Tehreek Round Up



Path of Ali (as) basic to embrace world peace: Taaj-ul-Monazereen 

Life-style of Ali (as) is death of oppression, Moosavi’s address on
Wilayat Week opening 

Moosavi in Wilayat week message says Ali (p) is spring of wilayat 

Youm-e-Batla-e-Karbala: Moosavi terms Malika-e-Karbala’s life example 

Markazi Hafta-e-Wilayat Committee gives final shape to countrywide

Youm-e-Hurmat-e-Pakistan marked; Moosavi says respect of Pak-making,
decorating figures must

Khan has raised nation head by putting his head down, Moosavi

Nation observes Youm-e-Yakjehti-e-Kashmir with rallies and demos

Youm-e-Hurmat-e-Pakistan announced; dignity of Iqbal, QA and Khan is

Path of Ali (as) basic to embrace world peace: Taaj-ul-Monazereen

ISLAMABAD, February 11: Allama Tajuddin Haideri, Vice-President of Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan and Taaj-ul-Monazereen has said that path of Ali (A.S.) would have to be adopted to get rid the trouble-tangled humanity of problems and to embrace international peace.

He was addressing Shahanshah-e-Wilayat Conference at Masjid and Imambargah Qasr-e-Zainab Federal Area Islamabad as a chief guest here on Wednesday marking Wilayat Week. The Conference was organised by Allama Basharat Hussain Imami, TNFJ District Council Islamabad President.

Allama Haideri said the live nations provide the proof of their national life while remembering their leaders. He said there is a famous saying of Shahanshah-e-Aulia Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that we love death to the extent that even a child could not have with mother’s milk. It makes it clear that desire for death is the biggest standard to gauge Wilayat, he said adding that Wilayat-e-Ali is the basis of Islamic belief on which no one could be allowed to bargain.

A resolution adopted on the occasion called upon the government to take notice of the restricted terrorist groups operating with new names so as to root out terrorism from the country while they should avoid making these elements sit around them.

The participants of the Conference resolved to support the Code of Azadari to be given by Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi for the oncoming month of Muharramul Haram.

Another resolution while expressing complete solidarity with the oppressed people of Kashmir and Palestine declared the unrest going on in Iraq was a matter of great concern and called upon the United Nations and other international organisations to take concrete steps to ensure protection of holy places of Iraq, Maraje Uzzam and the oppressed people of Iraq. As a first step the occupation American forces should be pulled out from the Iraqi soil giving the Iraqi people their right to form a government of their own choice, it added.

Meanwhile, Wilayat Week celebrations were continued on Wednesday in all parts of the country.

Life-style of Ali (as) is death of oppression, Moosavi’s address on Wilayat Week opening

RAWALPINDI, February 10: Hafta-e-Wilayat began throughout the country with the Eid-e-Ghadeer functions on Tuesday, Zilhijj 18 on the call of Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, chief of the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan.

Mahafil-e-Milad, meetings, conferences, and seminars were organised in Federal Capital Islamabad, and all the four provinces of the country including Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas. Ulama Karaam, waizeen, and zakireen highlighted the importance and qualities of the Wilayat-e-Ali.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi in his special address said that the Paighambar-e-Islam (SAW) held the arm of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (A.S.) raised it, and declared upon the whole world of humanity in the presence of pious Ashaab Kubaar and a huge crowd that their supremacy and success lay in accepting the Wilayat-e-Ali.

He said the Holy Prophet (SAW) made this universal announcement at a place called Ghadeer-e-Khum that “Ali is the Maula of those, I am the Maula of whom”. He said Hazrat Ali (A.S.) is the collection of qualities of Prophets, Messengers, and the true inheritor of the Paighambar-e-Islam, and who is the Imam-e-Mubin of the whole universe.

He said his life-style stands witness that establishment of justice and fair-play, and rooting out of oppression and brutality was his distinguished quality. The life-style of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) is death of oppression and brutality, and an eternal life and a source of survival for the followers of justice and fair-play.

Meanwhile, in Rawalpindi, a special function was organised at Jamiatul Momineen under the auspices of Hay’at Tulaba-e-Islamia. The proceedings started with recitation from the Holy Quran by Syed Kazim Abbas Kazmi while Syed Bilawal Hussain Shah, Arif Al-Hussaini, Riwayat Hussain Ravi, Abd Kazim Ubaidi, Haider Abbas Kazmi, Bashir Hussain Niaz, and Syed Matloob Hussain Kazmi participated in Qaseedah-Khwani. Khateeb Fateh-e-Farat addressed the gathering on the topic of “Eid-e-Ghadeer” while Syed Joan Ali Mash’hadi conducted the proceedings.

A consensus resolution was adopted at this function saying that Maktab-e-Tashayyo offered equal sacrifices in the construction and development of Pakistan while all departments including the electronic and print media were continuously ignoring the Ahle Tashayyo that is condemnable.

The resolution strongly demanded from the media to change their hypocritical policy against the Maktab-e-Tashayyo forthwith because when coverage could be given to the special days and festivals of non-Muslims then why the functions about the personality of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (A.S.) who is Amirul Momineen in the sight of all schools of thought and Khalifa-tul-Muslimeen are being ignored?

The inaugural ceremonies of the Hafta-e-Wilayat were also held at Imambargah Zainul Abideen, Masjid-e-Kazmia Chaur Harpal, Qasr-e-Abu Talib, Qasr-e-Shabbir, Haideria Masjid, Qasr-e-Kazmia, Markazi Imambargah Shah Nazar Deewan, Imambargah Jagir Ali Akbar, Ali Masjid and Imambargah Daultala, Masjid-e-Sakina, Masjid Isna-e-Ashary, Qasr-e-Zainab, Takya Sain Inayat Hussain, Masjid and Imambargah Qasr-e-Rubab, and other Imambargahs of Karachi, Lahore, Hyderabad, Larkana, Multan, Faisalabad, Jehlum, Chakwal, Gujrat, Quetta, Peshawar, Kohat, Gilgit, Skardu and Muzaffarabad.

Moosavi in Wilayat week message says Ali (p) is spring of wilayat

RAWALPINDI, February 09: The Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan chief Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said Hazrat Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (AS) is the refuge and fountainhead of wilayat of all Auliya and Saliheen, adherence to whom guarantees deliverance from all problems of the time.

He made his remarks in a message issued on the beginning of “Wilayat Week” which is being celebrated throughout Pakistan from Zulhijja 18 to 25 with devotion and respect. He reminded that Islam has called the observation of days of Sha’a’ir-e-Ilahi (Signs of Allah), Prophets, Messengers, Auliya and Righteous people as well as mentioning of their heroic deeds “spring of guidance”. Live nations embellish their future getting lesson and advice from the past, and provide proof of life by commemorating national days and religious festivals, he added.

Moosavi said the greatest of Auliya and Saliheen are Ahle Bait-e-At’har (AS) whose chief after the holy Prophet (SAW) is Maula-e-Kaenaat King of Wilayat Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (AS). He said wilayat is used in holy Quran at different places. As there is intensity and weakness in ‘light’ similarly there are ranks of Auliya-e-Ilahi. Therefore, Ayah 62-63 of Surah Younas speak about Auliya-e-Allah in these words: “Be aware, no doubt the friends of Allah, neither fear comes upon them and nor do they grieve, those who believe and keep guarding themselves against evil, for them is the glad tidings in the life of the world and in the hereafter.”

Ibn-e-Kasir defined it in this way on the basis of rawayaat-e-hadisia that “Auliya of Allah will neither fear terrors of the Day of Judgment on the final day nor will they grieve on this that world is taken away from them, nor be sad on the expiry of desired because they trust in Allah and believe that all takwini events are never free of expediency. That’s why grief teases them not.”

The TNFJ chief went on saying that ‘neither fear comes upon them’ belongs to past while ‘nor do they grieve’ to future. It gives proof that the biggest characteristic of Allah’s wali is belief and piety. The degree of wilayat touches height in accordance with the degree of belief and piety. He said when the pious people are proved Auliya then without any doubt Imamul Muttaqeen (Leader of Pious) Hazrat Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (AS) is King of Auliya.

Quoting Ayat 6 of Surah Juma that “O prophet! Say that O Jews if you think that you are Auliya of Allah then desire death if you are truthful,” Moosavi said that the biggest touchstone of wilayat is desire for death. He said holy Prophet (SAW) himself had said: “I wish to be murdered in the way of Allah, then I restored to life and then again be murdered.” History stands witness on this saying of King of Wilayat Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib (AS) that “O son! Your father cares not either death falls upon me or I fell upon the death, I love it more than a child loves his mother’s milk.” He reminded that these are words of the King of Auliya Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (AS) who kept the desire of death not because of getting nerved of problems but purely for pleasure of Allah, and his deeds and moves stood witness that death is dearest to him more than all tastes.

That’s why the Seal of Messengers (SAW) had such great belief and trust in his Ahle Bait-e-At’har (AS) that he took them with him to confront the challenge of Nasara of Najran and Nasara (Christians) accepting truthfulness and Wilayat of this family yielded the palm, he said.

He further said that today oppressed nations and Islamic world is under severe psychological stress because 9/11 drama was staged so that to declare all movements for independence including that of Palestine and Kashmir ‘terrorism’, and because of which Muslim rulers not only yielded the palm but Libya and Iran opened their nuclear programs for them because of which problems instead of being solved are getting tangled.

The Quaid-e-Millat-e-Jafariya Moosavi made clear that signing on NPT or CTBT is tantamount to inking death warrant as colonial chief the United States keeping itself armed and unarming all Islamic Powers is bent upon maintaining its plus stooges supremacy on the whole world. In such a circumstances, we would have to prefer death in honour over life in humiliation treading on the mission of holy family of Muhammad & Aal-e-Muhammad (SAW) besides adopting a joint and strong strategy spending wisdom and sagacity in order to foil anti-humanity conspiracies.

Youm-e-Batla-e-Karbala: Moosavi terms Malika-e-Karbala’s life example

RAWALPINDI, February 8: The Youm-e-Shahadat, or the martyrdom anniversary, of Hazrat Zainab binte Ali (S.A.) was observed throughout the country as “Youm-e-Batla-e- Karbala” with religious and national spirit in line with the announcement made by chief of the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi.

Majalis-e-Aza and Azadari programmes were held at mosques and Imambargahs in all small and big cities and towns on the occasion.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi in his special address at Majlis-e-Zainab Kubra (S.A.) on the occasion said, it is an established fact that objectives and targets are dear to all and like achievement of the same is difficult, similarly protection of the same is also difficult. He said the seerat and character of Hazrat Zainab (S.A.) is a complete practical lesson for the world of bravery, courage, piousness and supremacy.

He said the title of this pious Bibi is Sharikat-ul-Hussain (S.A.). He said Nawasa-e-Rasool Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) presented the sacrifices of lives for achieving these highest targets while Hazrat Zainab (S.A.) not only protected and defended the Hussaini Blood rather encouraged the inheritors of Shuhada, and the display of courage and bravery by her despite being chained for the protection and defence of Hussaini objectives is an example to be followed by oppressed nations and the Islamic World in every era.

Agha Moosavi said that her great sermons and addresses in the streets of Kofa and Shaam and in the courts of Ibne Ziad and Yazid shattered all tactics of tyranny and Yazidiyyat declaring upon every tyrant ruler and Yazid of every era that Yazidiyyat and tyranny is the name of oppression, brutality and terrorism that is a failure in the face of pious people of God as the righteousness reigns supreme.

He said today Islamic World is confronted with the oppression and brutalities of the colonial powers and their agents, international Taghoot is in dominance all around, Afghanistan and Iraq have been destructed, Kashmiris and Palestinians are being rooted out, and now all power is being utilised to disarm the oppressed nations and the Islamic World. He said Iran and Libya displayed cowardice showing new direction to international Taghoot towards new path that is tragic because Pakistan is the biggest target of international Taghoot and the Pakistani scientists are the first victims of this episode.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Moosavi said that President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has not only assured that he would not hand over investigation documents to any international body, would not give the Pakistani atomic technology programme to the United Nations supervision and would not roll back the atomic and missile programmes but has also promised the nation that he would lay down his life but would not bargain the atomic programme and Kashmir issue. He said Allah might give him courage to fulfil his promise for which it is obligatory not to give permission for atomic programme’s inspection, not to sign the NPT and CTBT, take the whole nation along, make friends after a thorough study and then not lose them. He said it should be kept in mind that life and death is in Allah’s hands and no one could cause any harm to us till we continue displaying wisdom, courage, bravery and thoughtfulness.

Meanwhile, Majalis-e-Aza were held in Federal Capital Islamabad and Rawalpindi on the occasion marking the Shahadat of Hazrat Syeda Zainab (S.A.). In Rawalpindi, main Youm-e-Batla-e-Karbala Majlis was held at Darbar Aalia Sakhi Shah Piyara Chuhr Harpal under the auspices of Bawa Syed Karam Hussain Shah Kazmi. Renowned ulema, waizeen and zakireen highlighted the seerat of Syeda Zainab (S.A.) followed by a Matmi procession.

Majalis-e-Aza and Matmi programmes were also organised at Imambargah Sakhi Shah Nazar Deewan Badshah Syed Kasran, Imambargah Qasr-e-Kazmia Jassowal Syedan, Imambargah Qasr-e-Zainab Pir Garoti Kamalabad, Qasr-e-Abu Talib Mughalabad, Markazi Imambargah Lal Quarters Islamabad, Masjid and Imambargah Isna Ashry Greecy Lines Chaklala, Imambargah Zainul Abideen Satellite Town, Jamiatul Momineen Satellite Town under the auspices of Hay’at Tulaba-e-Islamia. Majalis-e-Aza and Matamdari programmes were also held at Masjid Shah-e-Najaf, Qasr-e-Khadijatul Kubra Tarlai Kalan and other places.

Markazi Hafta-e-Wilayat Committee gives final shape to countrywide programs

RAWALPINDI, February 7: An important meeting of Markazi Hafta-e-Wilayat Committee of Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan was held here on Saturday. Central Convener M.H. Jafri presided over the meeting that was attended by all conveners.

The meeting finalised Hafta-e-Wilayat programme that is being observed from Zilhijj 18-25 throughout the country including Federal Capital, Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas and all the four provinces of the country on the call of Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, chief of the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan.

M.H. Jafri while addressing the participants of the meeting said Zilhijj 18 is the day of great Ghadeer announcement when Rasool-e-Khuda (SAW) announced the Wilayat of Shahanshah-e-Wilayat Maula-e-Kainaat Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) upon which “He is the master of all those whose master I have been” stands witness.

He said Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (A.S.) is that great blessing of Allah who is the source of miracles for all great saints. He said Zilhijj 24 is the day of Eid-e-Mobahila that is acme of human faith and confidence in Allah. It was the day when even the non-Muslims had recognised the truthfulness of Islam and honour and dignity of Rasool-e-Khuda (SAW) on which the Ayah Mobahila of Surah Aal-e-Imran stands witness, he added. He said Zilhijj 25 is the day of revelation day of Surah Hall-Ataa.

He demanded from the government to make the law and order arrangements throughout the country more effective on the occasion of Hafta-e-Wilayat, or the Wilayat Week, and also called upon the people to remain alert themselves.

A resolution adopted at the meeting welcomed the statement of President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in which he has vowed not to bargain the atomic plant and Kashmir. Yet the resolution said that for this purpose there is need of ensuring the respect and honour of scientists who enriched Pakistan with the atomic power and who are national heroes.

Another resolution while condemning the illegal American occupation of Iraq made it clear that it is an established fact that ensuring peace in any occupied area is the responsibility of the occupation forces. It was resolved that the holy places of Iraq and honour, dignity, life and property of Maraj-e-Uzzam is under threat therefore there is need to ensure peace rather all the holy places and Maraja-e-Uzzam should be provided all types of protection, immediate withdrawal of American forces from Iraq should be made possible and power should be handed over to Iraqi people so that they could form a government of their own choice there.

Youm-e-Hurmat-e-Pakistan marked; Moosavi says respect of Pak-making, decorating figures must

RAWALPINDI, February 6: The Youm-e-Hurmat-e-Pakistan, or the Day of Dignity of Pakistan, was observed throughout the country with national spirit on Friday, to express solidarity with the founder of atomic program Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and other scientists on the call of Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, chief of the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan.

Congregations were held in mosques and Hurmat-e-Pakistan rallies were taken out in all big cities and towns on this occasion. The speakers in their Friday sermons declared the honour and dignity of national heroes a guarantee for the honour and dignity of Pakistan.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi while delivering his special address on the occasion said the honourable nations not only respect the thoughts, ideologies and their heroes but consider respect of their signs, honour and dignity their moral obligation and do not even hesitate to put their honour and dignity and even their life on stake for this purpose.

He said religion of Islam is the Maktab-e-Ilhaam and Wahi while motherland Pakistan is the Godly gift. He said considering all those personalities and powers including Musawwar-e-Pakistan Allama Iqbal, Mo’asis-e-Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Muhafiz and Mohsin-e-Pakistan Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, who played their role in making and decorating Pakistan, as respectable and honourable is our faith and religious obligation while protecting the Hurmat-e-Pakistan is the utmost responsibility fulfilment of which is the need of the hour.

Agha Moosavi said our perpetual enemy is utilising all her energies since creation of Pakistan to-date to overcome motherland Pakistan but the international colonial powers and their agents were spending sleepless nights since Pakistan has become an atomic power. Therefore, he said, like conspiracy is on since the inception of 14the century to defame Islam and Mashaheer-e-Islam, similarly anti-Pakistan forces were utilising all their efforts to raze the citadel of Islam i.e. Pakistan to ground and to defame Mashaheer-e-Pakistan.

He said the proposed meeting of the American-Zionist-Hindu Atomic Technology Committee for which 38 billions were set aside, is a continuation of that heinous conspiracy because Pakistan is a mole in their eyes after becoming an atomic power.

The TNFJ chief said in these circumstances, statement of President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in which he has promised with the nation to give his life but not to bargain on Kashmir and atomic programme is the right one but the nation could only put faith in that statement when the dignity and respect of all scientists including the national hero Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan remains intact and the nation is taken into confidence.

He called upon the patriotic forces to exercise wisdom, and give priority to the interests of the religion and motherland over party and personal interests and everything that is damaging for the nation and the country and useful for enemies of the religion and motherland is avoided. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya, Pakistan, Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi paid tributes to Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for displaying great sacrifice by accepting the full-fledged responsibility.

Meanwhile, according to reports reaching the TNFJ headquarters, rallies and other programmes in connection with Youm-e-Hurmat Pakistan were organised in Rawalpindi, Federal Capital Islamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Jhelum, Chakwal, Mianwali, Peshawar, Kohat, Dera Ismail Khan, Abbottabad, Attock, Dera Ghazi Khan, Bhakkar, Karachi, Quetta, Gilgit, Skardu, Mirpur, Bagh, Muzaffarabad and other cities. The speakers while addressing these gatherings expressed complete solidarity with atomic scientists.

Khan has raised nation head by putting his head down, Moosavi

RAWALPINDI, February 5: Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, chief of the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan has said that Mohsin-e-Pakistan Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan according to ‘a good turn repaid by evil’ has raised the head of the whole nation by putting his own head down in response to accusations of nuclear proliferation.

He stated this in a special message issued on the occasion of Youm-e-Hurmat Pakistan, or the Day of Dignity of Pakistan, that is being observed on Friday, February 6 throughout the country to express solidarity with the founder of nuclear program Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and other scientists.

Agha Moosavi said meaning of an Ayah of Surah-e-Hajj is that one who respects the Hurmaat-e-Khudawandi, this deed of his is better before his Lord. He said human being is most respectable in whole universe while one who works for religion, nation and the country is even more respectable.

He said when India carried out nuclear blast in 1974, Pakistan felt the need to become atomic power for her defence and protection. He said then when Indian carried out more atomic blasts one after the other, Pakistan had to carry out atomic blast in the era of Nawaz Sharif and the day was declared as Youm-e-Takbeer.

The TNFJ chief said today Pakistan is being accused of underworld while all atomic powers achieved this deterrence from underworld after Germany but why all the pressure is being exerted on Pakistan only? He said actually the international Taghoot considers Islam a danger for herself while Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam. That is why anti-Islam powers have made it their target and they desire to target Pakistan in the garb of targeting Mashaheer-e-Pakistan that is commensurate with targeting Islam.

He said targeting Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a part of that conspiracy despite the fact the none of any other State has treated their scientists in that manner. He said action against those personalities who made the country invincible is contrary to the national value.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said like Mashaheer-e-Islam sacrificed all they had for Islam, similarly if the atomic scientists have accepted the responsibility for national honour and dignity, then they in fact have achieved success for Pakistan, achieving supremacy for themselves as well as for the armed forces of Pakistan proving through their deeds that they keep Islam, Pakistan ideology and people supreme over all other things.

He said we see the blessing of Dr. Qadeer Khan on Pakistani nation in the backdrop of a saying of Maula Ali (A.S.) that keep away from the evil of those on whom you shower your blessing. In the light of Holy Quran blessing is answer of a blessing, he added.

Nation observes Youm-e-Yakjehti-e-Kashmir with rallies and demos

RAWALPINDI, February 05: The Day of Solidarity with Kashmir was observed on Thursday February 5 throughout the country including Azad Kashmir and northern areas in line with announcement made by Quaid-e-Millat-e-Jafariya Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi.

On this occasion, grand rallies, meetings and demonstrations were held in all big cities and towns including federal capital Islamabad to express solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris, addressing which speakers strongly condemned Indian oppression continued since long in held Kashmir. They demanded right to self-determination for Kashmiris besides implementation of UN resolutions for solution of long-established issue of Kashmir.

Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan chief while delivering special address marking the occasion said Kashmir is Pakistan’s jugular vein without which Pakistan is incomplete. He said Kashmiri freedom fighters fighting for more than a half century for their independence have proved through their words and deeds that they do not want to live in Indian slavery.

Agha Moosavi made clear that former Indian Premier Pandat Jawaher Lal Nehru himself took Kashmir issue to the Security Council and recognized the right to self-determination of Kashmiris upon which 1948-49 resolutions stand witness. Therefore, to make this region a hub of peace besides establishing good relations with India and making talks fruitful India must respect UN resolutions and Kashmir issue must be resolved keeping to the desires of Kashmiri people.

In Islamabad, Mukhtar Students Organization (MSO) staged a demonstration in front of UN office. Chairman TNFJ Political Cell Dr Iqbal Javed Hyderi, Central Secretary Tanzim Abbas Jafri, President TNFJ district Islamabad Allama Basharat Imami, Chairman Mukhtar Force Ch Abu-bedar Ali, Chairman MSO Syed Bu-Ali Mehdi, Central President MSO Hyder Abbas Bajwah, Secretary General Muhibb-e-Ali Naqvi, Commander Mukhtar Force district Islamabad Syed Nazakat Hussain Kazmi, Allama Waqar Hussain Naqvi and other leaders were leading the demonstration.

Shouting slogans in favor of Kashmiris and against Indian oppression, the protestors torched Indian flag. President TNFJ district Islamabad Allama Basharat Imami, Chairman Mukhtar Force Ch Abu-bedar Ali and Central President MSO Hyder Abbas Bajwah addressed the participants.

Later, Chairman TNFJ Political Cell Dr Hyderi, President TNFJ district Islamabad Allama Basharat Imami, Chairman MSO Syed Bu-Ali Mehdi and other leaders presented to UN representative a written memorandum in which it was demanded from the UN to get its resolutions on Kashmir implemented.

Drawing attention towards Indian oppression and Muslim massacre, the memorandum urged UN Secretary-General Kufi Annan to take bold steps in getting such heinous activities stopped. Later, the protestors dispersed peacefully.

In Peshawar, a rally to mark the occasion was taken out under the arrangements of Mukhtar Students Organization from TNFJ provincial office Chah Shahbaz. Led by TNFJ, Mukhtar Force and MSO provincial and local elites, the participants of the rally were chanting slogans. Reaching Chowk Khebar Bazar, the rally turned to a public meeting.

A resolution adopted on the occasion demanded from the UN to get its resolutions implemented for resolution of Kashmir dispute and get 7 lakh Indian forces deployed in held Kashmir pulled out.

Similar rallies, protests, gatherings and demonstrations were also held in Dera Ismail Khan, Lahore, Muzaffarabad, Karachi, Hyderabad, Skardu, Dera Ghazi Khan, Bhakkar, Abbattabad, Mir pur, Bagh, Gilgit, Quetta, Kherpur Miras, Tank, Larkana, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Mianwali, Mandi Bahuddin, Dina, Jehlum, Chakwal, Gujrat, Attock, Noshehra, Haripur, Layya, Sargodha, Hangu, Para Chinar, Nawab Shah, Dadu and other cities.

Youm-e-Hurmat-e-Pakistan announced; dignity of Iqbal, QA and Khan is Pak’s

RAWALPINDI, February 4: Chief of the Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has announced to observe Youm-e-Hurmat-e-Pakistan, or the Day of Dignity of Pakistan, on Friday, February 6 throughout the country to express solidarity with the founder of atomic energy Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and other scientists.

In a statement issued here on Wednesday, he said love for the motherland is a part of faith and Pakistan is being punished because it was created under the Two-Nation Theory.

Agha Moosavi said the dignity and honour of Mosawwar-e-Pakistan Allama Iqbal, founder of the nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Mohsin-e-Pakistan Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and his colleagues is the honour and dignity of Pakistan. Therefore, he said, all countrymen by observing the Day of Dignity of Pakistan should not only pay rich tributes to the services of these great and honourable figures but also highlighting their heroic deeds make clear to the whole world that as we keep honour of Pakistan dear similarly honour and dignity of these heroes is most dearer.

Moosavi said, in Friday congregations on Friday on the occasion of Youm-e-Hurmat Pakistan and at other functions, it should be resolved that like Mashaheer-e-Islam (heores of Islam), no harm would be allowed to be caused to the dignity and honour of Mashaheer-e-Pakistan (heroes of Pakistan) also.

Meanwhile, a Central Committee of the TNFJ has been formed to organise Youm-e-Hurmat Pakistan programmes throughout the country. Meesam Tammar has been nominated Convener and Maalik-e-Ashtar as Secretary of this Committee.








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