Tehreek Round Up



18 Nov:
“Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” mourning programs end across the country;
Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Hamid Moosavi partakes in Taboot procession 


13 Nov:
Mukhtar Organization presents memorandum to UN for restoration of holy shrines
dignity in Saudi Arabia 


10 Nov:
Majalis-e-Tarahim held for Dargai martyrs on TNFJ call, Moosavi terms the
incident tantamount to pushing country towards destruction 


9 Nov:
Presenting Saddam’s death term in Sunni-Shia scenario ‘a heinous conspiracy’,
says TNFJ Central Joint Secretary     


8 Nov:
Majalis, processions mark beginning of “Ashra-e-Sadiq-e-Aal-e-Muhammad”    


5 Nov:
Moosavi says Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) fountainhead of thoughts, announces
“Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” from 15 to 25 Shawwal    


1 Nov:
“Aalmi Youm-e-Inhidaam-e-Janna-tul Baqee” observed; big matmi protest rallies
held; reconstruction of Baqee, Moalla demanded; media role slammed    


“Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” mourning programs end across the country; Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Hamid Moosavi partakes in Taboot procession

RAWALPINDI, November 18: Programs of “Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” from 15 to 25 Shawwal (November 8-18) to mark the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) as announced by Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi concluded on Saturday in Pakistan like other countries with reverence and this resolve that lofty and high objectives of holy Prophet (SAAW), Ahle Bait-e-Atahaar (AS) and pious Sahaba Kibaar (RA) will be kept continued and no hesitation will be showed in presenting any sacrifice for these.

Marking the occasion, majalis-e-aza were held and taboot processions were taken out across the country.

In Rawalpindi, main taboot (replica coffin) procession organized by Majlis Al-Mawwadah Pakistan was brought out from Ali Masjid Satellite. Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Hamid Moosavi made special participation in the procession, performed ziarat of tabarrukaat and did matamdaari. The procession culminated at imambargah Zain-ul Abideen (AS).

Earlier majlis-e-shahadat was held at Ali Masjid. Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi while addressing the majlis, Zaidi paid rich homage to the imam (AS) and said he kissed martyrdom through poison of cruel rulers in Shawwal 148 hijri.

A resolution adopted by the participants strongly demanded from the government to exert pressure on the Saudi government on diplomatic level for reconstruction of the demolished holy shrines of Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) and other heroes of Islam buried in Janna-tol Baqee and Janna-tol Moalla under 21 May, 1985 Moosavi-Junejo Agreement, so that we could become able to demand restoration of dignity of Al-Qods Ash-Sharif and Babri Mosque from yahood-o-Hanood (Zionists and Hindus).

The resolution further demanded from UNESCO and other world organizations particularly representative organization of Islamic world OIC to play an important role for rebuilding of destructed holy shrine of Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi (AS) and Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari (AS) besides restoration of their dignity.

By another resolution, the participants urged the government and opposition to adopt policy of mutual understanding regarding national issues.

A condolence resolution was also adopted by the majlis participants which termed the death of Pakistan’s life-long federal minister Mahmud Ali as national tragedy paid tributes to his sacrifices and valuable service for Pakistan.

Another resolution strongly condemned disrespects of prophet pf Islam (SAW) and Sha’a’er-Ullah by anti-Islam elements and stressed on the international organizations to play their role for stoppage of such kinds of blasphemies.

Another resolution forcefully denounced verification of atomic contract of US-India in American Senate, and said this act has exposed dual standard of colonial chief because if Muslim and oppressed nations achieve atomic energy for their defense, United States and its allies feel colic.

Condemning bomb blasts in Lahore and Peshawar the last day, another resolution termed these activities a continuation of constant terrorism.

The resolution prayed for height of ranks of victims of Dargai incident and other incidents of terrorism, and early recovery of the wounded. It expressed full solidarity with the oppressed world particularly the oppressed of Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Maulana Syed Tabbasum Abbas Kazmi, Zakir Syed Amjad Hussain Shah Kazmi, poet Naqqash Naqvi, Syed Arif Al-Hussaini, Mohsin Raza Bilali, Syed Faizan Kazmi, Ali Zeb Kazmi and Hasan Raza Kiani also addressed.

Majalis wee also held at Qasr-e-Abu Talib, Darbar Sakhi Shah Piyara Kazmi Al-Mash’hadi, imambargah Qasr-e-Khadijatul Kubra Islamabad and Jamia masjid Isna Ashari Dhalyala.

Mukhtar Organization presents memorandum to UN for restoration of holy shrines dignity in Saudi Arabia

ISLAMABAD, 13 November: A protest led by Mukhtar Organization Pakistan (MO)’s central president Dr. S.Z.Naqvi was staged in front of United Nations office at Saudi Pak Tower in Islamabad on Monday.

The protest was held in connection with “Ashra-e-Sadiq-e-Aal-e-Muhammad (Shawwal 15-25, Nov 8 – 18) which is being observed on the call of Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Hamid Moosavi to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS). The participants raised their voice against demolition of holy shrines at the hands of Aal-i-Saud and strongly stressed on all international organizations including the United Nations to play their effective role for reconstruction of cemeteries of Al-Baqee and Al-Moalla in the holy cities of Medinah and Makkah respectively.

On this occasion, the secretary-general of MO Syed Wajih-ul Hasan Kazemi presented to the UN representative a written memorandum addressed to the UN secretary-general Kofi Annan.

Full text of the memorandum is:

“The Secretary General

United Nations Organization

Assalamu Alaikom

A vital postulate of the charter of United Nations was to protect and preserve the archeological monuments throughout the world which certainly are the common heritage of whole mankind

Since its inception, United Nations is the only hope and prop of the world of humanity; therefore efforts to make the world a hub of peace and achievement of rights for the oppressed and have-nots is its topmost objective.

Through this resolution, we want to remind you about the biggest cruelty which was committed at the hands of Aal-i-Saud in 1924 – demolition of Janna-tol Moalla (cemetery of Moalla in the holy city of Makkah) and Janna-tol Baqi (cemetery of Baqi in the holy city of Medinah) where greatest personalities including the beloved daughter of Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) Hazrat Fatimah Zahra, her progeny Hazrat Imam Hasan, Hazrat Imam Zain-ul Abidin, Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir and Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace be upon them all) and whose martyrdom anniversary is being commemorated on the call of Quaid-e-Millat-e-Jaffariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, from 15th to 25th Shawal i.e. 8th to 18 of November 2006, as Ashra-e-Sadiq-e-Aal-e- Muhammad, are buried besides Ommaha-tol Mo’minin (wives of prophet of Islam) and pious companions (may Allah be please with them).

Please note that Muslims have only two established sects one of them is Tasanun (Followers of Fiqh-e-Hanafiya and the other one is Tashiyoh (the followers of Fiqhe-e-Jaffariya by Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq A.S). You will be astonished to hear that Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq (A.S) is that great scholar and teacher of the history of mankind who produced renowned scientists, ulemaas, and scholars by his teachings and trainings. Many famous scientists of Chemistry like Jabir Bin Hayan, Hasham bin al Hakam, Momin Taaq, Zarrara, Abu Baseer, Muhammad bin Muslim, Noman Bin Sabit (Imam Abu Hanifa), and Imam Malik bin Ans are some of the examples of his students. Along with the shrine of such a great personality, the shrines of other holy and respected personalities were not only demolished and destroyed by Saudi Government but their visitation and paying tributes to these great personalities was also declared forbidden, which is a cruel and most condemnable act.

From past prophets to the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) and from the Prophet (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) to Othmania Saltanate, magnificent holy shrines existed on these graves, and the whole human world was honored by their visitation (because these holy personalities are seen with utmost respect by the human world) but Aal-e-Saud demolished these shrines as well as the signs attributed to these holy personalities, and this is being done to-date.

We have been raising voice of protest since a quarter century for reconstruction of Janna-tol Baqi and Janna-tol Moalla and restoration of their past glory and this would continue till these holy shrines are rebuilt and their past glory is restored.

For God sake, get this oppression stopped, Janna-tol Baqi and Janna-tol Moalla rebuilt, and get the holy cities of Makkah and Medinah declared international cities so that the world of humanity could visit these holy personalities with ease. Whereas UNESCO ensures protection of archeological monuments throughout the world, why it has not given attention to Janna-tol Baqi and Janna-tol Moalla which keep the joint heritage of entire humanity? Islam is against violence and coercion; there is patience and forbearance in Islam.

We strongly hope that you will not only respond us rather would make world of humanity grateful by playing your role for reconstruction of Janna-tol Baqi and Janna-tol Moalla taking action on our sincere and concerned requests.


Syed Wajih Kazmi

Secretary General

Mukhtar Organization

Room No. 203, 2nd Floor,

1129-B Satellite Town

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Phone number: 0092-51-5813747, 0092-51-5876402

Fax number: 0092-51-4410180

Majalis-e-Tarahim held for Dargai martyrs on TNFJ call, Moosavi terms the incident tantamount to pushing country towards destruction

RAWALPINDI, November 10: The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi strongly condemning the Dargai incident has termed it tantamount to pushing the country and the nations towards destruction.

In a statement issued here he said military stability is the strength of the nation and the country, and attack on the Pakistan’s armed forces is commensurate with attacking the nation and the country that no honourable nation could bear.

He said it is astonishing that why such incidents happen on the arrival of foreign dignitaries; Bajaur incident took place on the arrival of British Prince Charles while Dargai incident took place on American Deputy Foreign Minister for Central Asian States Richard Boucher’s visit to Pakistan that provides food for thought.

Agha Moosavi said the martyrdoms of under training army jawans is an act of naked terrorism that should be condemned straight away. The importance of the military becomes clear from that dua of Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.) in which he has said, “Oh, Allah! Shower Your blessings on Muhammad (SAAW) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.), protect the Muslim frontiers through Your dominance, support the defenders of the boundaries through Your power, complete their deeds and donations through Your blessings, increase the number of Mujahideen, turn their weapons sharp, protect their central places, protect their boundaries and sides, make their supplies and resources easy, You alone are enough to fulfil their requirements, make their arms strong through Your help, help them with Your patience, give them knowledge of their thin planning.”

He continued: “Oh, Allah! Shower your blessings on Muhammad (SAAW) and Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S.), make Muslims aware of all those things they do not know, and tell them all those things which eye could not see.

The TNFJ chief strongly demanded from the government to review the progress of government agencies because had they been active then such a big incident could not have taken place.

Demanding to give exemplary punishment to Dargai incident, give them compensation, and help the inheritors and formulate concrete active steps to avoid such incidents, he said the conspiracies of the enemy could be avoided jointly in such a situation.

Meanwhile, prays were offered for Dargai martyrs in Majalis-e-tarahim and Friday congregations throughout the country on Friday, the third day of Ashra-e-Sadiq-e-Aal-e-Muhammad (AS) on the call of Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi.

Presenting Saddam’s death term in Sunni-Shia scenario ‘a heinous conspiracy’, says TNFJ Central Joint Secretary

RAWALPINDI, November 9: Syed Akhlaq Hussain Kazmi, Central Joint Secretary of Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan has said that the objective of Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S.) was to struggle and carry out jehad against riot, oppression and brutality.

He stated this while addressing the office-bearers of Ashrae-Sadiq-e-Aal-e-Muhammad Committee of TNFJ. Convener of the Committee Allama Sadiqi apprised the participants of details of Majalis and Matmi processions to be organized from 15-25 Shawal.

Akhlaq Kazmi said that martyrdom of sixth Imam Hazrat Jafar ibne Muhammad (A.S.) took place in the era of Khalifa Mansoor when riot was all around and there was no respect for blood, religion and Shariat. The people were not being ruled through justice and fair-play rather the law of jungle prevailed, and people were mere toys in the hands of oppressors, the followers of Prophet (SAAW) and Ali (A.S.), devotees of Ahle Bait Atahaar (A.S.), pious Sahaba Kubar (R.A.) were confronted with acute poverty, problems and difficulties. In that era, humiliation of religious elders had become a habit.

He said Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S.) remained busy in promoting religion, Shariat, teachings of Muhammad (SAAW) and knowledge of Murtaza (A.S.). The attitude of the Masoom (A.S.) against the oppressor was strong for which he was attacked several times, he was sent in exile out of city and ultimately martyred in Shawal, 148 Hijra but the world of oppressors could not bow him down or divert him from the righteous path.

The TNFJ Joint Secretary said, oppression and brutality is the order of day even today, darkness of oppression prevails all around, incidents of murder and massacre are continuing in Kashmir, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iraq but the world is not ready to support justice and fair-play the biggest argument in this connection is hue and cry raised by the colonial agents on the death term given to Saddam, the former oppressor ruler of Iraq, and that is being termed as a source of promoting sectarianism and different things are being said in this regard.

He asked, whether Shahanshahiyyat was not imposed on Iraq before 1957? Minority was ruling the majority at that time also and the world was playing the role of a silent spectator, then atheist Ba’ath Party’s Zionist agents took over to install the government of Brig. Abdul Karim and Abdus Salam Arif who began to make scholarly personality a laughing stock on which the biggest Mufti of that time issued Fatwa-e-Kufr and Ilhaad against communism as a result of which whole lot of Iraqi people got up and Abdul Karim had to tender apology.

He said dictatorship is the rule of law in Iraq since then so much so that after Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr, Saddam attacked Iran and interfered in Kuwait on the behest of America, then allied forces attacked him. Put the question of justification of American interference aside, we ask world rulers, heads of State and organizations whether Saddam was an oppressor or not? Whether he destructed cities after cities or not? His war crimes are no more a secret; the mass graves found in Iraq have unveiled his oppression? Resistance against American forces is in support of Saddam? No not at all rather resistance shown in Iraq is only against American interference and not in favour of Saddam.

Allama Kazmi said now the question is being posed that judge announcing death term for Saddam is a Kurd and it would create Sunni-Shia problems while Kurds are Ahle Sunnat. He said presenting Saddam’s death term in the Sunni-Shia scenario is a heinous conspiracy and the fact is that the whole world considers Saddam an oppressor. He said those who are raising objection against the court should tell whether the other courts world over are enjoying the status of Godly Courts? They are non-Muslim courts therefore the analysts should fear from God, consider oppressor an oppressor and the oppressed as an oppressed, should avoid adding fuel to the fire to the oppressed by supporting Saddam, support to Saddam is a support of the new American world map and one who does so are visibly American foes but in actual they were utilizing all their energy in fulfilling the American interests and the New World Order.

He said besides analysts the role of media is also unjustifiable but in favour of super powers. Any world court could give punishment to an oppressor and could also set him free but the real and big punishment would come from the Court of Allah and the conclusion of an oppressor would be severe. He said all institutions should keep in mind that talking to Sunni-Shia differences is aimed at strengthening the interests of the colonial powers.

Majalis, processions mark beginning of “Ashra-e-Sadiq-e-Aal-e-Muhammad”

ISLAMABAD, November 8: “Ashra-e-Sadiq-e-Aal-e-Muhammad” programmes began all over the country as announced by Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi.

In Rawalpindi, annual Matmi procession was taken out from Darbar Bawa Syed Lutf Ali Shah Al-Mashadi Chaur Harpal under the auspices of Syed Shahid Abbas Kazmi which was terminated after reaching Darbar Sakhi Shah Piyara Kazmi Al-Mashadi where Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, Allama Matloob Taqi, Maulana Malik Ijlal Haider Haideri, Maulana Tabassum Abbasi, and Zakir Saghir Hussain Kazmi addressed the Majlis.

In Islamabad, Youm-e-Aza Taboot procession was taken out from Masjid and Imambargah Jafariya I-9. Allama Agha Abdul Hassan Sarhadi, Allama Qamar Haider Zaidi, Allama Basharat Hussain Imami, Allama Tasawwar Hussain Naqvi, Allama Sardar Sajjad Hussain Haideri, Shakil Akhtar, Qari Kaleem Mahdi Naqvi, Zakir Sajjad Hussain Jassoki, Poet Shahid Abbas Kazmi, Zakir Altaf Hussain Shadiwal, Zakir Qamar Raza Naqvi, Zakir Asif Haider Imran, and Zakir Abdul Ghaffar addressed the Majlis.

Markazi Matmi Dasta Imam Ali Raza, Matmi Dasta Shah Chan Chiragh, Markazi Matmi Dasta Islamabad, Markazi Matmi Tanzeem Al-Qaim, Hussaini Matmi Dasta Rawalpindi, Markazi Matmi Sangat Dandot Chakwal, Matmi Sangat Shahzada Ali Akbar Daultala, Markazi Matmi Tanzeem Farogh-e-Azadari Dhoke Ratta, Matmi Tanzeem Qasr-e-Sajjad, Matmi Sangat Hizb Al-Hussain Gahi Chakwal, Matmi Sangat Qamar Bani Hashim Tarlai, Matmi Sangat Sada-e-Hussaini Muslim Town, and Matmi Sangat Karwan-e-Abbas took part in Matamdari and Noha Khwani during the procession.

Allama Basharat Hussain Imami addressed the Majlis at Masjid and Imambargah Qasr-e-Khadijatul Kubra Tarlai Kalan that followed Matamdari.

Allama Fakhar Abbas Abidi, Allama Zawwar Hussain Madni, Zakir Karam Hussain Shah, and Zakir Ashiq Hussain Nasir addressed a similar Majlis organized by Malik Intizar Hussain at Ali Masjid and Imambargah Dehlaliah Federal Area.

Moosavi says Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) fountainhead of thoughts, announces “Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” from 15 to 25 Shawwal

RAWALPINDI, November 5: Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has announced to observe “Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” from 15 to 25 Shawwal (November 7-17) to mark the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS).

In a statement issued from Markaz-e-Tashayyo (Centre of Shia school of thought), he said Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) is that greatest personality who acquainted the world with Muhammadan teachings and presented to the people the law and constitution, offered by the holy Prophet (SAWW), in such a manner that people reminded era of holy Prophet (SAWW).

Agha Moosavi said at present there exist five authentic fiqhs (Islamic laws) of Muslim Ummah, on of which is FIQH-E-JAFARIYA. He said Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya (TNFJ) has this singular honour that it is struggling for implementation of Fiqh-e-Jafariya for Maktab-e-Tashayyo. The whole world has admitted legal status of Fiqh-e-Jafariya.

He said principles devised by Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) are greatest scientific treasure which were disseminated by his pupils. He granted to the world of humanity such students that include Noman bin SAbit who was called Imam Abu Hanifa of on school of thought and Jabir bin Hayan got the status of scholar of the scholars of Chemistry, and Hasham bin Hakem who was the king of ILm-i-Kalam.

The TNFJ chief said Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) divided sciences into four principles: 1- Knowledge to God; 2- understand what God has done with you and which blessings He showered on you; 3- What God has demanded from you in reply of His blessings and bounties; 4- which fault will cool the light of your soul down.

He said Hazrat Imam Sadiq (AS) always confronted with the world of oppression and barbarism and not only struggled for promotion of Olum-e-Mustafawi and Murtazawi rather very boldly and publicly declared that he does not like to open or tie a knot or wet a pen for benefit of oppressors. All oppressors and their helpers will be punished on the Last Day.

Regarding ulema-e-soo and foqaha-e-soo, he (AS) said when you see foqaha with kings and sultans, blame them about their religion and piousness. He said virtue is that which is admitted by even the enemy. Therefore, renowned Egyptian author Dr. Ahmed Amin says only Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) is the most elderly personality in different Islamic eras. He is one of the great personalities of Islamic world in his period and after him. (daera-tol Ma’aref, vol 4).

Patras Bustani writes that Jafar bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hussain Zayn-ul Abideen (AS) is from amongs Sadaat and elders of Ahl-e-Bayt (AS) who was bestowed with the title of “SADIQ”.

Prominent Christian scholar Arif Samer writes that he who follows new sciuentific proinciples regarding Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (AS) setting aside biases, he will find no way other than to admit this reality that the personality of Imam Sadiq (AS) is such a collection and spring which provided foundation for thoughts and showed ever-new paths.

Moosavi said Imam Sadiq (AS) spent his life in such a period which was the dark era of oppression and brutality. He compiled and promoted Muhammadan sciences and murtazawi thoughts, and remained busy in serving Muslim Ummah. World did not like this thing therefore in Shawwal 148 hijri he was martyred through poison.

The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya said Imam Jafar-e-SAdiq (AS) proved by not bowing his head in front of falsehood that no power of the world could push us back from the path of truth.

He appealed to compatriots to pay homage to the imam (AS) by observing “Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)” from 15 to 25 Shawwal, while devotees of knowledge and wisdom should hold majalis-e-aza, mourning processions and condolence gatherings to extend condolence in the respected court of Risalat and Walayat, thus express solidarity with the oppressed world including have-nots of Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, and pray for end of problems of Islamic world and stability and development of motherland Pakistan.

Meanwhilecentral committee of TNFJ to lay programmes of “Ashra-e-Sadiq-i-Aal-i-Muhammad (AS)”, Allama SAdiqi has been noimiated its convewner while Asad-ul Hussain Jafri will be the secretary of the committee.









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