Tehreek Round Up



September 10:

Eidul Fitr is the thanksgiving for fulfilling the
obligation of fasting, Moosavi


September 10:

TNFJ demands US to punish Pastor, urges world orgs action
on Quran burning plans, announcement of launching Swat style operation in
Balochistan is condemnable


September 10:

Conspiracy to impose restriction on Milad-un-Nabi and
Azadari processions will be thwarted, TNFJ


September 10:

TNFJ condemns suicide attack at Police Lines Kohat

September 10:

Agencies, admin failed in tackling terrorism: says Bokhari

September 10:

TNFJ Mourning programmes continue

September 10:

Strong protest rallies held against incidents of Quetta,
and Karbala Gamey Shah incidents on the occasion of Youm Al-Quds


September 10:

Moosavi says blast in Quetta Quds Day rally colonial agents
work, urges rulers stop issuing royal orders to restrict anti-oppression
processions, announces 3-day mourning 


September 10:

TNFJ condemns Interior Minister statement; Coward
activities of terrorists couldn’t stop Azadari processions, Moosavi


September 10:

Message of Quaid on International Youm Al-Quds


September 10:

Terrorism and blasts could not divert us from following Ali
(A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.); TNFJ Reaction on Karbala Gamay Shah Lahore blasts


September 10:

Youm-e-Shahadat of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi
Talib (A.S.) observed with religious spirit, devotion and respect


31 August 10:
No one could earn the honour of being born and kissing
Shahadat in Khana-e-Khuda except Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.); Moosavi’s Message on
21 Ramazan


28 August 10:
Credit of Badr battle win goes to Ali (A), says TNFJ chief


25 August 10:
Teachings of Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S.) beacon of light to
check dangers to humanity, Moosavi


17 August 10:
Allah Has declared Hazrat Khadija (AS) deed as His own … TNFJ announces ‘Universal Youm ul-Huzn’ on Ramazan 10

15 August 10:
Agha Moosavi calls upon the government to hand over the
distribution of financial assistance for the flood affected to the armed forces


14 August 10:
Independence Day observed, huge rallies taken out,
conferences held


13 August 10:
Creation of Pakistan is a live miracle; Moosavi on
Independence day


Eidul Fitr is the thanksgiving for fulfilling the obligation of fasting, Moosavi

RAWALPINDI, September 10: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that Eidul Fitr is the thanksgiving for fulfilling the obligation of fasting with honour and dignity. This was stated by him in a special message issued on the occasion of Eidul Fitr. He said to make the Eidul Fitr universally happy, it is obligatory for every capable person to pay Zakat-e-Fitra to the have-nots, deserving and brethren in trouble so that they can also join others in the Eid happiness. He said it is a great philosophy that Zaat-e-Illahi Has made it must to help the poor and the needy on this occasion. He said as fast is binding on every Muslim man, woman, sensible and adult, and while bearing hunger and thirst one can feel its pinch on the poor. He made it clear that Eidul Fitr is the eid in which seriousness, mannerism, respectfulness and culture have been included. He said the spirit of real eid is that everyone keeps his inner soul clear, avoid sins and protects himself from the evil. He said according to a saying of the Maula-e-Kainaat Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) Eidul Fitr is only for one whose fasts have been accepted by Allah and saw his Qayam-o-Qaood with respect. He said every day that is spent in pleasure of Allah is the day of eid.

Agha Moosavi said that we are observing Eid today at a time when the whole world of humanity in general, and Islamic World in particular is the target of satanic forces. He said on one side bloody stories of Zionist and Hindu oppression are being written in Kashmir and Palestine while motherland Pakistan is confronted with worst floods and terrorism on the other. He said as our motherland Pakistan is also an atomic power alongside keeping Islamic Asaas, that is why it has become a mole in the eyes of our combined enemy thus she is utilizing all its resources to destabilize it.

The TNFJ chief lamented that on the encouragement at of international chief of the colonial powers, plans are being initiated to desecrate the Holy Quran and in this connection a so-called Father should be stopped from fulfilling his nefarious designs to set the copies of Holy Quran on fire. If he was not stopped then it would be tantamount to inviting the wrath of God and shatter the international peace. He said at this critical juncture, we all are bound to give priority to the interests of the religion, motherland, Shariat and humanity over all other things so as to thwart every conspiracy and mischief of the satanic powers. He said there are many memorable days in Shariat-e-Muhammadi and Eidul Fitr in one of them.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi appealed the countrymen to strongly condemn the nefarious plans of the anti-Islam forces to desecrate the Sha’air Allah and Mashaheer-e-Islam and raise voice of protest against incidents of terrorism going on in the country, particularly Karbala Gamey Shah, Mizan Chowk Quetta, Police Line Kohat, Lucky Marwat incidents. He said prays should be sought for the supremacy of Islamic World, solidarity and development of motherland Pakistan and survival from the natural disasters.

TNFJ demands US to punish Pastor, urges world orgs action on Quran burning plans, announcement of launching Swat style operation in Balochistan is condemnable

RAWALPINDI, September 9: Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, the Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya and the chief of the only representative organization of Shiites in Pakistan i.e. TNFJ, has said that so-called American Father Terry Jones’s announcement to burn the copies of Holy Quran in the backdrop of 9/11 is a declaration of war against international peace and an open challenge to the world religions.

Addressing a religious session on the topic of Hurmat-e-Quran at the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashayyo on Thursday, he said that this so-called Father should keep in mind that Quran is the beacon of guidance for the whole humanity and could not be put off by such tactics.

He said Quran was sent on the Khatmi Martabat (SAAW) during Ramazanul Mubarik and Allah Has said: We Have sent this Book containing guidance and We will protect it (Surah Al-Hajr). He said this Book is the beacon of light not only for any particular area or a nation but for the whole humanity.

Agha Moosavi expressed his grave concern that atheist forces were bent upon humiliating the religion of Islam, prophet of Islam (SAAW), heroes of religion and Shariat, and Holy Quran for quite long. He said all Muslims had strongly condemned the 9/11 incident without any discrimination and declared that Islam is against all types of terrorism and considers terrorism as an oppression but the international colonial powers are utilizing all their energy against the Islamic World in the garb of 9/11.

He said on this critical situation, merely issuing a statement against this heinous announcement to set the copies of Holy Quran on fire is not enough that would put the solidarity of American armed forces on stake.

If the American government is sincere in restoring peace and develop better relations with Muslims then it should arrest the said Father immediately and give him exemplary punishment. Otherwise, he added, we would be justified to understand that all this is being done on the behest of America and the American Webmaster leaks prediction would become a reality that America is the country that exports terrorists.

The TNFJ chief said whereas the Islamic World needs to review its relations with America, the Arab League, OIC and the United Nations should come forward to take practical steps to get this indecent act stopped.

He said had the Muslim Ummah checked Rushdie then no one would have the courage to raze Babri Masjid, take over Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and now the announcement of putting the copies of Holy Quran on fire. He called upon the international organisations to fulfill their responsibilities to stop such elements that are out to desecrate Islam, Paighambar-e-Islam (SAAW), Mashaheer-e-Islam, Holy Books, and religions of the world. He said as Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam, therefore, the whole nation should announce its commitment to offer any sacrifice for the sanctity of Quran, Rasool (SAAW) and Mashaheer-e-Islam while the powers that be should raise this issue on international level on priority.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that at present country is confronted with one problem or the other including flood ravages and terrorism, therefore the rulers should avoid creating new problems.

He said announcement of the Interior Minister to launch Swat style operation in Balochistan is condemnable and a heinous conspiracy to create more problems for the country and the nation. He called upon the whole nation to raise voice of protest against the so-called American Father’s announcement to set the copies of Holy Quran on fire in Jumatul Mubarik and Eidul Fitr congregations.

Conspiracy to impose restriction on Milad-un-Nabi and Azadari processions will be thwarted, TNFJ

ISLAMABAD, September 8: Syed Shujaat Ali Bokhari, Additional Secretary General of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan has said that the Eid Milad-un-Nabi and Azadari processions are the symbol of Islam’s fanfare and every conspiracy and mischief to impose restriction on Milad-un-Nabi and Azadari processions in the garb of incidents of terrorism and blasts, will be thwarted. This was stated by him while talking to Shia elite at his residence here on Wednesday. The representatives of religious institutions and Matmi organisations present on the occasion clearly and strongly supported the courageous stand of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi for not accepting any restriction on religious processions and announced to follow any line of action given by him.

Shujaat Ali Bokhari said the Interior Minister was uttering indifferent words. He said like banned terrorist outfits, the responsible people in the State were also talking to limit the religious processions that provides food for thought for the residents of this country that was achieved in the name of Islam. Repeating the point of view of the Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi that target of the terrorists are no Maktab or a Maslak but Islam and Pakistan, he said that every province, every city, every abode, every organization, every Maslak, ever religious institution of the motherland and above all every conscious person of the motherland is on their target.

The TNFJ leader said if one accepts the logic of the Interior Minister then, along with mosques, Eidgahs, Imambargahs, and religious congregation, the government will also have to close all Press clubs, courts, district courts, welfare organisations, schools, colleges, universities, airports, hotels, railway stations, police lines, army barracks and even the GHQ because these places have become the target of terrorism many times. Moreover the Prime Minister House would have to be locked because the Interior Minister has said many a time that terrorists are planning to attack it. He said the coward statements issued by the government personalities posted at the coveted posts may be acceptable to terrorists but the conscious residents of Pakistan who sacrificed their blood in creation of Pakistan, against Indian aggression and restoration of democracy would not accept it. He said that chief of the colonial powers America and her agents were afraid of religious processions observing the days Mashaheer-e-Islam, particularly Eid-e-Milad and Azadari processions because such activities encourage the Mard-e-Momin. He resolved that Sunni and Shia people of Pakistan would jointly protect the religious processions and would not hesitate in offering any sacrifice in doing so.

Those who called on Syed Shujaat Bokhari included: Allama Haider Syed, Spokesman of Bazm-e-Waizeen and Zakireen; Makhdoom Nazakat Hussain Naqvi, Chief Organiser of Tehreek Wila and Aza; Ammar Yasir of Bazm-e-Sana Khawanan Aal-e-Athar; Maulana Ijlal Haider of Majlim Ulema-e-Shia; Riaz Ali Kausari, Central President of Sahafiyan-e-Jafariya; and Allama Hussain Gardezi, chief of the Hayyat Ulema-e-Imamia.

TNFJ condemns suicide attack at Police Lines Kohat

RAWALPINDI, September 7: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has strongly condemned that suicide attack at Police Lines Kohat Tuesday evening and termed it an open act of barbarism. In a statement issued from the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashih, he said the international Taghoot was creating anarchy and differences amongst the Muslim States through continued incidents of terrorism so as to reap her benefits. She said she does not want to see a strong and consolidated Pakistan by carrying out acts of terrorism in mosques, Imambargahs, educational institutions, security institutions, markets, offices of sensitive agencies, check posts and all other important places.

Agha Moosavi lamented that the rulers, leaders and politicians were entangled in their personal and party interests and had they given priority to the people and the country then the nation would not have to face such problems and difficulties. He said attack on any institution, Maktab and country is attack on the whole humanity that every conscious Pakistani condemns. He said the Chief Justice has been requested many times to take suo moto notice of incidents of terrorism going on since 1977 and set up a high judicial enquiry board to probe these incidents.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi appealed the countrymen to display unity and brotherhood practically so as to thwart the heinous conspiracy of the satanic world. He demanded to unveil the reasons behind these incidents to give exemplary punishment to the culprits of these incidents including those of Kohat, Lucky Marwat, Quetta, Lahore. He criticized the OIC and the Arab League for playing the role of silent spectators. He called upon the government to take strict notice of those powers and government functionaries who are keeping a soft corner for the terrorists, extremists and banned groups because the dream of restoring durable peace in the country could not come true without expressing practical hatred against banned groups belonging to all schools of thought.

Agencies, admin failed in tackling terrorism: says Bokhari

ISLAMABAD, September 6: Syed Shujaat Ali Bokhari, Additional Secretary General of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan has said that we would have to get rid of chief of the international colonial powers i.e. America and his agents so as to get rid of terrorism from the country. This was stated by him while addressing a Press conference at National Press Club Islamabad on Monday. He was accompanied by Allama Qamar Haider Zaidi Central Spokesman of the Tehreek, Allama Basharat Hussain Imami District President, Agha Muhammad Murtaza Moosavi Advocate, and Allama Akhlaq Hussain Kazmi.

Syed Shujaat Bokhari said that Pakistan was the hub of peace in the past and the dark era began with the coup staged by Gen. Zia during which seeds of biases were sowed and then the era of murder and arson began with Hathora Group that has now been turned into terrorism and suicide attacks. He said this different type of terrorism began after 9/11 after which Pakistan started playing the role of a front-line ally against international war against terror and now Pakistan is being punished for the same so much so that no place remained safe from them.

Mr. Bokhari expressed heartfelt shock over the blasts in main Azadari procession near Imambargah Gamey Shah in Lahore, firing incident at main Azadari procession in Karachi on the occasion of Shahadat of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.). He said dust had not yet settled that Al-Quds rally in Quetta was attacked with suicide blasts. Dozens of mourners kissed Shahadat and hundreds of them were injured during these incidents. He lamented that the respective Chief Ministers and Governors did not even care to visit these sites nor they issued any special order and not even expressed their sympathy with the bereaved families. He said the Federal Interior Minister added fuel to the fire by issuing a statement that Ahle Tashayyo should avoid taking out processions and holding Majalis as these occasions are easy targets for terrorists. Later he issued another statement asking the religious parties not to take long processions. He said if the powers that be are unable to take any concrete steps to check terrorism then they should not even issue such irresponsible statements.

He said our rulers are restless in promoting friendship with our perpetual enemy India despite full India involvement in bloodshed in Balochistan and our sensitive agencies have proofs of the same. He said if India can accuse Pakistan of Bombay attacks then Pakistan should also apprise the world about terrorist activities India was sponsoring in Pakistan. He said only saying that terrorist activities would be banned would not be enough as 26 extremist groups earlier banned were doing business with new names and the government and the opposition make them sit on their right and left while media extends full coverage to them which a tantamount to making fun with the nation. He said the enemy was utilizing all her energy to create rift amongst citizens of Pakistan but we pay tributes to all schools of thought that they have proved through their words and deeds that no one can create rift amongst them while we would thwart every conspiracy of the enemy to pitch brother against brother in the motherland Pakistan under the enlightened leadership of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi who says that a terrorist keeps no religion, Maktab or a country, he is only a terrorist and should be seen and tackled accordingly.

The TNFJ leader said that Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has reiterated that targets of the terrorists are not Ahle Tashayyo but Islam and Pakistan and the mourning processions that could not be stopped by strict attitude of Banu Ummayad and Banu Abbas, could not be stopped even by worst type of dictators, tyrant rulers and handful of terrorists. He said providing security to the places of worship and sensitive places is the responsibility of the government and it is the duty of the government at the same time to unveil the pros and cons and the culprits behind all incidents of terrorism including those carried out at Data Darbar, Karbala Gamey Shah, and Mizan Chowk Quetta. He said our agencies and administration have miserable failed in tackling terrorism therefore the government should reactivate these agencies and also keep an eye on those powers that create hurdles in doing so. He said we are bound to follow the commands and line of action given by the Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi and no one should take our gentlemanliness as our weakness, we keep the interests of the nation, country and the Islamic World dear to us. He said there is no religious or Maktabi conflict in Pakistan and all schools of thought respect one another.

Mr. Shujaat Bokhari appealed Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to form a high level tribunal immediately to probe the real cause of terrorism and tackle the culprits behind the same. He advised the powers that be to give up the role of front-line ally of the colonial powers while the government and the opposition should stop making the banned terrorist groups around them and media should stop giving them coverage. He said words and deeds should be made coherent so as to restore the confidence of the people. He asked the government to make fool-proof security arrangements for Mahafil-e-Shabina and Eidul Fitr congregations while advised the people to remain alert, exercise patience and wisdom and do not become afraid from anyone but Allah.

TNFJ Mourning programmes continue

RAWALPINDI, September 5: Quran Khwani and Majalis-e-Tarheem were organized by TNFJ, its subordinate bodies Mukhtar Organisatin, MSO, and religious and Matmi organisations in mosques, Imambargahs and Aza Khanas in all small and big cities and towns of the country including Federal Capital Islamabad, Azad Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan marking the three-day mourning against Mizan Chowk incident in Quetta on Friday, Karbala Gamey Shah Lahore and firing incident in the main procession of Shahadat Hazrat Ali (A.S.). Protest demonstrations were also held to lodge protest against continued incidents of terrorism. Ulema, Waizeen and Zakireen strongly condemned suicide blasts in Youm Al-Quds rally in Quetta, and termed it continuation of Ramazan 21 incidents of Lahore and Karachi.

Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, Central Secretary Information of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan addressing a Majlis-e-Aza organized by TNFJ Local Council at Ali Masjid, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi said the incidents of Quetta, Lahore and Karachi are the work of enemies of religion and motherland. He said the idols of terrorism, murder, arson and biases would be broken through the practical display of unity, brotherhood and mutual understanding.

A peaceful rally was staged against these incidents in Rawalpindi cantt under auspices of anjuman-e-Jafaria Dhoke. Allama Mohsin Ali Hamdani, Molana fazal Abbas hamdani, Shaukat Abbas Jafri, Syed Mazloom Hussain Shah, Syed Asghar Hussain Kazmi and Salars of local Matmi Dastas led the rally. TNFJ Rwp cantt President Tayyab Moosavi, Chaudhry Mushtaq Hussain and Molana Qalb-e-Abbas Naqvi adressed the rally.

Allama Basharat Hussain Imami, District President addressed a Majlis organized by TNFJ District Council Islamabad at Markazi Imambargah Qasr-e-Khadijatul Kubra. He strongly condemned the terrorist attacks on Al-Quds rally in Quetta and Shahdat-e-Ali mourning processions in Lahore and Karachi and demanded from the government to make concrete steps to root out terrorism.

Strong protest rallies held against incidents of Quetta, and Karbala Gamey Shah incidents on the occasion of Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin

RAWALPINDI, September 3: Strong protest rallies were taken out against incidents of Quetta, and Karbala Gamey Shah incidents on the occasion of Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin was observed throughout the country on Juma-tul-Widah on the call of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi. The suicide blast in the Youm Al-Quds rally in Quetta has sent a wave of grief and unrest throughout the country. Rallies and protest demonstrations were taken out in all small and big cities and towns of the country including Federal Capital Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

In Rawalpindi, main Youm Al-Quds Himayat Mazloomin procession was taken out from Imambargah Ashiq Hussain Teli Mohallah under the auspices of District Youm Al-Quds Himayat Mazloomin Committee of the TNFJ. The procession was led by Syed Shujaat Ali Bokhari, Additional Secretary of Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya; Meesam Tammar Jafri, District Convener Jabir Hussain Naqvi, Agha Syed Ali Rooh Al-Abbas Moosavi Advocate; Syed Abul Hassan Taqi, President, TNFJ Regional Council Rawalpindi; Allama Mohsin Ali Hamdani; Alhaj Ghulam Murtaza Chauhan, Ch. Abu Baidar Ali; Syed Amjad Hussain Shah, Secretary Markazi Youm Al-Quds Himayat Mazloomin Abu Nasr Kazmi, Syed Nasir Abbas Karbalai, Bawa Sajjad Haider Kazmi; Bawa Farzand Ali Shah; Makhdoom Nazakat Hussain Naqvi and others.

Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, Central Secretary Information of the TNFJ the people were mourning the blasts in main Azadari procession at Karbala Gamey Shah in Lahore and firing incident on main Azadari procession in Karachi and Quetta blast incident in the Al-Quds rally has added fuel to the fire. He lamented that government was playing the role of silence spectator on incidents of terrorism. He said if the government could not provide protection to the people then there is no justification for her to remain in power. The participants of the rally appealed the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to take suo moto notice of this critical situation and take concrete steps to get the people rid of terrorism and the banned groups responsible for it.

A resolution adopted on the occasion strongly condemned the coward statement of Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik advising the Ahle Tashih to limit their processions and Majalis. The resolution advised him to resign if he is unable to provide security to the people and appealed the Prime Minister to sack him and try him for sabotaging the anti-terrorism efforts. The resolution also demanded from Mian Nawaz Sharif to sever their relations with the terrorist groups and sack Shahbaz Sharif and Rana Sanaullah for added fuel to fire by keeping friendship with the banned terrorist outfits. Ch. Abu Baidar Ali and Naseer Hussain Sabzwari also addressed the gathering.

A demonstration was staged by Mukhtar Students Organisation Rawalpindi against Quetta, Karachi and Lahore incidents. The participants of the rally strongly condemned the statement of Federal Interior Minister for limiting religious processions and expressed concern over close relations of the Federal Interior Minister, Chief Minister Punjab and Provincial Law Minister Rana Sanaullah with the banned terrorist groups.

ISLAMABAD: In Federal Capital Islamabad, a strong protest rally was held on Youm Al-Quds Himayat Mazloomin at Aabpara Chowk under the auspices of Youm Al-Quds Himayat Mazloomin Committee. The rally began from the Darbar of Hazrat Bari Sarkar’s father, Sakhi Mahmood Shah Badshah. It was led by District President TNFJ Islamabad Allama Basharat Hussain Imami, Allama Guftar Hussain Sadiqi, Allama Akhlaq Hussain Kazmi, Raja Zulfiqar Ali, Allama Fakhar Abbas Abidi, Allama Shiraz Hussain Kazmi, Syed Nazakat Hussain Kazmi, Malik-e-Ashtar Central Joint Secretary Information, Prof. Ghulam Abbas Haideri, Ch. Sabir Hussain, Sub. Asghar Haideri, Raja Muharram Ali, Qudrat Illahi Haideri, Syed Amjad Hussain Kazmi and others. Allama Basharat Hussain Imami, Allama Fakhar Abidi and others addressed the rally and were later dispersed peacefully.

Addressing the protest rally at Aabpara Chowk, Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi Central Secretary Information TNFJ, and Allama Basharat Hussain Imami said that objective of observing Youm Al-Quds Himayat Mazloomin throughout the country on the call of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya, Pakistan, Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi is to express solidarity with the oppressed nations and Muslim people facing atrocities the world over. They expressed complete solidarity with the oppressed the world over, they strongly condemned Israeli occupation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. A resolution adopted on the occasion called upon the Muslim ruler to stop doing ‘Tawaf’ of Bait Al-Abyaz (White House) and bow only before Allah. The participants of the rally later dispersed peacefully.

Meanwhile, according to reports reaching here from other parts of the country protest rallies in connection with the Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin were taken out in Peshawar, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, Bagh, Dadu, Khairpur Mirs, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan, Sargodha, Sialkot, Gilgit, Faisalabad, Kohat, Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, Jhelum Deena, Kasur, Khanewal, Bahawalpur, Sukkur, Nawabshah, Sehwan Sharif, Noshero Feroze and other cities.

Moosavi says blast in Quetta Quds Day rally colonial agents work, urges rulers stop issuing royal orders to restrict anti-oppression processions, announces 3-day mourning

RAWALPINDI, September 3: The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi strongly condemning the blast in a rally held on ‘International Youm-ul Quds Himayat-i-Mazlomeen’ in Quetta has announced three-day mourning on recent incidents of terrorism.

In a statement issued from the headquarters of Maktab-i-Tashayyo, he said suicide attacks on the occasions of martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Ali (AS) and ‘International Youm-ul Quds Himayat-i-Mazlomeen’ is a foiled attempt to create rift in unity of Muslim ummah.

He stressed that as Kashmir and Palestine are joint issues of Muslim ummah, therefore targeting a rally held in their favor could be a work of colonial powers and their agents.

The TNFJ chief regretted that even the rulers speak the colonial talk who constantly issue royal orders to restrict or sometimes stop the processions and gatherings but they should bear in mind that these processions are protest against oppression, barbarism and terrorism which is a fundamental right of every oppressed.

He posed a question to the powers that be and politicians whether they are ready not to hold any procession and gathering at any occasion or would not launch a protest against oppression or injustice? Certainly they are not ready … then why they give statements on daily basis regarding processions of Milad-un Nabi (SAWW), Janasheen-e-Nabi (SAWW) and his grandson’s??

Moosavi advised the rulers and leaders not to be dictators, avoid issuing coward statements otherwise we also keep tongue.

The TNFJ chief said that he had told the powers that be about arrangements of Ramazan programs before time and in response we were assured. Despite this assurance, terrorism in Lahore and Karachi on the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Ali (AS) and in Quetta on Youm-ul Quds Himayat-i-Mazlomeen provides food for thought and a challenge.

He asserted that the enemy desires to push Pakistan towards a civil war sabotaging programs of different schools of thought and attacking all institutions turn by turn, but it is her mistake.

As Sunni Shia brethren formed this country together similarly they will thwart every conspiracy of joint enemy unitedly, he said.

Agha Moosavi urged the people to remain vigilant, show patience, work with sagacity and never be afraid save Allah because Dars Karbala ka hai … Khauf bas Khuda ka hai.

TNFJ condemns Interior Minister statement; Coward activities of terrorists couldn’t stop Azadari processions, Moosavi

RAWALPINDI, September 2: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that target of the terrorists is not Ahle Tashayyo but Islam and Pakistan. He said the Interior Minister Rehman Malik should have given the statement after giving it a serious thought because it is the government’s duty to provide protection to the people and if she is not fulfilling her duty then we are right in considering that the government herself is involved in terrorist activities.

In a statement issued from the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashih, Agha Moosavi said that we are followers of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) a saying of whom says that: death comes on me or me on death, I love death more than a child does with his mother’s milk. He asked how can those rulers bring peace who talk about peace by making the banned terrorist organisations besides them? He said even tough attitudes of Banu Umayya and Banu Abbas, and worst type of dictators and oppressive rulers could not stop Azadari processions then how can the coward activities of terrorists stop these procession. He said terrorism and any conspiracy or mischief could not discourage the followers of Nabi (SAAW) and Ali (A.S.) in the past nor they could do so in future while the processions of Nana Rasool (SAAW) and Nawasa Hussain (A.S.) will continue to be taken out with more fanfare.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya’s point of view from the day one is that attaching terrorism with Masalik and Makatib itself is an act of terrorism and the said Minister had committed this act several times. He reiterated his resolve that Azadari is our jugular vein and we will not accept any hurdle in way of these processions. He said Sunni-Shia are brethren and the strong branches of the same tree and no power on earth could create any rift amongst them.

Message of Quaid on International Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin

RAWALPINDI, September 2: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that we would have to express practical hatred against international colonial powers and their agents and openly support the oppressed world for solution of all problems confronted by the Islamic World including annexation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and freedom of Kashmir and Palestine. This was stated by him in a special message issued on the occasion of International Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin that is being observed on Jumatul Mubarik (23 Ramazan) with traditional religious spirit. He said this year, Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin is being observed on such a tragic occasion when the Azadars were given a blood bath during the Matmi procession taken out in connection with the Shahadat of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali (A.S.) in Lahore Wednesday evening under a heinous colonial conspiracy and firing was carried out in the main procession in Karachi making whole atmosphere tragic in the country and the whole nation equally shares the grief of the bereaved families of the Shuhada.

Agha Moosavi said that suicide blasts in Matmi processions in Lahore and firing on the procession in Karachi have unveiled the tall claims of the government. He said the rulers who have failed in providing protection to the people have no justification to remain in power. He lamented that contacts of the Federal and Provincial government of the Punjab with banned groups is no more a secret and this attitude of theirs is the biggest hurdle in way of restoring law and order. He made a fervent appeal to Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to take suo moto notice of this critical situation and take concrete practical steps to get the people rid of terrorism and the banned groups responsible for it. He said peaceful protest against Karbala Gamey Shah incident in Lahore and firing at the main Matmi procession in Karachi will be lodged during the country-wide processions and demonstrations on the occasion of Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin. He said Islam is a complete code of life that has to remain supreme as desired by Allah.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya is observing the International Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin keeping the saying of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that goes: express hatred against the oppressor and support the oppressed. He said according to another saying of the Maula-e-Kainaat (A.S.) best justice is to help the oppressed. He said Islam is commensurate with justice and fair-play that demands practical implementation by us making our lives in accordance with the Islamic principles. On the occasion of International Youm Al-Quds Himayat-e-Mazloomin, he expressed his commitment to continue his struggle for support of the oppressed world, practical hatred against the oppressors, restoration of justice and fair-play and rooting out oppression and brutality completely.

Terrorism and blasts could not divert us from following Ali (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.); TNFJ Reaction on Karbala Gamay Shah Lahore blasts

RAWALPINDI, September 1: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi while strongly condemning the blasts at Imambargah Karbala Gamay Shah and Bhati Chowk in Lahore said that terrorism and blasts could not divert us from following Ali (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.). In a statement issued from the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashih he said that we can sacrifice our life but could not allow death of Azadari, terrorism could not stop us following the path of Hussainiyaat as we have been brought up under the shadow of swords and would reply oppression with Mazloomiyyat.

Agha Moosavi demanded from the government to take practical steps to provide protection to the people instead of giving mere lip-service because the rulers who could not provide peace and protection to the people have no right to rule. He said it is the need of the hour for all patriotic people to remain peaceful and keep in mind and also declared upon the enemy that even we are cut into pieces but we would not allow anyone to cut Pakistan into pieces and no power on earth could create differences amongst the recognized schools of thought.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that we are following the point of view from the beginning that a terrorist keeps no Maslak, Maktab or country, he is only a terrorist and is the enemy of Islam and Pakistan. He said those who are engaged in jala-gherao in the garb of blasts have no connection with Azadars. He appealed the people not to get enraged rather keep a strict eye on miscreants. He demanded immediate arrest and strict punishment for all those involved in the blasts and firing incident in Karachi and Lahore in the mourning processions on the occasion of Shahadat of Hazrat Ali (A.S.). He expressed heartfelt sympathies with the bereaved families of those who have lost their life in the incident and prayed for the early recovery on the injured.

Youm-e-Shahadat of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) observed with religious spirit, devotion and respect

RAWALPINDI, September 1: The Youm-e-Shahadat of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) was observed throughout the country with religious spirit, devotion and respect on Wednesday culminating the programmes of “International Ayyam-e-Aza”. Taboot Sher-e-Khuda (A.S.) was taken out from all small and big cities, towns and villages of the country while ulema, waizeen and zakireen addressing Majalis-e-Aza held at mosques and Imambargahs highlighted the seerat of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali (A.S.). The main Taboot procession in Rawalpindi was taken out from Aza Khana Mubarik Bano Mohanpura under the auspices of Nayyar Hussain Zaidi. The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi participated in the main procession, offered Ziarat of Tubarrukat and took part in Matamdari.
A huge contingent of Mukhtar Force was along with procession to provide security
to mourners. Talking to media representatives and Matmi Azadars on the occasion, Agha Moosavi said that after the Khatmi Martabat (SAAW), Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) is the only personality on which the whole Ummah is united. Therefore, he added, Muslim Ummah can control mutual differences, anarchy and biases by making his personality as the central point of unity as by attaching with the Daman of Hiader-e-Karrar (A.S.) we can not only root out terrorism and internal evils but could also overpower the international colonial powers.

The TNFJ chief said that the whole world is grieved on Shahadat-e-Ali and not only Muslim but non-Muslims were also participating in Majalis and mourning processions and are paying homage to Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.). He said the Khatimul Anbia (SAAW) by saying that Ali is the best decision maker, has made it clear that Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) is the most ideal Chief Justice of the judicial system. He said Ali’s (A.S.) hatred against oppression and support for the oppressed will be written with golden words in the history for ever. He said there is a saying of Hazrat Omer (R.A.) that goes: I would have been killed if Ali (A.S.) was not there. He is there is still need to follow the Seerat-e-Haideri to avoid killings.

Agha Moosavi said motherland Pakistan has become the target of international atheists; Drone attacks, suicide attacks, incidents of murder, arson and target killings have snatched the peaceful sleep from the countrymen while poverty, hunger, unemployment and flood ravages have made the life of people difficult. In these circumstances, he added, the philanthropists should come forward and help the flood affected, have-nots and the oppressed in the light of a saying of Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that goes: How can Ali fulfil his appetite when people with empty stomach are around. He announced that Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya will observe the Jumatul Widah as Youm Al-Quds Himayt-e-Mazloomin in the light of the saying of Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that goes: become the enemy of the oppressor and be helpful to the oppressed.

Over a dozen Matmi Halqas of the Rawalpindi Region participated in the procession. Heavy Zanjeer-Zani was witnessed when the Taboot reached Novelty Chowk. The procession terminated at Imambargah Col. Maqbool Hussain at Sehr time after marching through Fawara Chowk and Trunk Bazar. Mukhtar Students Organisation Rawalpindi had set up Azadari Camp in Kashmiri Bazar where Sabeel-e-Hussaini was set up for the participants. Ibrahim Scouts had set up First Aid Medical Camp to treat the Zanjeer-Zans.

Earlier, Allama Sheikh Ijaz Hussain Madras addressed the Majlis-e-Aza at Aza Khana Mubarik Bano prior to the procession in which he said that Ali (A.S.) is the singular personality in the universe who has the honour to be Maulood-e-Ka’aba and Shaheed-e-Mehrab. He was brought up under the guidance of Hazoor-e-Akram (SAAW) that is why Maula-e-Kainaat Ali Al-Murtaza (A.S.) was laced with many qualities. He said we would have to hold the Daman-e-Karrar so as to get rid of the difficulties of the present era and root out terrorism. Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi addressed the Majlis Subh-e-Shahadat organised by Khanwada Master Alamdar Hussain Kazmi at Ali Masjid.

Khateeba Aal-e-Nabi Syeda Binte Ali Moosavi and Zakirah Farhat Fatima addressed a Majlis-e-Aza organised by Ummul Baneen WF at Markazi Imambargah Jamia Al-Murtaza G-9/4 Islamabad. Taboot Hatrat Ali (A.S.) and Matamdari followed the Majlis. Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi addressed 3-day Majalis organised by Asna Ashary Trust at Imambargah Greecy Line on the topic of “Ali, Maula-e-Kainaat”. The last Majlis was followed by Taboot procession in which Matmi Dasta Shah Chan Chiragh and other Matmi Halqas participated. Taboot procession was taken out from the residence of Haji Mushtaq Jafri and Mehtab Jafri in Mughalabad Rawalpindi Cantt. and was terminated at Qasr-e-Abu Talib where Allama Baqar Hussain Naqvi and others addressed the Majlis. Taboot procession was taken out from the residence of Syed Zahid Hussain Kazmi in Dhoke Syedan which was terminated at Imambargah Qasr-e-Shabbir after marching through its designated route. Earlier the Majlis-e-Shahadat was addressed by Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi. Zakira Nuzhat Naqvi addressed the Majlis-e-Shahadat organised by Anjuman Faiz-e-Punjtan (Women Wing) at Imambargah Zainul Abideen Satellite Town that followed Matamdari. Allama Farman Raza Abidi at Imambargah Col. Maqbool Hussain, Allama Syed Hussain Muqaddasi at Masjid and Imambargah Ahle Bait Wah Cantt., Allama Basharat Hussain Imami at Qasr-e-Khadijatul Kubra, and Maulana Malik Ijlal Haider Al-Haideri at Imambargah Hussainia Irania addressed similar gatherings. Taboot procession was taken out from Imambargah Yadgar-e-Hussain Satellite Town that terminated back at the same Imambargah after passing through its designated route.Majalis-e-Shahdat were also organized at Darbar Shah Chan Chiragh and Imambargah Qasr-e-Sakina Shakaryal.

A resolution adopted in Ayyam-e-Aza programmes loadshedding was strongly condemned during the programmes. Another resolution demanded to include Haideri courage based on Nishan-e-Haider in the curricula books so as to give better education and training to the next generation. Another resolution paid tributes to the Pakistan’s armed forces in rooting out terrorism, helping the flood affected and above all protecting the country’s frontiers. Yes another resolution strongly condemned incidents of terrorism and target killings.

Meanwhile, according to reports reaching the TNFJ headquarters Taboot processions were taken out in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, Gujranwala, Khairpur Mirs, Multan, Sukkur, D.I. Khan, Talagang, Gujrat, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Dera Ghazi Khan, Sialkot, Nowshera, Jhelum, Chakwal, Kasur, Kharian, Hafizabad, Attock, Gujjar Khan, Hyderabad, Sehwan, Larkana, Dadu, Bhan Saeedabad, Bhakkar, Mehr, Mirpurkhas, Tharparkar, Shahdadpur, Sibbi and other areas. Special protective measures were taken by the government during the processions taken out and Majalis organized in connection with the Shahadat of Hazrat Ali (A.S.).

No one could earn the honour of being born and kissing Shahadat in Khana-e-Khuda except Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.); Moosavi’s Message on 21 Ramazan

RAWALPINDI, August 31: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that there is an important need of making Adl-e-Murtazvi as our symbol to get the humanity rid of oppression, suppression and brutality. This was stated by him in a special message issued on the occasion of Youm-e-Shahadat Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that is being observed throughout the country on Wednesday with religious spirit, devotion and respect. He said no one could earn the honour of being born and kissing Shahadat in Khana-e-Khuda except Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.). He said when he was on the bed of Shahadat, he was asked what to do with his assassin. He replied that if I remained alive, then I know what to do with him, but if could not survive then it is your prerogative whether you want to take Qisas and in that case you may hit only once as he did. But if you forgive him, then forgiving is the most near to Taqwah. In short, he said, Ali (A.S.) has such Fazail and Munaqib that no one from amongst brave personalities in the history enjoyed. There is a saying of the Rasool-e-Akram (SAAW) that goes: Allah Has showered my brother Ali (A.S.) with those Fazail that could not be counted by all human beings together. Ali’s (A.S.) objective in life is clear from his golden saying that goes: By God! My this treated shoe is dearer to me that ruling the people like you but I may restore righteousness at its place through this rule or root out any evil Amr. The life and Shahadat of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) gives lesson to the world of humanity.

The TNFJ chief said that the whole world of humanity is confronting oppression, suppression and brutality today. He said Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other States have fallen prey to oppression. New catastrophes spring up the day in and day out, he said he added, Pakistan is surrounded by the international colonial powers and their agents for quite long and no house, no village, no city and even no person is safe. Incidents of murder, arson, blasts, suicide attacks, and target killings are going on unabated. He said our rulers and leaders had preferred to bow down before the colonial powers instead of Allah calling for God’s wrath in the shape of floods in the motherland washing out whatever came its way. This trial from Allah is a warning that if we bow down before Allah instead of colonial powers then He would accept our pray for forgiveness and in Pakistan which came into being in the name of Islam, the law of Allah would be the order of the day in shape of Nizam-e-Mustafa and Intizam-e-Murtaza. In that way the flag of Tauheed would raise to its utmost heights and no satanic force would cause any harm to us because last victory is that of righteousness. Paying condolences on the Shahadat of Kull-e-Iman Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) we announce our commitment to continue our struggle with sincerity of purpose for expressing hatred against the oppressors and practical support for the oppressed and have-nots by following the commandment of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that goes: کونوا للظالم خصما و للمظلوم عونا. Extending to those countrymen who are affected by floods is obligatory for every one of this nation. Everyone, particularly the philanthropists are requested to extend financial help to their brethren in need.

Agha Moosavi said that Allah says: “And (remember) when his Lord tried Abraham with (His) commands, and he fulfilled them, He said: Lo! I have appointed thee a leader for mankind. (Abraham) said: And of my offspring (will there be leaders)? He said: My covenant includeth not wrong-doers. This Quranic Ayah makes it clear that Imamat that is a great post was achieved by Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) after a patience testing despite the fact that he was already posted on the pedestal of Nabuwwat, Risalat and Khilafat. The status of this post could be gauged from his desire to get this post for his offspring. Zaat-e-Illahi announced that this post will not be given to oppressors rather to the justifiable. Therefore, it has been proved that for Imam there is a condition to be a Masoom. He said Allah Says: And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it). This Ayah demands that what the Holy Prophet (SAAW) has said about Imamat, and what has been said we should follow it. Sahabi-e-Rasool Zaid Bin Arqam says that when the Rasool (SAAW) stopped the first caravan at the place called Ghadeer-e-Khum after performing Hujjatul Widah and ordered to arrange a stage and then said, it seems that Allah Has asked me to come to Him and I have accepted it. No doubt, I have left two invaluable things amongst you, one of them is bigger than the other, that is Kitaab Allah and my Itrat i.e. Ahle Bait (A.S.). How would you tackle these after me, these two will not separate from each other until they reach me at Hoz-e-Kausar. Then said, Allah is my Maula and I am the Maula of all Momineen, then he held Ali’s (A.S.) hand and said, I am the Maula of whom, this Ali (A.S.) is the Maula of them. Oh, Allah! One who makes friend with Ali (A.S.), You also keep him Your friend, one who makes enmity with him, You also keep enmity with him. Whereas Khatmi Martabat (SAAW) made his will about the Kitaab Allah and Itrat-e-Rasool (A.S.), he also introduced Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) to all his companions in his last Khutba by holding Ali’s (A.S.) hand and telling them I am the Maula of whom, this Ali (A.S.) is the Maula of them. By doing this, he wanted to apprise them that, after me, your First Imam is Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) and advised them to remain attached with Quran and Ahle Bait (A.S.). This proves that Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) is the first person from the Itrat of the Khatmi Martabat (SAAW). The Paighambar-e-Islam (SAAW) also guaranteed that you would never be misled if you followed both of them. There is a sentence from Hadees-e-Qudsi that goes: Do not try to train them because they are more knowledgeable than you. A renowned Christian historian Jibran writes about Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) that it is my faith that Ali (A.S.) is the first person from amongst the Arab world who adopted the companionship of Aulohiyyat and became his secret holder and most near person to him. He was the first Arab whose lips transmitted the voice of Aulohiyyat to those ears who had not listened to Anthem of Aulohiyyat before.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that Ali (A.S.) was placed at the greatest pedestal of Shahadat (فزت و رب الکعبہ). He left this world while reciting the praise of his God in prayers. The Arab world did not recognize his honourableness. Another Christian historian George Jarwak writes: Whether you recognize or not Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) is the greatest Shaheed, Abu Al-Shaheed, voice of humanity justice, charismatic personality of the East. It was Ali (A.S.) who considered different meanings for Jehad, murder and massacre. He liked struggle and jehad along with Zuhd-o-Taqwah, He became ready to take over citadels of enemy in love with the have-nots, oppressed and the vulnerable and defeated the mischief of enemies of justice and fair-play. He was placed at the highest pedestal of human morals and great qualities. Jarwak further writes: Oh, world, what you have lost had you utilized all that power and strength and in every era another Ali, imbibed with the qualities of Ali (A.S.) was laced with the same knowledge, wisdom, heart, mind, lips, tongue, and the sword, then “in whole world today justice and fair-play would have honoured and Kufr’s face blackened”.

Credit of Badr battle win goes to Ali (A), says TNFJ chief

RAWALPINDI, August 28: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that in the first historic war between Islam and Kufr, Islam overpowered the Kufr despite Muslims being extremely low in number in the plains of Badr.

This was stated by him while addressing a special function held at the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashayyo marking the Fatah Jang-e-Badr. He made it clear that Islam is a universal religion that preaches peace and tranquility and condemns all types of biases and considers aggression as an oppression on which the pious live of the Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW) stands witness. He said the Rasool (SAAW) resided in Makkah for 53 years, he was subjected to all types of oppression and he had gone through every torcher that is why he says: The torcher meted out to me had not been given to any Nabi before me.

Agha Moosavi said after the Aam Al-Huzn in which Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) and Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.) passed away, and then the Rasool (SAAW) had to migrate to Madina, the atheists encouraged with this situation and set out towards Madina for attack in the second year of Hijra.

The first war between the Muslims and the atheists took place in Badr in which the Lashkar-e-Islam comprised 313 persons and only two of them i.e. Miqdad and Mursad had the horses and only six were laced with Zarah, while Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) was the Alamdar of this Lashkar. The athiests, on the other hand, were many times high in number, about 100 had horses while the whole Lashkar was laced with complete weapons. Abu Jehal who was the Sardar of their Lashkar was killed along with 70 athiests while 14 Mujahideen from Lashkar-e-Islam kissed Shahadat. The credit of this win achieved on 17th Ramazan went to Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.) and Allah Has termed this day as Youm-e-Furqan.

The TNFJ chief lamented that at present the Muslim Ummah despite having the strength of 57 Muslim States and laced with the treasure of natural resources seems to be weak, the hearts of the richest rulers lack any feelings or consciousness, organizations like Arab League and OIC exist but are helpless before the international colonial powers the basic reason of which is lack of unity, brotherhood and mutual understanding.

He said many Muslim States even enjoy the support of international colonial powers who have made the international organizations their hostage. He said we could not get Palestine and Kashmir free to-date and could not drive out the allied forces from Afghanistan and Iraq. He said at present the motherland Pakistan is the particular target of the colonial powers and she is being punished for following Nazria-e-Asaasi and becoming an atomic power. He said Drone attacks, suicide blasts, incidents of murder, arson and target killings are the order of the day.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that we would have to practically display unity and brotherhood in our ranks to as to strengthen the honour, dignity and stability of Pakistan and should help the have-nots, oppressed and flood affected large-heartedly so as to tell the athiests that we can bear anything but no power on earth could create differences amongst us.

Teachings of Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S.) beacon of light to check dangers to humanity, Moosavi

RAWALPINDI, August 25: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that the world would have to make the teachings of Nawasa-e-Rasool Hazrat Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) as beacon of light to check the dangers confronted to the humanity and to achieve peace the world over. This was stated by him in a special message issued on the occasion of International Peace Day that is being observed throughout the country on Thursday to mark the Wiladat Purnoor of Hazrat Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) with religious enthusiasm, spirit, devotion and respect. He said the purpose of the Ba’asat of Anbia and Mursaleen was to promote justice and fair-play and they remained confronted with oppression and brutality. He said Allah Has given commandment to Ahle-e-Iman to follow the commandments of Allah, Rasool (SAAW), and Sahiban-e-Amr in every era. He said this indicates that no period would remain empty from such a person who is Sahib-e-Amr and who will provide guidance.

Agha Moosavi said there is a saying of the Rasool (SAAW) that goes: Allah Has selected Friday in days, Ramazan in months, Shab-e-Qadr in nights, Anbia from human beings, Rasools from Anbia, and me from Rasools, Ali (A.S.) from me, Hassan (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.) from Ali (A.S.), and nine personalities from Hussain (A.S.) so that these holy personalities could prevent the ignorants from being ignored, and religion of Islam from any additions and omissions. He said the Kunniyat of Shahzada Sulah-o-Aman Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S.) is Abu Muhammad and famous title is Mujtaba. He was born on 15 Ramazan, Hijra 3. Some say in Hijra 2. Rasool (SAAW) used to love him much and there is no match of the same in the universe. He said there is a saying of the Nabi (SAAW) that goes: Hassan (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.) are my sons and the enlightenment of the eyes of my daughter. Allah! You know that I love them, You too love them. There is another saying that goes: Whoever loves Hassan (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.), I love him, and one who loves me Allah likes him, and one who is loved by Allah, is sent to the heaven. And one who keeps enmity with Hassan (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.) his keeps enmity with me, and one who is my enemy is the enemy of Allah, and the ultimate place for the enemy of Allah is the Hell. At another place, he added, the Holy Prophet (SAAW) said that Hassan (A.S.) and Hussain (A.S.) are the Sardars of Heaven.

The TNFJ chief quoted Saleem Bin Qais Hilali as saying that I was present at the last moments of Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.). He was making his will to his son Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) and made witness of Imam Hussain (A.S.), Muhammad Hanfia and other elderly followers on this will. He handed over the Taburrakaat-e-Imamat, books and armaments to Imam Hassan (A.S.) and said: Oh, my son! the Paighambar-e-Islam (SAAW) had ordered me to make a will to you and hand over the books, armaments and all Taburrakaat to you like he handed over the same to me. The Rasool (SAAW) had said to me that I may give you order and when you will be in you last moments, you too have to hand over the Taburrakaat-e-Imamat to your brother Hussain (A.S.). When Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) entered the Masjid-e-Kufa along with all offspring of Maula-e-Kainaat, and Sahaba Karaam, people began shedding tears and wailing and raising the slogans of Na’ar-e-Takbeer. Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S.) when sat on the Mimber and delivered Fasih-o-Baleegh Khutba, people were astonished.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that after his taking over the Ummavi conspiracies were unveiled by him by signing Sulah-e-Madina in the backdrop of Sulah-e-Hudaibia for the protection and survival of the religion. Imam Hassan (A.S.) thus unveiled the real face of the Bani Umayya, he added. He said, at present the world of mankind is confronted with one problem or the other and oppression, brutality and suppression are the order of the day. Natural and other calamities have surrounded Pakistan from all around and getting rid of the same is the need of the hour. For this purpose, he added, we would have to make the sayings off holy personalities a beacon of light and seek forgiveness for our mistakes. He said it is obligatory for the whole nation to fully help the have-nots and the flood affected so as Allah may shower His blessings on the whole humanity and the motherland and we can get rid of all problems and difficulties.

Allah Has declared Hazrat Khadija (AS) deed as His own … TNFJ announces ‘Universal Youm ul-Huzn’ on Ramazan 10

RAWALPINDI, August 15: The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.) is that personality from the womenfolk owing to which Islam was promoted and gained solidarity.

This was stated by him while announcing to observe “Universal Youm ul-Huzn” on 10th Ramazan-ul-Mubarik in connection with the Wafat of Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.). He said there were many personalities who were symbols of high values whereas from amongst womenfolk only four women i.e. Aasia binte Mazaham (wife of Pharaoh), Maryam (mother of Musa), Khadija binte Khwailad and Fatima binte Muhammad (SAW) were placed on this status.

Agha Moosavi said that Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.) was a pious personality before becoming the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) and was laced with the qualities of honour, dignity, gentlemanliness, wealth, superiority, and greatness.

He said all gentlemen belonging to the Quraish were desirous of Nikah with her and some of them even sent such a message to her family but she did not accept any of them but chose the Mursal-e-Azam (SAAW) for herself. That is why Hazrat Khadija (S.A.) at the time of Nikah addressing the Holy Prophet (SAAW) had said: You have solemnized Nikah with me, and all Salateen (kings) and wealthy people of Arab would be jealous with you. This indicates that Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra’s (S.A.) first and last marriage was solemnized with the Holy Prophet (SAAW) and the women from Quraish became angry when Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) recited the Khutba-e-Nikah of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) with Hazrat Khadija (S.A.). According to Ibne Abbas Hazrat Khadija (S.A.) was 28 years old when her Nikah was solemnized.

The TNFJ chief said that a voice emerged from the Mehfil-e-Nikah: By God, the sky did not provide shade and the earth did not carry weight of any person that is superior than Muhammad (SAAW) that is why I have chosen him (Muhammad) as a husband for my daughter Khadija (S.A.). Thus you all should remain witness to it. This historic voice was that of Hazrat Khadija’s (S.A.) uncle Omer Ibne Assad (Reference Baharul Anwaar). He said Hazrat Khadijaul Kubra (S.A.) was actually born for the Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW), and she is that respected woman whose daughter Fatima (S.A.) was declared Sardar of women in the universe.

He said the Holy Prophet (SAAW) recognized the Hazrat Khadija’s blessings in these words: Khadija (S.A.) helped me with her wealth at a time when all people had deprived me of wealth. Then said: Khadija (S.A.) was the greatest Princess and she had that much wealth that did no match with any one of that era. She showered all her wealth and belongings at the feet of the Holy Prophet (SAAW).

Agha Moosavi made it clear that Holy Quran recognized the financial assistance of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.) in these words “Wa Wajadka Aaila Fa Aghna” (and we found you poor and made you rich).

He said Hazrat Khadija (S.A.) was that great a woman that Allah Has declared her deed as His own. That is why he said when Rasool Allah (SAAW) used to go out of home he used to praise Hazrat Khadija (S.A.) first. There is a saying of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Aisha (R.A.) that Hazoor (SAAW) did not go out but praising Khadija (Reference Asaba Wal-Asta’ayaab). Therefore, Hazrat Khadija (S.A.) proved herself as great blessing for the Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW). That is why, he said, the Rasool-e-Khuda (SAAW) used to keep Holy Quran before him and say “Oh, Rasool! Keep on discussing blessings of your Allah”.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Moosavi said that the 10th year of Ba’asat proved the year of mourning for Holy Prophet (SAAW); first Nasir-e-Islam Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) left him and then Mohsina-e-Islam Hazrat Khadija (S.A.) left this world. He felt so much grieved at her death that he termed the year of her death as Aam ul-Huzn (the year of mourning).

He appealed the countrymen to observe the Wafat of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra (S.A.) on 10th Ramazanul Mubarik as Universal Youm ul-Huzn to pay homage to this great lady (S.A.) and to pay pursa to the Holy Prophet (SAAW) and following in her footsteps help their brethren suffering with the natural disasters in their hour of need.

Meanwhile, Universal Youm uAl-Huzn Committee of the Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya has been formed. Allama Basharat Hussain Imami has been nominated as Convener while Dr. S. Zaman will be the Secretary of this Committee.

Agha Moosavi calls upon the government to hand over the distribution of financial assistance for the flood affected to the armed forces

RAWALPINDI, August 15: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has called upon the government to hand over the job of justifiable distribution of financial assistance for the flood affected to the armed forces that is the most dependable organization for the nation at present as their jawans were busy day and night in saving the countrymen and their valuables risking their lives. Talking to the delegation of TNFJ Provincial Council Balochistan that called on him at the head of Provincial President Sardar Tariq Ahmed Jafri at the headquarters of the Maktab-e-Tashih, he said the present and former Prime Ministers agreeing on a proposal to form a dependable national organization for the flood affected has accepted that the nation has no faith in the government and the opposition that is why they are in search of a few pious persons. He proposed the government that instead of forming any other organization, it should hand over the job of collecting funds for the flood affected and to spend the same in a transparent manner to the army in which the whole nation keeps faith.

Expressing grave concern on the worst loss of the national disaster in the shape offloods, Agha Moosavi termed it a national tragedy. He said on one hand, the whole country is submerged in flood water while Drone attacks are continuing on the other, while our perpetual enemy is busy in promoting incidents of murder, arson, and target killings. He said killing ten innocent bus passengers and six labourers in Quetta and Mach the other day in incidents of target killings and gory murder of Khadim of Kotli Imam Hussain in Dera Ismail Khan on Sunday are open acts of terrorism the objective of which is to create unrest and giving an impression by targeting people speaking different languages and belonging to different ideologies that there are lingual and Maktabi conflicts in Pakistan. Therefore, he added, all patriotic forces should exercise wisdom to thwart this conspiracy of the enemy.

The TNFJ chief said that the rulers are so cowards that they could not get rid of accusations viz. Bombay incident and have adopted submissive attitude while the whole world is aware that our perpetual enemy i.e. India is behind incidents of terrorism taking place in Pakistan but there is no one to challenge her. On the other hand, he added, David Cameroon has unveiled his real face by giving anti-Pakistan statement so as to keep Pakistan entangled in war against terror. He lamented that it is for the first time that the nation could not celebrate Pakistan’s Independence Day. He said month of Ramazan is the month of seeking forgiveness, therefore, every Muslim is under the obligation to seek more and more prays as pray is the biggest weapon of the Momin so that Allah may save the motherland and those living in it from the worst disaster.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has demanded immediate arrest and strict action against those who targeted innocent people in the incidents of target killings in Quetta, Mach, Karachi, and Dera Ismail Khan. He expressed concern that at present judiciary, administration, media rather every department has become a party and they are working for their personal and party gains. Every department desires to misuse the poor and the poverty to gain their interests, he added. He said to save the nation and the country from the worst crisis of floods, everyone is under the obligation to utilize all his resources and energy to resolve the problems faced by the people as in it lay the survival and integrity of us all.

Independence Day observed, huge rallies taken out, conferences held

RAWALPINDI, August 14: Mukhtar Students Organisation organised conferences and taken out rallies on the occasion of Independence Day throughout the country. In Rawalpinid a rally was taken out from Qasr-e-Abu Talib Mughalabad Rawalpindi. Organisation’s District President Amjad Ali Bangash, Yassir Ali, Muqtadar Ali, Afaq Kazmi, Shabihul Hassan and other office-bearers led the rally. Paticipants of the rally riding motor-cycles, and cards were carryin portraits of Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, and placards and banners inscribed with different slogans and sayings of the Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Iqbal. Rally turned out into a public meeting after reaching Liaquat Bagh Press Club en route Abid Majeed Road, M.H., GPO Saddar, Marrir Hassan, and Murree Road.

Amjad Ali Bangash, District President of the MSO presented a Declaration while addressing the rally. He said creation of Pakistan, no doubt, is a live miracle and it is now an ideological State. He said creation of Pakistan came into being under particular objectives. He said Allama Iqbal made the Muslims awake from ignorance and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah gathered them all under the one flag and wrote the history of Pakistan on earth so that Muslims could lead their life in line with their culture and heritage. He said today the whole Pakistani nation is observing its Independence Day at a time when oppression, brutality and suppression are the order of the day; terrorism has become a menace; and owing to sins and wrong policies of the rulers and politicians, disobedience of people cyclones and floods have started targeting human beings. He Pakistan, came into being in the name of Islam, was first target of only terrorism and now it is in the grip of disasters also. In this situation, he added, we should seek forgiveness of our sins and mistakes.

The Declaration said that on the occasion of Independence Day, it is obligatory for every philanthropist to cooperate with the flood affected and take care of their honour and dignity pulling them out from the inferiority complex and disappointment. It prayed to Almighty Allah for forgiveness of upset humanity and to keep them safe and sound from all types of disasters and problems, keep the Islamic World including the oppressed world away from problems and difficulties, give solidarity to motherland Pakistan and peace and tranquility to its people. At present the international atheist being the super power was playing the game of fire and blood, restrictions are still imposed in Palestine and Kashmir, while blood of innocent people is being shed like water in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan is being punished for being the only atomic power in the Islamic World.

The Declaration appealed that we should condemn all types of national and collective biases irrespective of our self, and party and express our hatred against terrorists and terrorism as this menace has wounded the whole country and no day goes without any such incident. We should announce our commitment not to involve ourselves in any such activity directly or indirectly that may destabilize the country. It stressed the need of following the sayings of Muhammad (SAAW) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.) and play our full role in creating religious thinking based on justice and fair-play and rooting out of oppression and brutality so as to tell the world of oppression that Pakistan came into being to remain and no satanic power could cause any harm to it. We all are under the obligation to defend and protect the motherland to the best of our ability, the Declaration concluded.

Creation of Pakistan is a live miracle; Moosavi on Independence day

RAWALPINDI, August 13: The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that creation of Pakistan is, no doubt, a live miracle that is now an ideological State. This was stated by him in a special message issued on the occasion of Independence Day. He said creation of motherland came under particular objectives. He said Pakistan is a part of the Sub-continent geographically where Muslims remained in power for long but unfortunately later English came into power in this region who and ruled the region for about 200 years. He said after the departure of English there was apprehension that Hindus may make the Muslims their slave on the basis of their majority. In this critical situation, Allama Iqbal made the Muslims awake from ignorance and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah gathered them all under the one flag and wrote the history of Pakistan on earth so that Muslims could lead their life in line with their culture and heritage.

Agha Moosavi said that today the whole Pakistani nation is observing its Independence Day at a time when oppression, brutality and suppression are the order of the day; terrorism has become a menace; and owing to sins and wrong policies of the rulers and politicians, disobedience of people cyclones and floods have started targeting human beings. He Pakistan, came into being in the name of Islam, was first target of only terrorism and now it is in the grip of disasters also. In this situation, he added, we should seek forgiveness of our sins and mistakes.

The TNFJ chief said that on the occasion of Independence Day, it is obligatory for every able person to cooperate with the flood affected and take care of their honour and dignity pulling them out from the inferiority complex and disappointment. He prayed to Almighty Allah for forgiveness of upset humanity and to keep them safe and sound from all types of disasters and problems, keep the Islamic World including the oppressed world away from problems and difficulties, give solidarity to motherland Pakistan and peace and tranquility to its people. He said at present the international atheist being the super power was playing the game of fire and blood, restrictions are still imposed in Palestine and Kashmir, while blood of innocent people is being shed like water in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan is being punished for being the only atomic power in the Islamic World and being the inaccessible citadel of Islam that guarantees protection to the oppressed Muslims.

The Quaid-i-Millat Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi presenting good wishes to the whole nation on the occasion of Independence Day of Pakistan appealed that we should condemn all types of national and collective biases irrespective of our self, and party and express our hatred against terrorists and terrorism as this menace has wounded the whole country and no day goes without any such incident. He said we should announce our commitment not to involve ourselves in any such activity directly or indirectly that may destabilize the country. He stressed the need of following the sayings of Muhammad (SAAW) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.) and play our full role in creating religious thinking based on justice and fair-play and rooting out of oppression and brutality so as to tell the world of oppression that Pakistan came into being to remain and no satanic power could cause any harm to it. He said we all are under the obligation to defend and protect the motherland to the best of our ability.









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