whole human history. He is the great leader of all oppressed
nations in the world. Infact Karbala is the fountainhead of all
oppressed movements. The best amal (deed) during this month is to
mourn, lament and weep over the great museebah (afflicition) of Imam
Hussain and His Holy family.

It is reported from Imam Raza (A.S)
“Muharram-ul-Haram was such a month in which even infidels
considered fighting haram but the hypocrites of this ummah
considered our blood halal in this month, imprisoned our
mukhaddarat-e-Ismat-o-Taharat (womenfolk) and children, burnt our
camps, looted our goods and chattles and didn’t show favour to
Hurmat-e-Rasool (P.b.U.H and His Aal). This museebah (affliction)
has hurt our eyes”, this is the month of grief and deep sorrow.
Masoom (A.S) says: “to mourn and weep over Imam Hussain(a.s)
obliterate mortal sins (gunahaan-e-Kabeera).”

A Hadith of Imam Raza goes: “In the month of
muharram nobody had ever seen my father (A.S) happy and merry.
During this month he remained in continuous grief and pain and on
the 10th of this month he was used to say “today Imam
Hussain (A.S) was martyred brutally”.

Few prayers have been mentioned in the books to be
offered in the
first night (night berfore Ist day of the month):

1.      Two rakaat prayer — in each rakat sura Hamd and Sura
Touheed should be recited;

Two rakaat Prayer — in Ist rakaat sura Hamd and Sura Inaam
while in the second, Sura Hamd and Sura Yaseen are to be recited;

Two rakaat prayer and in each rakaat Sura Hamd once and Sura
Touheed eleven times, ought to be recited.


to a saying of Holy Prophet (P.b.U.H and His Aal) he who offers two
rakaat prayer in this night and keeps fast in the Ist day of Islamic
calender (Ist of Muharram) is like that person who has done good
during the whole year and as a reward he will remain safe and secure
in the whole year, and in case he dies, will be entered to heaven (Jannat).

Waking all night in ibaadat (worship), dua’a and
recitation of Holy Quran is mustahab (desirable).

It is reported that Holy Prophet (P.b.U.H and His
Aal) was used to offer two rakaat prayer on the Ist day of Muharram
and after offering prayer recite following dua’a while raising his


complete dua’a mafateeh-ul-Jinnan may be consulted).

was the
2nd day
of Muharram-ul-Haram in the year 61 A.H
when Imam Hussain (A.S) came to Karbala.


7th Muharram-ul-Haram
Ibne Ziyad (may Allah curse him)
ordered his men to prevent Imam Hussain, the son of saqi-e-Kauser (A.S),
along with his family and followers from getting water to Euphrates
in order that they (A.S) should not drink even a drop of it.

Muharram is Youm-e-Tasu’a
. It has been reported from Imam
Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) that Roz-e-Tasu’a is the day when army of
Yazid (may he be cursed and pit of Hell be for him) besieged Imam
Hussain (A.S) and His ashaab to fight against them. Ibne Marjana and
Umer Sa’ad (may they be cursed) became glad for having big army
and considered for having a big army and considered Imam Hussain and
his Ashaab weak. Then Imam Sadiq (A.S) said “may I ransom my grand
father Imam Hussain (A.S) with my father and mother.”

The night between 9 and 10 is shab-e-Aashoor (Aashoor
night). This is the night when Imam Hussain (A.S) brother of Imam
Hasan (A.S) about whom Holy Prophet (P.b.U.H and His Aal) said: “O
God, I love both of them. Therefore love them and love whoever loves
them” then he said: “whoever loves al-Hasan and al-Hussain, is
one whom I love. Whomever I love, God loves, and whomever God loves,
he will cause to enter Heaven. Whoever hates them, I hate and God
hates whomever God hates, he will cause to enter the Fire”. Then
he said: “These two sons of mine are two plants of sweet basil (to
sweeten) the world”.

Gathered his (A.S) followers (Ashaab) around him.
Ali Ibne al-Hussain, Zayn ul-Abedeen(A.S) reported: “I heard my
father saying to his followers: ‘I glorify God with the most
perfect glorification and I praise him in happiness and misfortune.
O God, I praise you for blessing us with Prophethood, teaching us
the Quran’. Then he again said: ‘ I know of no followers more
loyal and more virtuous than my followers, nor of any House more
pious and more close Knit than my House. May Allah reward you well
on my behalf. I permit you to leave me. All of you go away with the
absolution of your oath to follow me, for there will be no further
obligation on you from me. This is a night (whose darkness) will
give cover you. Use it as a camel (i.e. ride away in it)’. Then my
father put out the light so his followers, ashaab could go without
any hesitation and shyness in the darkness. But when after some time
he lighted the lamp, he saw all of his loyal ashaab and followers
with their own swords on their necks. Muslim bin Awsaja (may Allah
have mercy on him) arose and said : “By God, we will never leave
you”. If I knew that I would die and then be revived and then
burnt and then revived, and then scattered, and that would be done
to me seventy times, I would never leave you until I met my death
(fighting) on your behalf’. Another follower said: “No, by God,
we will not do (such a thing). Rather we will ransom you with our
lives, property and families. All his followers spoke in similar
vein, one after the other Imam Hussain (my father) called (on God
to) reward them well”. (reference — Kitab al-Irshad by shaykh
al-Mufeed may God have mercy on him).

In this night, Imam along with his relatives and
ashaab remained busy in ibaadat-e-ilahee. Some aamaal of this night
are as under:


·        Waking all night in ibaadat, it
is as he has performed ibaadat with mala’ika (angels), and it is
equal to 70 years ibaadat in reward;

·        Hold majaalis of Noha and matam
to commemorate Imam Hussain’s (A.S) martyrdom;

·        Mourn and lament for Imam’s
museebah (affliction);

·        Visit the Holy grave of Imam
Hussain in Karbala and if not possible then recite ziarat-e-Imam
Hussain (A.S).

Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) said : he who spend this night while lamenting
for Imam’s museebah will in the day of resurrection, be raised
while covered with his blood as the martyrs of Karbala will, and
whoever recites Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain (A.S) in this night is as he
martyred on behalf of Imam Hussain (A.S)”.

·        Perform 4 rakaat prayer, in each
rakaat 50 times Sura-e-Touheed ought to be recited after Sura Hamd;

Invoke Allah’s blessings on
Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.b.U.H and His Aal) and his Aal (darood);

·        Curse upon their (A.S) enemies.

the 10th of Muharram-ul-Haram
is the darkest day of the
whole human history as the holy son of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Batool
(A.S) Hazrat Imam Hussain about whom the Holy Prophet (about whom
Quran says:


does not speak out of his own fancy. This is no other than an
inspired revelation)

is from me and i am from Hussain.”

martyred wrongfully in the year 61 A.H after Asr (mid-day) prayer,
while thirsty and striving in the burning plain of Karbala. The
respect due to him was ignored. They showered him with arrows until
he became (quilted with arrows). His age on that day was 57 years.
Imam Raza (A.S) says: “no one could count the wounds of my grand
father Hussain(A.S). The wounds over his Holy body were equal to the
letters of Holy Quran in number”.

After his martyrdom the sky turned red. Yousuf bin
Abeeda reported: “I heard Muhammed bin sireen say : such a redness
which was in the sky was never seen except after the killing of
Hussain bin Ali(A.S).”

We see this redness (which appeared after the
martyrdom of Imam Hussain) in the sky before maghrib daily.

Shaykh al-mufeed (may Allah have mercy on him)
writes in his book kitab al-Irshad that Imam Hussain (A.S) before
his shahadat (martyrdom) called out at the top of his voice: “O
people of Iraq listen to my words”. He praised and glorified Allah
and mentioned what Allah is entitled to. He called for blessing on
the Prophet (P.b.U.H and His Aal) and on the angels and (other)
Prophets. No speaker has ever been heard before or after him, more
eloquent in his speech than he was. He (A.S) continued: “Trace
back my lineage and consider who I am. Then look back at yourselves
and remonstrate with yourselves. Consider whether it is right for
you to kill me and to violate the honour of my women folk who are
mukhaddarat-e-ismat-o-taharat. Am i not the son of the daughter of
you Prophet, of his lestamentary trustee (wasi) and his cousin? Was
not Hamza (A.S), the lord of the martyrs, my father’s uncle? Was
not Jafar, the one who flies in heaven, my uncle? Have you not heard
the words of the Apostle of God concerning my self and my brother
Hasan (A.S):

are the two lords of the youths of the inhabitants of heaven”?
then he again said: “Is there no (sufficient) in this to prevent
you shedding my blood?”.

they (may Allah curse them) killed Imam Hussain (A.S), Shimar (may
Allah curse him) bent down and decapitated Imam who was (Hajjat
ullah) the proof of God. He lifted the holy head and handed it to
khawli (may Allah curse him) saying: “take it to the commander
Umar bin Sa’ad (may Allah curse him)” who then despatched the
head of Imam with Khawli bin Yazid al Asbahi and Humayed bin muslim
al Azdi, to Ubaid-ullah bin Ziyad (may Allah curse them).

cutting his holy head off, they began to plunder the holy body of
Imam Hussain (A.S). Abjar bin Ka’ab (may Allah curse him)  who plundered Imam, his two
hands become so dry and benumbed in the summer that they were like
sticks and then soaking wet in the winter so that they sprinkled
drops of water and puss, until Allah destroyed him.

plundering him, Ishaq bin Hayyat and Akhnas bin marthad (may Allah
curse them) trampled on the holy body of Imam Hussain, the grand son
of Holy Prophet (P.b.U.H and His Aal) with their horses after it
they (may Allah curse them) burnt Imam’s Camps and inprisoned his
womenfolk (mukhaddarat-e-Ismat-o-Taharat) and children.

is reported with a chain of authorities on the authority of Umm-ul-Momeneen
Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (may Allah be pleased with her), that she said:
“One evening the Apostle of God left us and was away for a long
time. He came back, he was dishevelled and dusty and his hand was
holding something. I said to him: “Apostle of God, why do I see
you dihevelled and dusty?: He said: “I have just been on a night
journey to a place in Iraq called Karbala. There I saw the death of
my son, al Hussain, and a group of my children and the members of my
family. I could not stop myself from gathering some of their blood
and here it is in my hand.” He opened his hand and said: “take
it and look after it”. I took it. It was like red soil, I put it
in a phial, fastened its top and kept it. When Imam Hussain (A.S)
left makah on his way to Iraq, I took out that phial every day and
night: I used to smell it and look at it, then I would weep. On the
10th Muharram, the day on which Imam Hussain (A.S) was
killed. I saw Holy Prophet in my dream while dishevelled and dusty.
He didn’t has Imama (turban) on his head, his Qaba (long coat) was
untied and his eyes were flowing with tears I asked the reason. He
told me: “my Hussain has been killed in Karbala” I woke up of my
sleep and took out the phial, behold, it was fresh blood. I shrieked
with grief and wept.”

bin sinaan says that it was Aashoora day when i went to Imam
Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) and found him in sadness, deep sorow and grief
while his eyes were flowing with tears. I asked him the reason. He
said: “don’t you know that this was the day when my grand father
Syed-ush shuhada Imam Hussain (A.S) was martyred wrongfully”.
Abdullah asked again: “what should we do today? “ Imam told him
some aamaal of the day which are as under:

·        nobody should engage himself in
any work other than mourning and weeping for Imam’s museebah and
holding majalis;

·        he should not store up the grain

·        Untie his Qaba;

·        Tuck up his sleeves as afflicted, misfortuned (museebat zada) do;

Fasting till after Asr time
because this was the time when fighting was stopped, and then iftar
should be with simple food instead of delicious;

·        Hold majaalis to commemorate Imam
Hussain’s martyrdom;

·        Lament, mourn and weep over Imam
as would weep for the deasert son of his own;

·        Recite the Ziarat-e-Aashoora of
Imam Hussain (A.S);

Jinnan may be consulted for Ziarat)

Curse upon Imam’s and his
companinon’s  murderers
in these words:

Allah curse the murderers of Imam Hussain (A.S) and his ashaab

·        Condole each other for the great
museebah of Imam Hussain (A.S) in these words.

Allah greaten our reward for we mourn for Imam Hussain alehay salam
and cause us and you from among the suitors of his (A.S) blood with
His wali Imam Mehdi (Ajja  lallaho
farajahu) who is from Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S).”

Raza (A.S said: “whoever considers Aashoora day, the day of grief
and sorrow, Allah will make the day of resurrection for him, the day
of happiness and pleasure.”

·        And then condole Holy Prophet
Muhammad (P.b.U.H and His Aal) Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat
Imam Hasan (A.S) and all masoomeen (A.S) for this great museebah
while weeping, and then recite the following ziarat:


complete Ziarat Mafateehul Jinnan
may be consulted)

Mufeed in his book Kitab-al-Irshad wrote On 11th
Muharram-ul-Haram mukhaddat-e-Ismat-o-taharat and children of Imam
Hussain (A.S) (to whom they (may Allah curse them) imprisoned) were
departed for kufa. In the same day, some of Banu Asad who had been
staying at al Ghazariyya, buried Imam Hussain Under the orders of
Imam Zayn-ul-Abedeen (A.S) (who was sick and also imprisoned with
mukhaddarat-e-Ismat-o-Taharat) at the place where his holy tomb
still is.

reports have come down about the great merit (to be acquired) by
visiting Imam Hussain’s grave. It is reported from Imam
Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) that he said: “visiting the grave of Imam
Hussain is equal to hundred acceptable pilgrimages (hajj) and a
hundred acceptable off-seasonal pilgrimages (Umra)”. Holy Prophet
said: “whoever visits the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S) will have
heaven (as his reward)”.

It was 12 Muharram when
Ibne Sa’ad (may Allah curse him) arrived Kufa bringing with him
mukhaddarat-e-ismat-o-taharat (daughters and house hold) of Imam
Hussain (A.S), Ibne Ziyed (may the pit of Hell be for him) sat
before the people in the governor’s palace and put the holy head
of Imam Hussain in front of him and began to look at it with an
odious smile. In his hand he had a cane and he began to poke at the
Holy teeth with it. When Hazrat Zayed bin Arqam, the honourable
companion of Holy Prophet (P.b.U.H and His Aal) who was (then) and
old man, saw him (may Allah curse him) poking at the Holy teeth with
the cane, he said: “Take your cane away from those two lips, for
by God, other than whom there is no deity, I have seen the lips of
the Apostle if God touch those two lips countless times”. With
that he (may Allah be pleased with him) began to weep at this Ibne
Ziyad (may Allah curse him) burnt with anger and said: “if it was
not for the fact that you are an old man who has become silly and
your mind has left you, I would cut off your head”.

The next morning (13th of Muharram) Ubaid
ullah bin Ziayad (may Allah curse him) sent the head of Imam Hussain
(A.S) to Yazeed (may Allah curse him) after it had been taken
through all the streets and tribes of Kufa.

It is reported from Zayd bin Arqam, the companion of
Holy Prophet : it was brought past; it was stuck on spear and I was
in a room in my (house). As it was apposite me I heard it (the Holy
head of Imam) recite:

do you think that the companions of the cave and the inscription
were among our wonderful signs.” My flesh shuddered and I called

out: “O
son of the Apostle of God, your head is miraculous, miraculous”.

On 25th of Muharram Hazrat Syed-us-Sajedeen Imam
Zain-ul-Abedeen (A.S) the son of Imam Hussain bin Ali (A.S) and
Hazrat Shaherbano who was the daughter of Yazdigard bin Shahriyar
bin Choesroe, died in Medina in the year 95 A.H at that time he was
fifty-seven 57 years of age. He was buried in Janna-tul Baqee with
his uncle Imam Hasan bin Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S).


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