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Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi
on the occasion of
Aashura 1427 A.H.

Brethren in Iman!

Quran has given
priority to some on some
 and the
Khandan-e-Risalat from amongst the world families while the Holy Prophet
(SAW) from amongst all Prophets and Messengers have been considered
supreme and distinguished, therefore Allah Says in Hadees-e-Qudsi:


(I was a hidden
treasure; I desired that I should be recognised. Thus, O, Muhammad
(SAW)! I created you straight away or I created a particular creature

Here from
creature means the first ever creature. Hadees means that qualities of
Allah were there because His qualities are in line with personality but
these were unseen. That is why Allah liked that His qualities should
come out in the open and those first ever creature (as per Awwalo Ma
Khalaq Allah Noori) is Muhammad (SAW) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.) and on
this basis there is a saying of the Holy Prophet (SAW)


(Our first is
Muhammad, in between is also Muhammad, the last one is also Muhammad and
we all are Muhammad.)

 Reality was one
that reached us in 14 parts on which Allah Says:


(These people
desire to put off Allah’s Noor with their mouth (by pumping air through
their mouth) despite Allah will complete His Noor whether the atheists
mind it, He is the one Who sent His Messenger along with guidance and
truthful religion so as to make it dominating amongst all religions
whether polytheists mind it – Surah Safayaat 8).

The light could
not be put off through pumping air from mouth. These are those holy
personalities that saying of whom is:


(Had we not been
there, it would have become difficult to recognise Allah).

 Therefore, the
atheists utilised all their energy in wiping out the Holy Prophet (SAW)
throughout his life spread over 63 years and the Holy Prophet (SAW) had
to fight out 104 small and big defensive wars. The objective of rooting
out the Paighambar-e-Islam (SAW) was to root out the objective of
sending Risalat, religion and Shariat but the Holy Prophet (SAW) on one
side said that Halal declared by Muhammad (SAW) is Halal and Haram
declared by Muhammad (SAW) is Haram till the Last Day, and at the same
time for the protection of his high goals, he also said ­that I am
leaving two invaluable things amongst you: one of them is the Book of
Allah and the other is my Ahle Bait (A.S.), keep yourself attached with
them .


One of the
greatest personalities from amongst them is that of
Nawasa-e-Rasool-os-Saqalain Shahzada-e-Konain Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.).
When Yazid bin Muawia took over the reigns of power after half a century
to the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) demise, and started making fun of Paighambar-e-Islam
(SAW) and Shariat-e-Muhammadi saying that


(God forbid,
Bani Hashim had lied for getting power, neither any angel came nor any
Wahi was sent).


Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) decided for Qayam to check the lies of Yazid,
being the inheritor of Islam, protector of religion and Shariat and gave
a new lease of life to humanity and the religion of Islam with his blood
giving sacrifice along with his sincere companions, near and dear ones.
As a poet says:

 After Shahadat-e-Hussain
(A.S.), Hazrat Imam Sajjad (A.S.) giving a befitting reply to Yazid’s
denial to Wahi and Ilhaam through his heart-rending address in the court
of Shaam highlighted the objective of Qayam-e-Hussain that Imam Aali
Muqaam (A.S.) had himself stated in his last words that


(I am following
my grandfather and father).


Therefore, Imam
Hussain (A.S.) refused Bai’at to Yazid and to give his hand into his by
saying .
By following the seerat of his grandfather, he proved that like he (SAW)
had left Makkah Mukarramah for high objectives, similarly Hussain (A.S.)
is ready to leave Madinah but no one would be allowed to cause harm to
the religion and Shariat come what may.

 Imam Aali
Muqaam (A.S.) left Madinah on 28th Rajab, reached Karbala on
2nd Muharram and the Yazidi forces stopped water for Lashkar-e-Hussaini
on 7th Muharram. The companions and near and dear ones kissed
martyrdom on 10th Muharram in Karbala one by one and in the


 The world of
oppression and brutality is afraid of Hussainiyyat even today because
Hussainiyyat is the acme of peace and tranquillity. The satanic forces
are not only playing holi with the blood of the innocent Muslims in the
oppressed and Muslim States but blasphemy is still being committed today
the fresh example of which is that media of Denmark, Norway, Spain,
Germany, France, Switzerland, New Zealand and other States including
even Jordan were committing aggression laced with all type of weapons
and are repeating the Yazidi sentence



In this
situation it is obligatory for the whole humanity to follow the Hussaini
role that is:

Imam Hussain (A.S.)
could not be linked with any area or a country because Hussain (A.S.) by
giving sacrifice of many lives in respect of mankind, promotion of
religious and Shariat proved that Hussain (A.S.) could not be limited to
as wherever there is humanity, Hussainiyyat would be there and it is
Hussainiyyat that is the protector of humanity and this is what Shariat
is. I pay Darood and Salam to Hussain (A.S.) and his companions:

 We present
condolences and consolation in the respected court of holy Prophet (SAW)
and his last inheritor Hazrat Hujjat Al-Asr (A.S.) on the tragic
occasion of Youm-e-Ashoora and announce our commitment that our
practical struggle for the mission of ‘Wila’ and ‘Aza’ would continue
with sincerity of purpose. I could give my life but would never allow
anyone to cause any harm to Azadari Imam-e-Mazloom (A.S.) that is my
belief and faith.


Foot-dust of Azadaran-e-Hussain
Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi

10 Muharram-ul-Haram, 1427 Hijra
9th February 2006


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